☺ EMF's Tama-riffic Log! ☻


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Yays, thanks to triforceman and ApertureGotchi for the fan mail! :D

Now, you are probably interested in the debugging of my V4.5. I set the time, and set the username to some gibberish, and the egg hatched into a boy. I couldn't think of a name so I just typed in Baby. :babytchi: Sheesh, it goes in super fast motion! It's REALLY hard to take care of because the hungry and happy hearts keep going empty. He evolved into Hitodetchi, then the peacock teen, and finally a cute character wearing a butterfly mask like Thief Papillon or something. How four days passed in a matter of minutes, I don't know. After that, I put the battery in my V3 instead, the one with Bolt the Masktchi. He's 5 years old.

I have a V5.5 that keeps resetting itself and the buttons don't work. So I took it apart and removed the reset button. Then I found some sort of goop all over the buttons, so I cleaned it off with my shirt sleeve. -_- I put it back together, and it works now! YAY! Except there are a few vertical lines of pixels missing, but when I press down on the screen they appear so I just have to tighten the screws more. However, I am too lazy to. I've decided to keep running this V5.5, and for some reason I named the family Green because that's the color of the goop that was all over the buttons. The eggs hatched into two girls and one guy. They are currenly at their toddler stages - Sakuramotchi, Tororotchi, and Ahikurutchi with 40% bond.

Poland evolved into... surprise! My millionth Mametchi. Yay! However, his other band members aren't so cute. Dino the Nonopotchi evolved into a hideous Tarakotchi, and Paul the Hinotamatchi is Shimashimatchi, who is okay but not super cute. Their genre was Jazz, but they didn't pass the audition. Later we got a Tama Battery from the Gotchi King, and it gave us a new instrument. Headphones! I gave the headphones to Dino. The genre soon changed to classical, and they got another chance at the audition. It was a pro debut! Yay! Poland is currently in 6th place and has 100,266,094 fans.

Paintertchi is four years old and should have gotten his last happy stamp by now, but he hasn't. <_<

The Belltchi on my black Tama-Go evolved into Shelltchi, and had lots of training if I remember correctly, but then my iD L ran out of batteries AGAIN and so I had to put in the Tama-Go's batteries. x_x Oh well.

My Nano is Meistertchi. Why? He's one of my least favorite male characters. IDK why. I wanted Mametchi or Spacytchi. :/

Ta-ta for now!

~ EMF :hanatchi:

Paintertchi finally got his fourth happy stamp, and I unlocked Concert Hall! Hurray, I love listening to all the different tunes! I made him marry Pichpitchi and they had a girl, a Momoirotchi at generation 17. She evolved into Rorutchi, so I'm going to try to let her evolve into Hineonetchi and then Nachuratchi. So I've called her Nachu, okay?

I found a few batteries lying around, so I can run my black TamaGo again. She is still Shelltchi of course, but I don't know how long the batteries will last.

Nobita the Wooltchi married a Ringotchi!

Poland's rank is currently 1st place, but he didn't win an award yet. He needs to perform at one more concert. I bought a Mochatchi costume and dressed him up, so he looks like a kitty! I wrote down the Mocha password for TamaTown, but I don't use TamaTown. So if you want the log in code, PM me and I'll give it to you.

My P2, the Zukitchi, turned ten and all of a sudden turned into a HIDEOUS MONSTER! It's the ugliest thing ever! My beloved little Zukitchi... RUINED! :eek:

My V5.5 are still at toddler stage, but they reached 60% bond and are now the active family.

That's all!

~ EMF :blink:

Well this post can't be too long because I don't have much time, but Shelltchi got 10 training points and became Violetchi.

Poland won a classical music award, hooray!

The Green family evolved into Ichogotchi, Chamametchi, and Kikitchi and they have 80% bond.

Nachu evolved into Hineonetchi and I've so far given her perfect care, so she should become Nachuratchi.

Also, today my Mama said she had a surprise for me and it was a BORING purse. BORRRIIIIIIING! Then I looked inside and found a beautiful pink version 5 in great condition! She said it was $3 in the op shop. I put a battery in, and the date was December 25! Someone must have gotten it for Christmas but didn't do much with it - There was an Ahikururtchi, a Tororotchi, and a Mattaritchi at generaton 1. The family name was something weird... Can't remember it. I'm not running the latest Tama in my collection, but I might later on. Now I have 18 Tamas. I'll have a photo later on.

~ EMF :D

How odd... Hineonetchi became Pompomtchi instead of Nachuratchi! I must have looked at the growth chart wrongly... **facepalm** Oh well, I like Pompomtchi. :D I got her first three happy stamps.

Poland got another tama battery from the Gotchi King, and it gave us a toy rocket!

Wut... That's honestly everything. Not much today. Oh well.

Thanks to rea7057 for following! :D And I love my new profile pic... What are Mametchi and Chamametchi DOING to each other?! :huh:

Sadly there was a problem with ordering Tamagotchi Collection... I'll have to work out what went wrong. :/

Anyhow, the Green family evolved into grown-ups! Princess Tamako, Megamitchi, and Kanbitchi. Kanbitchi looks like a tooth, ew.

I forgot to say my Nano reset yesterday. x_x Today I got... MAMETCHI! WHEEEEEEEEEEEE! :newmametchi:

I dressed Poland up as Spotchi, so if you want a Spotchi code PM me. >8D

~ EMF ☺

Bleh, sorry for being so inactive lately... I've been busy and my head hurts and I ate too much food that doesn't go together, like bananas and tomatoes. Not good.

Well, the Green family has 100% bond and they should be able to go to the Dating Show Tomorrow.

Pompomtchi got all her happy stamps and married Shoototchi. They had a girl Momoirotchi, gen 18. She then evolved into Paletchi, and is now Painaputchi and BETTER EVOLVE INTO MELODYTCHI AND NOT LOVELITCHI.

Poland married Sebiretchi and had a girl. He bought all sorts of cool stuff from the shop like a Luxury Car and a Music Store.

Wooltchi left his daughter. She was a Hoshitchi but is now Mikazukitchi, generation 33, with 2 training points.

~ EMF :nazotchi:

Wut... My Tama-Go got four training points and evolved into... Marotchi! Why? I didn't give her a single care miss, but I remember once her happy meter was almost empty. Tama-Go baffles me. But I'm not mad, Marotchi isn't THAT bad and I've only had her once before.

boohoo, Poland left the baby. I named her Aurora and gave her a camera for a toy, and headphones as an instrument. Her favorite genre keeps changing. First it was Asian, then Latin, then Hip Hop, and is now Pop. She soon evolved into Hitodetchi. Her skills levels are...

Tone: 458

Rhythm: 465

Original: 470

I've already had a million Mimitchis and Chantotchis on my Music Star, so I'm trying not to look after her too well.

The iD L ran out of batteries AGAIN! So I switched batteries with the Tama-Go, and they are still both running. I guess the Tama-Go doesn't need as much power. Yeah, so the iD L is still Painaputchi.

On my V5.5, I took Princess Tamako to the Dating Show and made her marry Prince Tamahiko. I thought they would turn into the royal family, but no - Princess Tamako evolved into a bee-like thingie called Jiooubatchi and Prince Tamahiko evolved into a hideous blob with a mustache and glasses called Glasustchi. They had two girls and one boy, Tororotchi, Belltchi, and Mattaritchi, and they are a blended family at 10% bonding.

That's that!

~ EMF <_<

Okay, Aurora is now an Ichigotchi and has a band called Borealis. Jenny the Ringotchi plays a new trumpet, and Penny the Chamametchi plays the violin. All of Aurora's skills are about 800.

The Green family didn't evolve into teens yet but they have 40% bond.

Today was kinda uneventful. x_x

Gah, my blue Tama-Go ran outta batteries! Why...?

I made Moriritchi marry Meistertchi and they had a boy, generation 19. He is now Furutsupantchi, and I want him to become Happabouyatchi and then Bokutchi.

My V5.5 family are Shelltchi, Ichigotchi, and Nonopotchi with 60% bond.

Aurora now has 999 points for all skills, and that's about it.

By the way, I have a Tama-Zone log so you can check that out. It's called PD's Tama Dreamland.


Bleck, I'm so busy and mental I haven't been updating.

Furutsupantchi became Happabouyatchi, and then ANOTHER Kikitchi. =_=

My V5.5 are now Gypsytchi, Prince Tamahiko, and another Megamitchi with 80% bond.

Aurora, to my dismay, evolved into Chantotchi. =_= She passed the audition on her first try. Her other band members are now Memetchi and Onputchi, and their genre changed to hip hop. Aurora has over 5 million tama-fans and ranks in 4th place.

My P2 died so I hatched a new egg, who is now a toddler. :)

Ouch, I keep forgetting to log... UUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH, I'm too busy and stuff. x_x Um... Well my tamas ran out of batteries and stuff, so now I'm only running a P2, V6, and V2. The P2 is the good care teen, the V2 is a UFOtchi called Bush with 5 training points, and the V6 is a Kuchitamatchi... lame-o...

I'm thinking of ending my log... But I have so many fans I don't know what to do... -_-
