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  1. R

    Are you white or black?

    i am BLUE! haha just kidding :] im kinda an olive-ish tan-ish color :D
  2. R

    Unnaturally Skinny?

    im 12, 5'5, and i weigh 85 lbs. i wear size 00 jeans[where you can find it] it BEARLY fits me right. plus i run track so i have some leg muscle. lol. i just have a really high metabolism i guess :] but i hate how skinny i am, and guys ask me if im anorexic.. & i kinda agree with...
  3. R

    Are you emo?

    im not really emo... im really into emo music& stuff, and im sorta depressed and cut myself a few times. but i dont dress emo or anything. :D
  4. R

    She copies me and annoys me

    in the beginning of 7th grade, my bestfriend was this girl named mel. but then she got transerred to ALL my classes, and omfg. it was reallly annoying. i didnt say anything though because she still thought of me as her best friend. eventually, it all got bundled up inside and the littlest things...