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  1. T

    My Tama v4 Log!

    :furawatchi: TAMATOWN! Hello. Me and STAR! just got back from tamatown and it was very fun. First we went to the Pre-school and played the dance game a couple of times. Then we went to the arcade and played loads of games. It was very fun. I think STAR! wants to say something now... "Hello...
  2. T

    My Tama v4 Log!

    :furawatchi: STAR!'s STATUS! Hello. This post is going to be all about STAR!'s status and how she is getting on as a tama child! OK first here is how she is getting on for health... HUNGER - **** HAPPY - **** TRAINING - 1/9 INTELLIGENCE - 0 ARTS/FASHION - 3 SOCIAL/KINDNESS - 0 AGE -...
  3. T

    My Tama v4 Log!

    :furawatchi: STAR! EVOLVED! Hello. About an hour ago STAR! evolved into a child. She was first a babytchi, but now she is a really cute... MOHITAMATCHI! I was hoping that she would evolve into a HARUTCHI, but she is fine how she is. By the way because i am going to start doing talking parts in...
  4. T

    My Tama v4 Log!

    :wacko: TAMATOWN! Hello. Me and STAR! just got back from tamatown and it was very fun. We didnt stay on there for long because STAR! is only a baby, so we didnt want to keep tire her out! Anyway we got the 3 souvenirs, which were the... PASSPORT, BROCHURE and the POSTER2. STAR! still hasnt...
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    My Tama v4 Log!

    :wacko: ITS A BABY GIRL! Hello everyone welcome to my second v4 log. I have a tamagotchi v4 (which i have had for ages) and it has a dark blue see through background with green, yellow and white stars on. I am on generation 1 and i have a baby girl called STAR! who has just hatched. She was so...
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    My Tama v4 Log!

    :blink: RORY! EVOLVED!! Today RORY! evolved into an adult. I wanted it to be a Minotchi because they are quite sweet. But guess what he evolved into??? I bet you cant guess! RORY! is now the first ever... MAMETCHI ... that i have had and he is so sweet! He evolved at school in first lesson...
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    My Tama v4 Log!

    :rolleyes: EARLY POST!! Hiya, i am posting early because im not at school today as i dont feel well! Today when i woke up RORY! was still asleep. I didnt wake him up because he was playing jumping rope loads last night, so i left him to sleep for a while! Today i am gonna stay in bed and...
  8. T

    My Tama v4 Log!

    :D Thanks!! Thank you tamafan14. I am glad you like my log!! Yes my avatar is my actual tamagotchi and i am glad you like it! I think you should carry on with your tamagotchi log because it is interesting to know how you are getting on with your tama! Which design of tamagotchi V4 do you have...
  9. T

    My Tama v4 Log!

    :D RORY! EVOLVED!! Today RORY! evolved into a teenager. I woke him up early hoping that he would evolve straight away, but he didnt. So i played jumping rope a few times hoping that he would evolve after that but didnt then. He finally evolved at about 10:30am when i was sittong in the lounge...
  10. T

    My Tama v4 Log!

    :D SORRY! Sorry for the late update! Not yesterday but the day before the matchmaker came and YELOW made love with a really sweet Debatchi and they had baby boys!! So today when i woke up i named the boy RORY! As a baby he was fine but about a 5 hours ago he evolved into a... PETITCHI That...
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    My Tama v4 Log!

    :( JOB TIME!! Today YELOW got a job. It first came when i was brishing my teeth, but i left the mail for too long so it went. Then it came bac when i was at school but i couldnt check it. So the mail only just came and now YELOW has a job as a... FIREMAN (lady) It is quite a cool job but the...
  12. T

    My Tama v4 Log!

    :D MAYBE TOMORROW! I dont think that YELOW will evolve into an adult today. Maybe tomorrow because she only turned into a teenager yesterday. I really want YELOW to turn into a KUCHIPATCHI because they are so sweet. Today i got a pouch and landyard for my tama and it is so sweet. I dont know...
  13. T

    My Tama v4 Log!

    :lol: QUICK, QUICK, QUICK!! This morning when i woke up YELOW was still asleep. I woke her up staright away because today she was going to evolve into a cute teenager! I woke her up and played jumping rope a few times to make YELOW loose some weight. After that i left her for a while and then...
  14. T

    My Tama v4 Log!

    :lol: HELLO LITTLE ONE! Last night star! left the baby. As soon as i woke up i woke her up and name dthe baby YELOW! This was because yellow is my favourite colour and there is also some yellow on my tama!I took her to school and connected with Holly and Emilys tamagotchis. About 2 hours after...
  15. T

    My Tama v4 Log!

    :furawatchi: OH DEAR! Today i took Star! to school but i didnt know that she was in my bag. So i hadnt looked after my tama all day! I was hoping that tonight Star! would leave the baby girl. Then i would be on generation 2! I changed the time to midnight but she didnt leave. I think she will...
  16. T

    My Tama v4 Log!

    ;) BABY, BABY!! You will never guess what happened about 1 hour ago... the matchmaker came. Star! loved with a really sweet Gozarutchi! The screen went black and then loads of fireworks went off. Then suddenly a baby girl arived on the screen!! YAY! I think im gonna call the girl YELOW, but i...
  17. T

    My Tama v4 Log!

    :mametchi: LOVE IS IN THE AIR! Today and yesterday i used the love potion on my new and old tamas! They havent had babies yet but i hope they do soon! If they dont have babies by tomorrow then the matchmaker will come! Nothing much else has happened today ill reply later BYE X (Ill probably...
  18. T

    My Tama v4 Log!

    :huh: SCHOOL RULES!! Today i took Star! to school as usual and at lunch i got mail. It was from the school teacher saying goodbye and then the job one. Out of all the jobs avaliable i decided to apply for being a school teacher. JUDGE 1 gave me - o JUDGE 2 gave me - o JUDGE 3 gave me - o...
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    me and my 2 v3s

    Hiya, Its Tamamad14 i think you mean a Paparatchi. I looked on the character list and there is no such thing as a Patapatchi. BYE X (HELLO MAMETCHI1000)
  20. T

    My Tama v4 Log!

    :D STAR! EVOLVED!! Well as you already know when Star! was a teenager she was a... YOUNG MEMETCHI. Well about 10 minutes ago she evolved into a, here it come. She evolved into a.. MEMETCHI YAY!! So she turned from a young memetchi to a memetchi. YAY!! She looks so sweet. ~MY OLD TAMA~ As i...