The Stone and the Smile Family


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They should be evolvin' today. If not, I'll be really upset. On the V5, I'm expectin' Mamekatchi (again), Ichigotchi, and a Bakutchi. On' the V5.5, I'm expectin' Ichigotchi (once more), Kikitchi (when am I gonna get Nonopotchi!?), and Shelltchi (I'm getting tired of this guy). I am %100.0 that I'll get a Memetchi and eventually Antoinetchi. I mean who doesn't want a special character (that they haven't obtained yet)?! :lol: :D

:ph34r: :unsure: Haven't evolved yet. I'm really startin' to worry now. This song on the radio keeps playin' over and over again! I've been picin' the 2nd icon on both of them. I am %100.0 sure I'm gettin' a Memetchi on both Versoins. :lol: :blink: :wacko: :furawatchi: :hitodetchi: :ichigotchi: :kuribotchi: :mametchi: :mimitchi: :D :gozarutchi: :pochitchi: . Yay! Tamas dancin!
I've decided to abandon that V4.5 log and include it in this one. So her name's Lily and she's currently a Ura Debatchi. She's 3 yrs old, and weighs 26 lbs. She's just bouncin' around the screen. One more thing. Thank you TamaTalk for the 80+ views you've given me!! You all rock!

:wub: Grrrrrrr......They aren't evolving. It's already late in the night and they haven't evolved :huh: :D :D :D :D ! I put a question on the "What happened to my Tamagotchi!?" forum so they should answer it. See ya (with a mad voice).
Ya!!!!! My V5s evolved into Bakutchi, Ichigotchi :D :D :D :D , and a Mamekatchi. The V5.5's haven't evolved yet and they are asleep! Darn it :wub: :huh: ! That should cover it up today, see ya!

I forgot about Lily. She's currently my only tama awake (sehe sleeps at 10:00 PM). I'm gonna marry her with a Gozarutchi when the Mathmaker comes to produce the Universal Family.

I'm playin' with my brand new LCD Chess/Checkers game I got a few days back while usin' the computar. By the Way I might get myself a V6 Music Star! Woo-Hoo!!!!!!!!

OK,so they evolved! Here it is!








Ichigotchi=Memetchi and then Antoinetchi with the Chest.

Oh Yeah! I got a Antoinetchi! :D :D !

WOW NO UPDATE!!!! I've past a generation on both toys. I've passed 2 gener. on v5. Memetchi married Mumutchi and the young Memetchi I had is married to a Mametchi. Antoinetchi married a Jeweltchi. I currently have a Sakuramotchi, Mousetchi, Ahirukutchi, and a MikaZukitchi. So that's the update, bye!!!!!

Mikazukitchi didn't evolve into Jeweltchi after all...... they are fast asleep. BTW I'm expectin' Furikotchi (keepin' bonding in the middle section), Mumutchi :) :D :p , and Violetchi (YAY!!!). I've always been pickin' the 1st icon. That should cover it up for today. Cya!!!

Good Mornin'! BTW I rasied Mikazukitchi's bonding to %100.0 and when he was close up, he looked weird! He looks really cute from afar! Especially his smile and when he's sayin' hi!





Sakuramotchi=Ichigotchi (NO CHAMAMETCHI!!)



As you can see, I now have a Jeweltchi. It still doesn't say "Space Family". Jeweltchi is cool! Not up close though... Definitly NOT what I expected on the V5. NO CHAMAMETCHI TO GET VIOLETCHI!!!!!! I'm gonna use the 1st icon at FULL BLAST!!!! Ok, so here are my options: Use the 3rd icon to risk a Kuchipatchi OR Use the 1st icon to risk a Violetchi. Bonding high on Kuchipatchi and bonding low for Violetchi. I have half of the Pure Families, but it will be very risky to pick one of these. I might side with Kuchipatchi, or choose Violetchi and save the best for last. That's all until I get back from Chess Club! Cya!

OK, so I got back from Chess club and it was great! No evolution. Kornetchi died (grr.....) and I now have a tea tipper lookin' character. It looks cool. Tommorow is just a normal day and the day after tommorow will be a evolution/dating show day.

I'd like to pay my respect for the following people: Michael Jackson, and Billy Mays. Michael Jackson's funeral was a few days ago and tears came through my eyes. I was touched by Paris Katherine Jackson's words. Long live his music!!!!! As for Billy Mays, I nearly had a Heart attack when I heard that he died. Random death and a "pill" death. No more concerts and no more pitching. I just wanted to pay my respect to those people. HOPE YOU ARE IN BETTER PLACES!!!

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OK, so I just went to watch 'Ice Age Dawn of the Dinosaurs" and it was a 10/10! Noone died if your askin'. I'll have 4 adults (? on V5 and ? on V4.5) and probably a new family (Jeweltchi will marry anyone who I think is decent). Cya!!!


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