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  1. M

    Need to be flexible!

    Well maybe touch your toes a couple times a day and dont fotget to practice..and good luck! But uhh i dont even know how to do a cartwheel so dont look at me.
  2. M

    Wierd Question

    I want a peice! or two?? maybe three...or four? My mind is confusing myself =P OH yeah i dont know what bonicles is and we should get back on topic or should we? See, this is why im not a TT guide! xD
  3. M

    The Person Below Me!

    Nope, i hate tamas :l i used to love em' TPBL: Wants some chocolate cake?
  4. M

    Teens in TamaTalk?

    Im twelve :] Im going to be on here till im like 80 haha
  5. M


    Um...Thats great?
  6. M


    Theres alot more concerts they'll Dont worry your worlds not going to crash and burn D=
  7. M

    lol ads

    Okay maybe im just well they disturb me!
  8. M

    A crush on a girl.

    Well all my adivce to you is be nothing but yourself..thats what girls im a girl. I dont think you are suppsed to post your ptoublems into someone elses post.
  9. M

    lol ads

    Yeah they are disturbing but i was scared because i thought it was real...they shouldnt use those
  10. M

    Jon and Kate plus 8!

    ^^it was called "Day in the life" when the twins started 1rst grade and just normal things were going on but Aaden was sick and Alexis was taking care of him and he was her "buddy" so when Hannah came to see how aaden was doing she said "no! dont! he will throw up on your hands!"
  11. M

    lol ads

    Hello TT =] I dont remember how long it was but i think i was signing out of myspace or something and i saw this know theo nes where the ladys are like just sitting there and staring right at you and putting there hair down and stuff like that, well i didnt realize it was an ad...
  12. M


    I hate when mine comes..i get all uncomfotable all day and mine are really heavy and last from 5-10 days (i know its long..) Im only 12 and i just started in April. Its very strange =0
  13. M

    Old ladies...

    If a crazy old person did that to me i'd probally scream the loudest i but thats just me
  14. M

    Actually TRYING to grow up too fast?

    lol kids are so funny to watch at my school...wearing all this make up and acting all cool, and trying to make themselves more mature. Like i do care about my apperence but i still enjoy being a 12 year old kid =P
  15. M

    London Tipton-

    lol yeah they a londen tipton fan all the way =D
  16. M

    The Person Below Me!

    Umm no i dont lol TPBM: Had been to the worlds first mcdonalds like i have =]
  17. M

    Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Stupid Answer Game

    Cuz store clerks adore you =] Why am did i just get a charlies horse in my foot..ow?
  18. M

    Rate the Siggy above you!

    Pshh geez you are an awesome writer 8D 10/10
  19. M

    Rate the person above's Avvie game!

    10/10 kewl!
  20. M

    How old are your parents? should be lucky you have parents and that they love dad is 57 and my mom is 49 and i love them very much...i dont care about their age..