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  1. T

    connecting two v6 (music star) tamagotchis

    Have you tried connectin' them from afar? Or right directly infra-red connection to infra-red connection? There is no certain angle. When I tried the Music Star for a day, me and my friend connected and it was very successful. However, when we connected from afar (about over half a foot), we had...
  2. T

    Where to find v5.5

    Get it on Amazon. I got my V5.5 there for $5.00 + shippin' and handlin'. So I basically got one $4 or $5 down! I don't believe you can find it in a store right now sice the V6 "Music Star" came out. Hope I helped!!!
  3. T

    Favorite Characters! 2nd Batch!

    Ya, you can vote on it if you see it. It's made by me and its the 1st batch.
  4. T

    Characters on V5

    OK thanks! I married my Antoinetchi to a Jeweltchi on via Dating Show! And my friend had a Kizatchi and since Kizatchi is an adult, he figured "Hey, can't Kizatchi marry?".
  5. T

    The Stone and the Smile Family

    Lily died and I now have a boy Kornetchi who I'm expectin' a Urab Mametchui! Mikazukitchui is goin' to evolve into Jeweltchui today!
  6. T

    The Stone and the Smile Family

    WOW NO UPDATE!!!! I've past a generation on both toys. I've passed 2 gener. on v5. Memetchi married Mumutchi and the young Memetchi I had is married to a Mametchi. Antoinetchi married a Jeweltchi. I currently have a Sakuramotchi, Mousetchi, Ahirukutchi, and a MikaZukitchi. So that's the update...
  7. T

    Favorite Characters! 2nd Batch!

    I like Dreamitchi. This is a 2nd Batch. In this forum, there is another one, but 1st Batch.
  8. T

    Tell me about Dazzilitchi and look at my Avatar.

    She does NOT brag. I voted HELL NO!!
  9. T

    Characters on V5

    1.Hoooooow in the WORLD do you get a Futabatchi? I have gon through 8 Generations without a single one! 2.Is there any other Pure Family besides Mame, Meme, Kuchipa, and Violet? 3.I have a boy MikaZukitchi. Why doesn't it say "Space Family"? 4.Is there an oldie on the V5? And finally, is...
  10. T

    Tamagotchi music star

    Yo can't make it grow faster. Like ^ said, Cherish the momennts you have with you're Tamagotchi.
  11. T

    V6 or V5? Help!

    Hmmmm.....Trick one. I would go with the V6 Music Star. You can go on Music City (but you can go on without it), focuses on a "Music Star" in a Digital Pixel Toy, And is interactive. The bad part is that THE BUTTONS DON'T CLICK!!!!! Hope I helped!
  12. T

    Questions about Ojitchi and Otokitchi

    1. I suppose you are usin' 4/4.5. It becomes one at age 9, 10, or maybe even 11 (I forgot, sorry). 2.It doesn't die at a certain year, but as time comes, it will die. 3.It retires, it doesn't get that job. 4.Yes, they do retire. When you go select the JOB from the Heart icon, it'll show you...
  13. T

    Kuromametchi on V6 (Music Star)

    Make sure to feed it food, keep the stress level just right (don't make your tama use the toy or instrument too much), always go to school an 2 times an hour (one if your busy), and finally, it has to be on an even Generation (ya that might be the dagger for you). Hope I helped!! :D :D
  14. T

    tamagotchi Weight

    The only other way is to starve it. Playin' games is your %100.0 source of skill points and losin' weight. Hope I helped!!
  15. T

    How long are the different ages of my Tamagotchi?

    hehe...made a mistake there EDIT TIME!
  16. T


    How can you hear it with tons of people in the way?
  17. T

    favorite tama

    There's only one name....KUCHIPATCHI!!!!!
  18. T

    My Tamagatchi died :(

    You probably didn't take care of it well and it's Hungry and Happy hearts were at 0. When my Ura Kuchipatchi Jif died, i cried of course. All it took was a day to die. He was my first ever Tamagotchi......
  19. T

    How long are the different ages of my Tamagotchi?

    I'm pretty sure in 1 hour it's a child. It takes 1 day for a child to become a teen. It takes approximately 2 days for a teen to become an adult. At age 9 (maybe 10 :D ) it'll become an oldie (Ojitchi, Otokitchi). Hope I helped! Source: My V4.5.
  20. T

    How high has your CD ever went?

    My highest so far has been 6th :furawatchi: . I already bought the Disco Ball and the Center Stage, but next is 5th Ultimate Silver, which has the Big screen and Star Gate.