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  1. B

    Dance Dance Revolution

    I don't see the point in DDR. Although it has a great soundtrack,gameplay gets repetitive. All you're doing is dancing when you could be playing a real game.
  2. B

    Should I ask for a DS this xmas?

    There not as great as everyone's hyped. There alright, but not great. For games, i'd recommend Pokemon D&P, Digimon Dawn&Dusk (borrow alort from pokemon, so you might have some fun) or Mario kart DS.
  3. B

    What's Your Favorite Type of Weather?

    When it's freezing and there's a blizzard outside. Or when it's rainstorm.
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    What do you want to get for holiday gifts?

    An christmas that isn't overrated and massivly commercialized. If that's not an acceptiable answer, Cds, Wii,360,Ds and PSP games,and my electric guitar fixed.
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    poll about how guys feel about flirting

    Flirting is basically saying to a person "I'm not good enough for you,so how about a few playful actions?" I despise and disapprove of flirting.
  6. B

    am i mad or just jelous

    These type of people are people who need to be eradicated before this world can become peaceful. Ignore her and find a new group of friends. This will be hard since it is your best friend,but this is what needs to be done.
  7. B

    calling all boys

    Hmph.Love. Always confusing.I would go on a huge rant about love,but i'll save one for valentines day. Anyway,back to topic. Ask him in private if he does like you. If yes, problem solved. If no, still be friends. Either way,you're problem's solved.
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    calling all boys

    Perhapes he's lost intrest in you. Ask him if he still likes you. If he says yes, nothing to worry about. If he says no, again,nothing to worry about. You can still be friends.
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    I am worried about my friend.

    It's kinda hard to stop someone with an addiction. I have the same problem ATM, and it's driving me nuts. Anyways, try to get her intrested in sports. But use Naruto language she could understand. She might believe you, but this could get out of hand easilly. If she can't go without 24 Hours...
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    I am worried about my friend.

    Sometimes,you actually have to do that. Anyways, try finding some other things that you can intrest her in. If you want, you could find some Naruto Amvs on Youtube to intrest her in music. i can't help you more that that. If this fails,ask her nicely to talk about something else. When all else...
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    This series originally got it's start on Newgrounds,where it was highly praised. As for the series,i'm not that intrested in it. It's alright,but it gets boring after awhile.
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    And when all else fails, just don't go. If the problem's this bad,don't go to them. Unless if you have to.
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    What are you listening to now?

    DJ Cammy-Dancing in the dark
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    guess what?

    He's not worth it. Let this one go,and feel happy for your friend. Then,the next guy that you like,make sure you get him first.
  15. B

    What's your hairstyle/color?

    Near jet-black. Usually flips at the back. Most of the time,My hair's wavy.My hair's hard to tame,i've broken three combs and a Brush trying to comb it.
  16. B

    What are you?

    Most of the time,I'm wearing a black hoodie,dark blue jeans,and Black shoes. Most people call me gangster. So that's what i basically went with.
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    Fat and Dieting questions

    Personal Fitness is what we all strive for. Some can achieve it excellently through their life,while some can't. Make sure that whenever you plan for something this big that affects your body so much,you should set a goal for your determined weight. Also, the media has a mass impact on what...
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    Life can only be lived once,and you should do what you think is right. It's alright to eat unhealthy a few times,but not everyday. Your food choices MUST be in moderation.if you find this is too hard to maintain,talk to a doctor of guardian. You may want to see a phychiatrist if this causes...
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    The ^ > V game!

    ^Yeah > Is playing Final Fantasy Tactics: The war of The Lions V Is a fan of the FF series?
  20. B

    What are you listening to now?

    Stronger-Kanye west Turning into... Pirates-Bullets and octane