A crush on a girl.


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If you switched that fast then obviously you didn't have such a big crush on her.

Just be yourself.

If you don't act yourself, (What Midnite just said), then nobody would really like you. I hate people who pretend like their someone else just to impress you. It looks like you are just having crushes. :gozarutchi:

:unsure: oooh! i could give you some tips!

first, be REALLY good friends with her.

& then you guys can start hanging out...

and when the time is right, ya know what to do. :wacko:

*looks around*

Ok, I am glad you're not Ryan!! XD LOLZ

Well, which one do you like best? Which ever one you like best, try hanging out with her, and sit with her on the bus ( if you take the bus and if you are on the same bus ) and maybe give her compliments.

Ok... well....

1) get to be good or great friends

2) Start giving her compliments

3) Hang out with her, and ask to her a movie, and tell her you'll pay

4) After you hang out with her, and take her to a movie, invite her over your house

5) After you kiss, you'll know what to do :p

And, good luck ;)

*looks around*
Ok, I am glad you're not Ryan!! XD LOLZ

Well, which one do you like best? Which ever one you like best, try hanging out with her, and sit with her on the bus ( if you take the bus and if you are on the same bus ) and maybe give her compliments.

Ok... well....

1) get to be good or great friends

2) Start giving her compliments

3) Hang out with her, and ask to her a movie, and tell her you'll pay

4) After you hang out with her, and take her to a movie, invite her over your house

5) After you kiss, you'll know what to do ;)

And, good luck :blink:
Haha, I guess you could do that.

Thank goodness he wasn't Ryan.

I'm having a little girl trouble too.

There's a girl I like. There's also a girl I used to like, who I might still like. Let's call them X and Z.

I'm really good friends with both, but over the summer I started liking X, and I can still talk to her comfortably, but I don't have the guts to ask her out. I've read this topic but none of the help is helping me much. Just...telling me to continue what I'm doing.

I personally think that if you are really good friends that is closer than being 'girlfriend and boyfriend' and plus it gets really awkward and embarassing to talk to each other. :ph34r: My friend once asked me out and so I said OK but it was wierd because every time I tried to talk to him he got really shy and started blushing so I just said this isn't working, in the nicest way possibe and now we are just friends again and I like it alot more! :D But if you really like her then just tell her and ask her if she would like to go see a movie or if she would like to come round to your house sometime. :D

I'm having a little girl trouble too.There'sirl I like. There's also a girl I used to like, who I might still like. Let's call them X and Z.

I'm really good friends with both, but over the summer I started liking X, and I can still talk to her comfortably, but I don't have the guts to ask her out. I've read this topic but none of the help is helping me much. Just...telling me to continue what I'm doing.
Well all my adivce to you is be nothing but yourself..thats what girls like..lol im a girl. I dont think you are suppsed to post your ptoublems into someone elses post.

I can give you advice...

Maybe, xD I'm a girl, so I'll do what I can to help.

- Girls LOVE compliments. They thrive on them, if some guy walked up to me and said "Hey, you smell good." (Which HAS happened.) I'd be creeped out. (I was.) Just say something like, "Hey, You're hair looks nice." and walk away :3

- DO NOT act cool. This makes most girls upset, and annoyed.

- Be Yourself! If you are the goofball, then be the goofball. If you are the A+ student, do that. It's all about being you!


Well... I don't really understand why you have to date her. If you're already best friends, then you should keep it that way. Your best friendship is the most important thing. Don't dwell on this, and just continue to be friends with her.

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