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  1. V


    its a joke. who cares if he's emo or not, it's all for laughs. i used to love barney and i see all this crap about him on youtube but i'm not all like "OMGAWD BARNEY IS NOT SUM RAPPING SOULJABOY PERSUN!!!111ONE DO U THINK SO" srsly, it's the internet.
  2. V

    Have you ever been like, sexually asaulted?

    ^ that's terrible. i pray for anyone who's been scarred like that, and pray that no more people have to deal with things like that. -_- i haven't, but i was like 7 or something and these WAAAAY older guys in their car were starring at me and whistling at me. it was quite creepy.
  3. V

    The number 13

    I was born on the 13th, friday to be exact. 13 is my SPESHUL number, i don't exactly believe in luck.
  4. V

    Innocent or Guilty?

    no, i'm innocent! i have no dog. are you guilty of being let out early from school?
  5. V

    What's your religion?

    I hope this doesn't turn into another debate where i bet 10 year olds don't know what they're even saying. :o i'm roman catholic =), and i don't believe in multi-Gods like someone stated in the other thread.
  6. V

    Guess the Song!

    Plain White Tee's Hate. My love is so good that I wouldn't be without you babe, couldn't see me without you babe. My love is so good that I wouldn't be without you babe couldn't see me without you baby. all my life I've been searching for you, everyday. So glad that I found you boy, all...
  7. V

    Name the crush

    No! They have cuter names. :( Chris? :o
  8. V

    Innocent or Guilty?

    yes, i like these 2 guys and they're friends with each other. >P What is you guilty of. V
  9. V


    although it's hell it shows that you're becoming a young lady, and you should be proud of that. :P
  10. V

    Friday 13th.

    friday the 13th is like any ordinary day. no luck, no nothin. i was born on friday the 13th, i'm surprised i haven't died. :P God loves me. :]
  11. V

    about the dating show

    i heard that it has to be exactly 48 hours after your tams turn into adults. so if your characters evolved at say...7 pm you have to wait 2 days from 7pm to accest the dating show. its so dopey.
  12. V

    Can V5's get FAT?

    if you feed your tam too much they will eventually turn into the large family. to revert them back feed them a balance biscuit or let them use the mirror. but from what i've found out through personal experience, only the main characters revert back, your parents stay fat. :P
  13. V

    What is your favourite Nintendo Character?

    Luigi, Mario, Bowser and anyone from DKC (the original trilogy)
  14. V


    i don't really like american rap, just the odd songs.
  15. V

    Hug, kiss, or dis?

    hug ^.^
  16. V

    Why do people hate people are gay?

    many people don't approve because of religious beliefs, or stupid kids think if you hang out with gay person they automatically like you or something. :/
  17. V

    If we had a TamaTalk Convention..

    Who would you meet? - who ever i know well o.o • If you could bring one thing for "show and tell", what would it be? - my best drawing • What would you wear? - my pink Aero shirt and jeans (or shorts) • What would you bring as a snack to share? - bubble gum :blink: • What kind of tam would...
  18. V


    ugh, it was so hot here in Kitchener, (about 40 degrees with humidity) we all went under this huge tree for shade at recess that was out of bounds, and I had to take two showers. x.x i would've loved to go to my aunts pool this weekend but the red river started up again. -.-
  19. V

    What Are You Wearing Right Now?

    pink cami with doodles and black soccer shorts. :]