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They are weird games used in youtube poops, any1 seen them?
Yeoches! you got dial up? I got comcast triple play lolDx I gots dial up. Don't feel like waiting an hour for the vids to load. Any way you can explain to me what they're about?
Sorry about double post and don't forget about the remarkable "Mama Luigi!" XDI've seen a crap load of youtube poops (bad pun =D). And yes, Hotel Mario & Link is used a lot, and I've seen a lot. They're funny in my opinion. XD Also really popular.
LOL "Mama? MAMA LUIGI!? Bwhahahahaha! " XD "It's a stone Luigi you didn't make it!" "It's a foot ball I chizled it!" " Geee... It sure is BORING around heeere..." "MAH BOI! This peace is what all true warriors strive for!" " I just wonder what Gannon's up to! " # flies in lands terribly * " Your majesty Gannon and his minions have ceased the island of Cordie!" "Hmmm... How can we help?" "It is written only Link can defeat Gannon." "Great! I'll grab my stuff!" "There is no time your sword is enough!" "How about a kiss for luck?" "You've got to be kidding!" * turns away ticked off or something like that XD * "Scwadilah we are off!" "Wow! What are all those heeeeads?!" "These are the faces of eeevil! You must concur them all!" "I guess I better get going" "Here's the map! Where do you wish to go?"lolTHAT'S MAMA LUIGI TO YOU MARIO!