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  1. M

    Jon and Kate plus 8!

    So do YOU watch jon and kate plus 8? I love that show and watch it every monday at 9 PM It be so cool to meet them =)
  2. M

    Forum banner?

    hmm is this in the right section?? idk if this is but if it is sorry...
  3. M

    Rate the person above's Avvie game!

    OMG! when this topic gets long i will be one of those speicial people like in the first 10 pages...HOW COOL!! anyways..umm 3/10
  4. M

    Digital audio player

    I have a the new ipod nano in green 8gp...its awzome :PP and i love my headphones the sound is all hd
  5. M

    Another one of these posts...

    my house has 2 stories so i walk up and down the stairs or jog in my you could try that or maybe if u have an ipod/mp3 you could listen to it while walking or jogging :mimitchi: Hope i helped!
  6. M

    Are You allowed to wear make-up?

    im in 7th grade and i am not really allowed to and i wouldnt want to? wear would i wear it not there to impress anyone :-0 but i like to play make up sometimes just to see different looks...i prefer natural :mimitchi:
  7. M

    Are you teeth....

    People compliment my teeth so i guessi have really straight teeth but i've never had braces and still dont...i guess mine are just kinda plain white...but not shining or anything lol
  8. M

    Black Hole

    no one is going to die today! lol see did it happen? noo...and i think people exagerated (excuse my horable spelling) alot over it, like i think it was just an expiriment and now it comes down to the worlds going to end? Besides they said in the new millenium like the year 2000 the world was...
  9. M

    Over Religious friend?

    Well make sure to respect them but if its annoying you you should say something but be im catholic but im not like that at all :0 there your friends and they'll understand.
  10. M

    Are you gay or lesbian?

    No im straight as a attracted to guys
  11. M

    I need help

    Agreed :] just tell them and i sugjest you dont do that kind of stuff anymore...
  12. M

    do you like

    she annoys me.... :P lol her acting is improving but her singing is okay i guess i like osme of her songs but she got famous really fast and i think at a young age too....fame got to her head :D
  13. M

    Cervical Cancer!

    um i didnt get that injection because im a virgin till YUP! :D P.S am i talking about the right type of cancer? If not im sorry
  14. M

    Actually TRYING to grow up too fast?

    theres no suching a true kid 12 and i believe im a kid...i dont wear make-up to school (who cares its school your not going to a wedding!) i care how i look but personality means alot too..:l its disgusting what 12 year olds think and do..i mean i saw a 3rd grader with a cell phone...
  15. M


    Yeoches! you got dial up? I got comcast triple play lol i didnt understand the videos that much..explain if u can pleasee :D
  16. M

    How old are your parents?

    my mom is 49 and my dad is 57 and im 12 :D
  17. M


    what a youtube poop? never heard of that before..
  18. M

    does your sister ever...completely

    uhh...good for you? lol i never heard of that before but ANYWAYS! i have an older sister and she likes to help me with my outfits sometimes or hair...she is alot older then i think were 9 yrs apart
  19. M

    anyone watch the vmas?

    Yeah but you know whats weird? Why didnt the jonas brothers perform inside the building? like why outside...i guess it was kinda cool but idk :l and then katy perrty performed for like 5 seconds im like "What?!? isnt her performence supposed to be the whole song?" lol russel brand was very...
  20. M

    Ears pierced

    well you'll feel some pressure and a pinch...i would do one at a time if i was you but dont move while the person is doing it! lol but its worth a little pain and my pain tolerence is very low :D