The scientifically correct answer would be 5 billion years. The Sun has already been a main sequence star and burning hydrogen for 5 billion years. It still has half its life to live

Afterwards, the Sun will use up all its hydrogen, start burning helium and expand into a red giant, and if the Earth is not swallowed up by it, its surface temperature would still reach to at least 1000 degrees Celsius. But 5 billion years! Of course by that time, humans would be able to find a way for the Earth to draw away from the Sun.
I actually wanted to make this thread. But we're still here, aren't we?

A particle accelerator (yes, that's what it's called) created by humans cannot possibly produce enough energy to create a black hole. (I shouldn't say produce, should I? Emit is more like it. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, just to let you know

And what with the religious perspective of it, my Christianity & Life teacher said that nobody would possibly know the date of the apocalypse except for God Himself. And he also said that even if we die we would not be separated from His love.