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  1. D

    i found like a time capsle or somthing!

    well the picture from wen she was a baby was like kinda brown and white and the prom picture was KINDA colord (its hard to explain) so i dont no how old she is she could be about as old as my grandma (but my grandma is still all active and stuff shes like a super grandma ^.^) so i read the...
  2. D

    i found like a time capsle or somthing!

    i was at a park with my dad and we were remaking an old park with a group of ppl cuz the park was all messed up and abandund so my dad and i were digging to put the one lime tree in and we saw a blue box with a lock on it and i was all like "WOO we struck gold!!!!" but we couldnt open it so we...
  3. D

    Earth Hour

    iv never heard of it but im SOO doing that tonight that would be cool emagin how much energy we save in just one hour ^.^
  4. D

    Your craziest experience in a restaurant or shop?

    i was at rubys with my firends and we were just acting retarded and we were trying to see who could embarras themnselves the most so after the ladt gave us our lunch i was like "O MY GOSSH!!!!!! OHHH MYYY GO-THIS IS NOT WHAT I ORDER-THIS IS NOOT WHAT I ORDERD!!!!!I ORDERS A SMOTHEI AND FRYS...
  5. D

    i can make u thin

    meh in my opinion the food is wasted onece it leaves the market xD i doubt being fat is going to help the starving kidz, i always donate foo though and so the food dosent get wasted i always give it to my garbage-desposal-of-a-brother
  6. D

    i can make u thin

    oh sorry i was readin fast and i thoght u said "its healthy to go on a diet" woah that was really far off xD
  7. D


    ohhh i think i get that case i guse i have manny fersoa-ja-hoosits xD
  8. D

    Actually TRYING to grow up too fast?

    nope i take life by the horns and im gonna enjoy the jorney... nuff said
  9. D

    i can make u thin

    diets are unhealthy if u only eat what u think is right to eat then ur body will only crave what u think is worng, and ur gona train ur body to be nervous aroud of u do have to eat ur vegtables and grains bu u have to prepare it in a way that satisfies ur tummy, cuz if u dont satisfy ur...
  10. D


    well ok i see how its an animal carecter with human carecteristics but how can u HAVE a fursona-thinga-migiger, i mean i do little cartoons for my school newspaper and some are about a cartoon squirle named carl who wears over-alls , a lot of CATOONS do that so how is a ...ferso-wata-dohicky...
  11. D

    i can make u thin

    i show "i can make u thin" really worked for me im eating less every day even though i still feel full, incase u havt seen it his main rules are: when ur hungrey, eat! eat what u want, not what u think u should eat slowly, focus only on the food when ur full, stop and thats it! its a little...
  12. D

    time machienes...

    do u think they will ever invent time michene? i here scientists saying they almost have the formula to warp time but if they ever made time michenes wouldnt we have seen them by now? we would have seen ppl travle back to this time... and we had a science fair a wile ago and this one girl was...
  13. D


    yeah. hes real. nuff said.
  14. D

    Have you ever been like, sexually asaulted?

    well theres this one guy at my school "jordan" who is apperentlly the "hottest guy in school" and he hinks he cant get any girl in the world and hes really ignorand and stuff. (i hate him) so we were at ruby's diner and he brought me out side and tried to make out with me without even saying...
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    Ghost experiances

  16. D

    Favorite Quotes?

    my faovrite qute evr was "luke.....i am ur father" *little tear falls out of eye* ITS SO INSPIERING!!! ita the most beautiful quote ive ever heard
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    What Is the baddest thing you've ever done?

    i ran away for a night and snuck back in my house before anyone noticed it was CrAzY
  18. D


    yeah i still dont get it o.0.. ohhhhhh is it like an emaginary friend? i have an emaginary firend named lenard and hes soo cool its on even funny. speaking of funny do u no whats funny?.....LENAARD! lenard rox hes like a super hero'n'stuff, speaking of super hero, wanna no whos a super...
  19. D


    what iz it? ive never head of it
  20. D

    Your friends on TT.
