The Lovely Bones


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Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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I just saw this movie today, and it was scary. o: but really amazing!

If you've seen it, what do you think of it?

I didn't really like it.

At the same time it was okay, but it sucked. I'm sorry. I found the characters too undeveloped, and at times the story didn't really make sense. I feel that other characters could've talked more. Plus, the movie was very predictable. Either that, or I'm an insane guesser.

I didn't really like it.
At the same time it was okay, but it sucked. I'm sorry. I found the characters too undeveloped, and at times the story didn't really make sense. I feel that other characters could've talked more. Plus, the movie was very predictable. Either that, or I'm an insane guesser.
I suck at predicting stuff. I lend my friends books sometimes, and they say, "oh, blahblahblah is gonna happen, right?" and i'm like "hey how'd you know" and they're like "uh, it's sorta obvious..." but when i read it i never predicted it, haha.

well, i never read the Lovely Bones... (i was just referring to books in general in the previous post)

Well, I've read like the first chapter, but then my cousin stole it xD So far, it's pretty good xD

I've seen it but I haven't read it yet. I really want to.

I got really anxious during the movie haha it really freaked me out, I was really paranoid ahahaha. D: It was excellent though :)

It sounded a little interesting so I looked it up...

Judging by the rating, it'd scare my pants off. Pants on the ground. I'm not one for those types of movies. xD

Such an odd title. o.o

it looked kind of scary to me but i am a scaredie cat so want can i say (sorry i spelled something wrong)

I read it a few years ago, and I was gonna see it but got too busy with science fair and yeah.

But I'll probably just get it when it comes out. Judging from the preview I don't actually think it's going to be very good, ;(

I saw the movie. The movie was alright but they missed out too much.

I've read the book 3 times and it's just an amazing, beautifully written book.

I tried to read the book, but I just can't enjoy it. I'm going to wait to read it when I'm older. I did that with some books I tried when I was younger and failed to read, and they turned out to be epic.

The movie looks fantastic too. The trailer made me go :0

Just seen it today with my mum, I thought it was going to be as good as it seemed. Though, when I seen it, I didn't like it myself. I mean, don't get me wrong, the parts within the movie that really give off a good sense of beauty are wonderful, but the plot was lacking a little, and you could really figure out what's going to occur next. I believe they focused more on the beauty than the actual plot itself. High tension, amazing camera/digital work, but everything else was a bit bland.

I really want to see it, but my mom won't take me until I read the book and I can't find it anywhere. It looks very interesting. I don't mind scary movies.

I never read the book, so i had nothing to be dissapointed about, i guess. i thought it was great, i don't mind scary movies at all.

I didn't get the title, either. She said something about "these were the lovely bones" but i still didn't get it, it was probably symbolism or something, which i never get.

I don't know if I want to see it.

From what I hear, the movie isn't that loyal to the book.

And the main character, the chick who's dead, looks too much like this scary person in my photography class, lmao.


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