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Well-known member
Jul 23, 2007
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[SIZE=8pt]Should I become a freegan? first of all, they are people who really care about the environment, so they don't buy anything they don't need, and they try to not eat any junk food. The problem is, I like my potato chips, and my pizza and soda, but on the other hand, if I eat healthy foods only, I will have alot of energy. What should I do? :mellow: [/SIZE]

I have never heard of a freegan before. o.o;

It's awesome to conserve enery, take care of the environment and eat healthy. But, if potato chips and pizza are something you love to eat and you eat it only in moderation [not every day or anything] then go ahead and live a little! ;]

It's a good idea to cut down on the waste, bad food choices, ect. but don't be so strict with it you can't live your life.

I definately agree with tamaw/pants on this one. being respectful of your body and the environment is important, but you also have to make sure that you are happy. Don't cut out the small pleasures you take in life, because then what do you have left?

Very admirable undertaking though. Good luck.

Life can only be lived once,and you should do what you think is right. It's alright to eat unhealthy a few times,but not everyday. Your food choices MUST be in moderation.if you find this is too hard to maintain,talk to a doctor of guardian. You may want to see a phychiatrist if this causes emotional pain.

I'll give you a sticker if you can read this..

Whatever you think you should do, I mean, I'm not an organic person, Vegan, Vegetarian, etc. I just eat what I need to and make sure I get a balanced diet. There is nothing wrong with eating meat if you understand what the Bible has to say about it...

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I'll give you a sticker if you can read this.. Whatever you think you should do, I mean, I'm not an organic person, Vegan, Vegetarian, etc. I just eat what I need to and make sure I get a balanced diet. There is nothing wrong with eating meat if you understand what the Bible has to say about it...
Sticker plz :3

Anyway, I think it's good to take care of yourself and the environment. I mean, there's nothing wrong with that at all xP

When it comes to your liking chips, pizza and soda, you don't have to stop eating/drinking them all together. You could just cut down on them. It's always ok to treat yourself once in a while, so long as it's in moderation.

Never stop doing/eating/drinking something you like, unless it's dangerous to yourself or others. Snacking once in a while isn't, lol.

I'd be dead if it was XD

[SIZE=8pt]Should I become a freegan? first of all, they are people who really care about the environment, so they don't buy anything they don't need, and they try to not eat any junk food. The problem is, I like my potato chips, and my pizza and soda, but on the other hand, if I eat healthy foods only, I will have alot of energy. What should I do? :) [/SIZE]
Hm? I think you should live your life in the way thats best for YOU and THE WORLD.

I say become one. You don't have to stop junk food (junk food is my life <3) but if you buy one piza for you and your friends and a bottle of soda and you recycle, that is good for the environment. I try to cut down on wasting materials too (when i remember XD)


I agree with tamaw/pants.

Anyways, do what you want to do. It is great that you want to try to clean up the environment, and help save us from global warming. It is also good to cut off the junk food for a little while.

I suggest you do what you think is right ;)

Well, if you want my honest opinion, I say don't become one. You don't need to be a "freegan" to conserve energy, and you don't have to cut out all junk foods and such. If there is such thing as a "half freegan" label yourself as that.

If you happen to cut out junk foods permenatly, your body will probably go through a major "crisis" because that's what the body is used to eating. I'm not saying your gonna crack after 2 weeks and eat a bag of chips, but it'll probably be terribly hard, like quitting smoking is for older people, (and young ones too) Your body craves it, so if you do cut it out completely, you might be a bit stressed.

It's great you have good intentions, but having junk food once in a while isn't bad at all.

Your conserving energy thing is great too, but still ride in a car once in a while, okay? xD

Oh yes, and you also said "freegans" don't buy things they don't need, I do and don't agree with that. If you have money, it's okay to treat yourself to a new CD or lipgloss or something, but if the only things in life we "need" are air, food, water and shelter, it's gonna suck a bit, right?

Good luck with your choice, and your intentions are great. :]

Is it like a description or an actual club? I mean, you can still be green and not give up your pizza. So do that. Or if you want try it for a bit and then if you don't like it stop.

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