Questions about Ojitchi and Otokitchi


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Jul 7, 2009
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I have a bunch of questions about the old timer tamagotchis. If anyone can answer one of these questions, please do! :D

1. How old does your tamagotchi have to be to become an old timer? I've heard it is anywhere from 10 to 14 days, but does it vary for which version your tamagotchi is?

2. When your tamagotchi becomes an old timer, and it has no mate, will it stay alive for as long as it takes to find a mate or will it eventually die when it reaches a certain year?

3. When your version 4 or 4.5 becomes an Otokitchi, will its job/work automatically become the matchmaker job, or will it keep its job?

4. Do tamagotchi retire when they become an old timer?

5. Finally, a question about Oyajitchi...does it skip the baby, child, AND teenager stage?

6. And also, can the Oyajitchi become an old timer?


Thanks everyone! The FAQ lacks information on these tamagotchi, so any help would be really really appreciated! Thanks again!

I have a bunch of questions about the old timer tamagotchis. If anyone can answer one of these questions, please do! :p
1. How old does your tamagotchi have to be to become an old timer? I've heard it is anywhere from 10 to 14 days, but does it vary for which version your tamagotchi is?

2. When your tamagotchi becomes an old timer, and it has no mate, will it stay alive for as long as it takes to find a mate or will it eventually die when it reaches a certain year?

3. When your version 4 or 4.5 becomes an Otokitchi, will its job/work automatically become the matchmaker job, or will it keep its job?

4. Do tamagotchi retire when they become an old timer?

5. Finally, a question about Oyajitchi...does it skip the baby, child, AND teenager stage?

6. And also, can the Oyajitchi become an old timer?


Thanks everyone! The FAQ lacks information on these tamagotchi, so any help would be really really appreciated! Thanks again!
1. Yes it varies by the version. V1s become oldies at 14, I think, and V2-V4.5s become them at 10 years old. V5s never become oldies, and I think Music Stars at age 9 or 10.

2. Tamas from 2004 or newer will only die of neglect, not of old age.

3. On v4 they retire. The first time you click the 'work' icon after they have evolved, they receive a walking stick from the king and are not paid. They do not have any job.

4. See no.3, though that only concerns V4s, none of the other versions 'retire'.

5. It is born a baby, but it skips the child and teen stages. It is classed as an adult.

6. Yes it can. They have been known to.

I have a bunch of questions about the old timer tamagotchis. If anyone can answer one of these questions, please do! :D
1. How old does your tamagotchi have to be to become an old timer? I've heard it is anywhere from 10 to 14 days, but does it vary for which version your tamagotchi is?

2. When your tamagotchi becomes an old timer, and it has no mate, will it stay alive for as long as it takes to find a mate or will it eventually die when it reaches a certain year?

3. When your version 4 or 4.5 becomes an Otokitchi, will its job/work automatically become the matchmaker job, or will it keep its job?

4. Do tamagotchi retire when they become an old timer?

5. Finally, a question about Oyajitchi...does it skip the baby, child, AND teenager stage?

6. And also, can the Oyajitchi become an old timer?


Thanks everyone! The FAQ lacks information on these tamagotchi, so any help would be really really appreciated! Thanks again!
1. I suppose you are usin' 4/4.5. It becomes one at age 9, 10, or maybe even 11 (I forgot, sorry).

2.It doesn't die at a certain year, but as time comes, it will die.

3.It retires, it doesn't get that job.

4.Yes, they do retire. When you go select the JOB from the Heart icon, it'll show you the place it used to work at.

5.Actually, when your baby hatches, it'll be a boy Tsubutchi and after a hour, you'll have an Oyajitchi.

6.Oyajitchi DOES turn into an old timer. I have an Ojitchi that I got from an Oyajitchi.

Hope I helped and have fun with your Tamagotchi(s)!!!

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