Imperfection is beauty


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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2009
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So I was on my daily YouTube troll and I came across a video that really made me feel good about myself.


Everyone has flaws, therefore making us all human. Things we don't like and things that make us unique.

So, being considerate of each other and everything, being sensible I thought it would be good to be able to say [with out bashing yourself, of course, be positive] what our flaws are what makes us unique.

For me, I'm not a fan of my eyebrows and how much shaping they need.

I'm short compared to everyone else, but that's okay, good things come in small packages.

My nose [even though I can't really see it] I've had some harsh, rather downer comments on, like it's too big and oddly shaped.

I have stretch marks on my lower hips and butt.

Of course there are more flaws but I think all up, they make me who I am and I'm proud of them :)

Remember to remain positive :) You're beautiful the way you are.

That was flawsome. Thanks, Michelle. <333

I'll add mine:

I have a rather round face.

I too have stretch marks on my lower hips.

I'm pretty pale.

My smile is small even if I'm super happy.

I'm not stick skinny like everyone else in this world. I'm a bit curvier than all those "perfect" celebrities and all that junk.


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lol, Shane Dawson's friend made it

lol, Well...

- I have an awkward left wrist. Probably dislocated it sometimes, cause sometimes when Im like doing something with it, I can feel the bone move.

- I have small eyes.

- I have dandruffy hair, no matter how often I wash it and if I use anti-dandruff shampoo

- I have awkward eyebrows xD

- I laugh funny, or so I've been told.

- I sound funny on voice recordings xD

lol, that was funn.

I swear this brought tears to my eyes ~

Amazing find, Michelle.

-Well I have acne |: Tons of it, especially on my shoulders.

-I'm tall. Much too tall for my age. This makes me look overly skinny too.

-I have a reasonable amount of 'baby fat' in my cheeks. This has been used as an insult.

There's plenty more, but as Michelle also said, I'm now proud of them :)

I swear this brought tears to my eyes ~Amazing find, Michelle.

-Well I have acne |: Tons of it, especially on my shoulders.

-I'm tall. Much too tall for my age. This makes me look overly skinny too.

-I have a reasonable amount of 'baby fat' in my cheeks. This has been used as an insult.

There's plenty more, but as Michelle also said, I'm now proud of them :)
Used as an insult? I saw a picture of you and thought that baby fat was cute! :3

I am:



-Slightly weird eyebrows

That video was amazing! If you look closely, there are a bunch of famous people holding signs about flawz.

I would've loved to say that helped. I was hoping it would. But it didn't.

Yeah, I have flaws. Terrible ones. But I guess that's why people like me.

Ew, but I can't think of any reason why. Imperfectin can drag you down but it's also a sort of good thing.

It wouldn't be good for us all to be the same. Although then it would be a bit easier to fit in.

I'm sure to you guys imperfection is beauty, but to me it sure isn't. |:

That's a really sweet video. :)

Me. I have flaws. Like a ton.

My hair is thick and poofy if I leave it alone.

My nose is long.

My skin is covered in scars that need healing.

My eyebrows are weird.

I'm short, too, but to me, that's not a flaw. I love being short.

Awww. :)

Moi? Oh yeah. Tons.

• I'm small for my age and really scrawny.

• My hair is one big gooey blonde mess.

It falls out all day and is really dandruffy even after a good wash and some shampoo.

And it's super flat.

• I've got mosquito bites and scars all over my body. I'm scratching one right now.

• My skin is really dry.

• My voice is deep and low and really not clear. I have to raise it high enough for people to hear.

• I'm socially awkward and don't like talking much.

• I'm weak. I can't carry more than a few books + a binder.

• My ears stick out.

• My head is shaped funny.

• I have blotchy skin.

^ .. So yeah. That's me. And I'm beautiful.

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Awh, thanks Michelle. I feel so good now :rolleyes:

As for me...

• No one's actually insulted my nose, but I think it's a pretty dang awful nose. It's all big and...urgh.

• I'm not exactly one of those twigs that people seem to find so attractive now. I'm at average weight, but surrounded by people who consider average to be fat, it's, well, yeah.

• I have stupidly rosy cheeks >.>

• I'm quite pale apart from the cheeks (but I like being pale)

• My eyes are odd

• I'm getting my teenager spots X.X

• My hair's too dark to go with my skin.

• My hair's horrible unless it's straightened or up.

• I have a nail biting habit.

• Thunder thighs. 'Nuff said.

• I sound like a frickin' BOY


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So I was on my daily YouTube troll and I came across a video that really made me feel good about myself.
Michelle, don't worry, I'm short too. Seriously, people look at me and think I'm 12 because I'm short.


I'm quite skinny

I have peeling skin at my cuticles because I used to bite my nails

Probably a lot more, but I can't think of them

But yeah, good vid!

Yes, being short is good! You can pass for younger and do things other people your age can't because they're too old, e.g. When I was younger, about 12, we were visiting my grandparents and we went to McDonalds and the play area at that McDonalds is for people aged 10 and under, but I passed for 10 xD

EDIT: Although, I can't help sometimes wishing I was taller...

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Lovely video!

I have many flaws about myself. My nose is too long, my undereye circles are too dark, no matter what I do... I'm way too skinny, and my skin goes red basically whenever someone touches it. I have a scar down my left cheek (it's not very visible though under makeup), and way too many veins. My eyebrows are horrible, and don't look that much better when I pluck them. My hair refuses to grow, and so do my ****s. LOL!

But, there's alot that I like about myself too.

I try my hardest to stay positive, but its hard...

Lovely video. :)

As for me ...

My hair is poofy, frizzy, and I've got bumps along my face. I've worn glasses since I was three. I've got light freckles. Pale skin, flat chest. :p

I'mma shortling.

I have obsessive compulsive disorder.

My favourite saying in that video.

"I'm flawsome,"

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I used to think I was perfect, like 5 years ago, but slowly, slowly I am overcoming the self centeredness. :huh:

I hate how short I am. 5'4"

Also, sometimes I think I'm fat even though I'm like 96 pounds. 43 kgs I think.

to me, my flaws are things some of the people in my school want.

my short, skinny/curviness is a curse.

i'm 5'1, and I weight 104 pounds.

You'd think I'd be flat chested and have no curves at all.

People would think I'd be a size 0.

I actually have C ****s, and larger hips. I'm a size 5 in pants.

I have a small waist. A lot of people would think this to be a blessing, but its not.

Its nearly impossible to shop.

I can't wear high necked shirts because it makes my chest look funny.

I have large hips, but my pants tend to be too long and a little baggy because I'm skinny and have smaller legs. Its a pain in the neck- I wish I had smaller chest atleast.

I have a problem with the little bump in my nose- it throws off my face, I think.

It gives me a funny looking profile. Also, my chin. Its so... flat. Blah.

My eyes are very shiny, and i hate the attention they get.

My hair is so fine. It's hard to style at times, and it looks like a mess with all the products i have to use to tame it. Its so... Wannabe trendy, lmao. And my hair, I miss its length. Its like a bob cut now.

my thumbs are weird too, man. clubbed thumbs. short and stubby. and oh my gawd, my hands are tooooo tiny! lmao, people tell me i look fragile!

One thing thats not a part of my looks is my accent. Very "New Yawk"-ish, despite the fact I'm from New Jersey. Everyday, people in my school beg me to say "Chocolate" and what not. Its growing so tiring. Like, people keep calling my Ms. NJ and what not. It's like... So stupid.

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my hair gets extremely frizzy in the humidity, like gravity defying frizzy

i have tons of acne :|

i really suck at any kind of sport

i'm pretty weak, i die trying to carry the vacuum cleaner up the stairs

forgive me, if i wasn't so tired the list could go on and on.

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