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  1. S

    skill points?

    Prepare for a Long Post... Skill Points- The definition of Skill Points is points you gain for your tamagotchi in order to get different characters. These are earned by School, Work, and Games. If your tamagotchi is in Child/Toddler stage, they do not gain skill points over certain games. It...
  2. S

    i have a puchitchi how do i get a young mimetchi

    Do you mean Mametchi, Mimitchi, or Memetchi? 0_o For Mememtchi, your tamagotchi must be a girl, and you must have the most Style points. For Mametchi, your tama must be a male, and you get the most intellegence. Take really good care. For mimitchi, same method for Mametchi, but your tama must...
  3. S

    Simash's V3/V4 Log

    T_T Bad news. I can't get the VP. Maybe my friend will be nice enough to give me $10. Meh. Oh well, I have 3 tamas, and 2 yet to be started up good enough for me at the moment. I get actually $100 at the end of the schoolyear!   Anyways, as I was saying. To start off, I sent Hiragana-san back...
  4. S

    Simash's V3/V4 Log

    Lots of new Virtual pets! Today i was playing in the school yard, with Myuu and Myuusuu around my neck. I went over to the gate and spotted something green. I reached my hand through the gate hole and pulled it out. Thought ripped and a bit dirty, It was no doubt a $20 bill. Jackpot, I thought...
  5. S

    I /really/ need your help on THIS.

    I already have a V4, and I get $50 in TWO MONTHS. *cough* Another question: I live in canada and cannot CHOOSE a STATE for paypal. 0_o What do I do?
  6. S

    Age for Jobs.

    There are no age for jobs. They come around 5, but they can come as early as the minute your tamagotchi evolved into an adult. And you must have at least 80+ of one skill point to get a certain job. For example, you need at least 80 intellegence to be a doctor.
  7. S

    I /really/ need your help on THIS.

    Today I found a $20 bill at school! I have enough for one of these choices, but I can't decide! I need help! Electronic Pets: These are infrared connection virtual pets that come in our Scholastics book order for april. They are not tamagotchis, but you can raise a cat, dog, or a bunny. I...
  8. S

    Simash's V3/V4 Log

    Note: No posting in this log, as it says in the Tamagotchi Log Rules. I want to keep this one clean like TM said! :rolleyes: [/url]   Lets start off like this: My name is Zoria. But please call me Simash, Or Sim for short. Please do not call me Simmy, like I used to be called. Unless I give...
  9. S

    V4 vs other versions

    1. Skill points. Say you want Kutchipatchi. You won't have to try to give it medium care and get a memetchi, and be mad. Just get as much Kindness/Art as you can, and make sure you have a male tama! If you get the Kuchizoku family, bam, get the art teacher and there is your full-fledged Kutchi...