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  1. L

    What's on your Copy and Paste?

    I watched one about the Dover Demon, I had trouble sleeping for the next week. o.o My paste has an address near my house, so I can't post it.....
  2. L

    Snoring Problems...

    Hold his nose while he is sleeping. Then he will have to breathe through his mouth. My brother did this to my other brother when they were 9 or so. It worked.
  3. L

    Factsss :D

    My twin brother starting talking about a year before me. -American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by eliminating one olive from each salad in first class. -Topless saleswomen are legal in Liverpool, England, but only in tropical fish stores. -Y is a vowel when there is no a, e, i, o, or u in...
  4. L

    What was the topic of the last converstion you had

    What to eat for supper, with my dad.
  5. L

    What was the last word you said?

    "HA!" M&M's just fell into my hand in the order of red, yellow, green. I was cheering in triumph.
  6. L

    What was the topic of the last converstion you had

    Mine was about UrbanDictionary, Harry Potter, and all the characters that die in Harry Potter. The convo was with a kid at my school named Jon. You?
  7. L

    Food Fight! 8D

    -Steps in pudding- WHY MUST YOU WASTE PERFECTLY GOOD PUDDING?!? -Pelts people with loads of M&M's-
  8. L

    What's on your Copy and Paste? Bother trying to fix our 360... Everything of ours if breaking now. First the computer and now this D:
  9. L

    What's on your Copy and Paste?

    T-Shirts & Apparel Geek Toys Gadgets Home & Office Wacky Office Supplies Essential Gear Lights & Clocks Kitchen Tech Mugs & Glasses Posters Stickers & Emblems View All Computer Stuff Caffeine & Edibles Electronics Geek Kids Books Clearance TG Exclusives...
  10. L

    What do you do too solve yoru Boredom?

    I go on UrbanDictionary and define words, I go read some books, I walk around in circles, or watch T.V. until I fall asleep. You?
  11. L

    What's on your Copy and Paste?

    Today, I realized that I want to become chemistry teacher just so I can walk into class dressed like Snape. MLIA That was an MLIA I posted, but I couldn't read the code against robots, so I copied it and refreshed the page.
  12. L

    Factsss :D

    I tried that. It was scary. o.o It made me feel twice as freaked out because I'm Jewish, I live in New York, and a relative of mine used to work in the twin towers.
  13. L

    Food Fight! 8D

    -Catches honeydew- Whoop! My favorite melon of all! -nibbles- -Chucks various rice-balls and everyone in sight-
  14. L

    What's something you learned today?

    That Harry Potter fans everywhere have been pronouncing 'Hermione' wrong. It's supposed to be pronounced 'Her-my-oh-nee' not 'Her-my-nee'
  15. L

    What are you listening to now?

    The Rainbow Connection- Kermit the Frog I only heard it for the first time today. Its such a pretty song. :3
  16. L

    What was the last word you said?

    Doo Doo Dah doo doo......BADAHDAHDAH Singing the Muppets song thingy by Mahna Mahna. I just discovered the joys of it today.
  17. L

    Food Fight! 8D

    -Get hit in stomach- Ouch! Was that the coconut I threw before? What happened to the lime? -Throws a handful of mashed potatoes-
  18. L

    The Lovely Bones

    I tried to read the book, but I just can't enjoy it. I'm going to wait to read it when I'm older. I did that with some books I tried when I was younger and failed to read, and they turned out to be epic. The movie looks fantastic too. The trailer made me go :0
  19. L

    Imperfection is beauty

    Used as an insult? I saw a picture of you and thought that baby fat was cute! :3 I am: -Short -****less -Slightly weird eyebrows That video was amazing! If you look closely, there are a bunch of famous people holding signs about flawz.
  20. L

    Food Fight! 8D

    -Yoshi gets missed and chocolate cake gets all over Shayna- I would be mad......but it's chocolate, what can I say? -Chucks coconut and lime while singing: Put the lime in the coconut and drink it all up-