Stupid Japan Trend Shop didn't reply!!! **CRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEES**
Anyway, my cute little Pineapple Girl of a Velvet evolved into...well, what do you know. Lovelitchi.
I don't really like her anymore because she's the main character in Japan now instead of Mametchi.
I got all three of her first happy stamps in a few minutes. I got one by buying a pink, strapless
dress and dressing her up. She was so happy about it she rushed up to the screen to show me. Then we went to Tama Cafe and I ordered something that she must have loved because she floated into the air and sparkles shot outta her! When you get a Happy Stamp, it plays the Happy Happy Harmony song from the Tamagotchi anime! Yaaaay! I ♥ it so much I felt like floating into the air and shooting sparkles out of myself too! Then I made Velvet use the microphone and she sang Lovely Day, also from the anime! But disaster struck. When I took her for a little drive in the car, she threw a fit. She started crying and sweating, when all of a sudden her face turned red and steam blasted out of her ears.
Sheesh! That car cost 3000 points! She used it when she was a teen but now...Anyway, after her tantrum, she happily bounced around, back to normal. Then we adopted a Tama Pet--Sopratchi! Yay! But when I came home Velvet dooed on the floor! *****! She was hungry so I fed her the meal that didn't cost anything...then she threw ANOTHER fit! She ate the food anyway, but she gave me the evil eye!
So I had to feed her expensive food instead! UGH! Then I found an Afro Wig in the shop. It was pretty groovy so I bought it for her...however, she threw her umpteenth fit! She was happy when I put it on, but when she looked in the mirror she was like O.O and jumped ten feet into the air, shaking her fists at me. But I forced her to wear it anyway as punishment for her tantrums. How did my dear Velvet evolve from a sweet little angel into a spoilt brat?
If you'll excuse me, I must go show this picture to the Japan Trend Shop as punishment for not sending me the right iD L: