i found like a time capsle or somthing!


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Well-known member
Sep 13, 2006
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i was at a park with my dad and we were remaking an old park with a group of ppl cuz the park was all messed up and abandund so my dad and i were digging to put the one lime tree in and we saw a blue box with a lock on it and i was all like "WOO we struck gold!!!!" but we couldnt open it so we pushed it to the side and frogott about it but when we dug a little more i found a little shiny key and put it in the lock (hoping for tresure) and the box was filled with pictures and it had a little teddy bear in it and a diary! i guess it was some girls time capsel and i want to find her and give it t her, she has pictures from when she was a baby and a little blue teddy bear and a prom picture so im guessing she is already an adult now annd im uessing her favorite colo iz blue XP i leard a lot about this girl from her pictures and im wondering if its ok to read the diary she had...idk mabey it will help me find her, she had a lot of stuff in there she would probubly want back (including a lot of money o.0) idk should i read it..I REALLY want to find her!

Hmm, well don't you think if she put it in a time capsle she would want you to keep all of that stuff?

You should read it.

Do you have any iea when it was buried? Are the pictures recent, or old? For all you know, this woman may have died already.

I think you should keep it as something special. There is something special about it.

I can feel it.


Read it, inspect it, keep it.

Thats what I would do.

I would definitely read it. If she buried it in a park it was meant for someone in the future to discover.

You're lucky you have such an interesting life, finding a time capsule and all. The most interesting thing going on around here is my getting a new video game.

well the picture from wen she was a baby was like kinda brown and white and the prom picture was KINDA colord (its hard to explain) so i dont no how old she is she could be about as old as my grandma (but my grandma is still all active and stuff shes like a super grandma ^.^)

so i read the diary and she talked about her parents and her thoughts and she ran away apparently o.0 and she talked about the teddy bear she left in there and she talked about the prom night from the picture she left in there and at the very end she said she was moving to boston, i bet she lives there now (i could just picture her putting all of her belongings in there before she moved) but boston is litterally on the other side of america!

and tulip, all u gots to do is make ur life intresting, for exaple yesterday my friend and i went up throught the huge hills by her house and we got lost and we got chased by giant halks (we eventually found our way home when we were running from the halks)


u just got to find somthing intresting to do ^.^ i hope i help in any way what so ever xP what is always fun for me is that i slimb a big tree or a big hill and i wach the sunset (wich is why we went up to the hills) it gives u the mostamazing feeling EVER

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What you could do, is read it, put it back and add something to the box of your own.

Who knows, maybe she'll go looking for it one day.

I'm not sure on reading it exactly. I mean.. She might have put in there for it TO be read, but it might have also been put in there so she can personally look back on her life.

What you could do, is read it, put it back and add something to the box of your own.
Who knows, maybe she'll go looking for it one day.

I'm not sure on reading it exactly. I mean.. She might have put in there for it TO be read, but it might have also been put in there so she can personally look back on her life.
...oops :blink:

Read it! You do not know who that is anyway. Odds are you will never meet her and she may be already dead. I would read it!



Well...I think that she might go back looking. Wait, if she's in BOSTON...well, I dunno. I don't know if she'd fly across America just to get a little time capsule. And I say that if it was buried a really long time ago, well then like everyone else said, maybe she might have passed away and if she's passed away, keep it. It's something special. Did she date the...okay, if she did date it then you would know what do do with it. I wonder why she didn't date it. Maybe, she wanted her original home to have some kind of, um..."memory" of her, or maybe she didn't even mean for it to be found. Anyhoo, I don't know.

I'd do what SK said.

Though, she did bury it in a local park, [at the time] so she probably did want someone to find it.

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