Friday 13th.


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[SIZE=7pt]I didn't have ANY bad luck today.[/SIZE]

I was at my Graduation trip at Ontario Place.

It was SO amazing! Loved it.

My and my friend made up, and we're having a sleepover tonight.

It's the weekend, and I have a date tommorow.

Nothing unlucky about that. :unsure:

friday the 13th is like any ordinary day. no luck, no nothin. i was born on friday the 13th, i'm surprised i haven't died. :p God loves me. :]

Anything bad happen to you today? I was somewhat alright but my friend locked her keys (for the padlock) inside her locker so some teacher had to cut the padlock off so she could get into her locker. xD
Nope. In my family the 13 is a high number in our lives since my mother and I are both born on dates of the 13th. I'm March 13th and she's October 13th. In my family Friday the 13th's, especially birthdays, are good luck.

Here's some good luck today: Mom and I didn't work today because of Friday the 13th in the town we work is swamped with bikers on days like this so our boss gave us the day off WITH pay. Got new speakers for the PC, new shoes for upcoming buck & doe and my friend's wedding in August, and got to see Indiana Jones in theatres. 13 was even mentioned in the movie too! Won't say where though.

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*It was Unlucky for me*

*We had a math test on the 13. Our class had to do an extra bit. D:

*Our pastoral/homeroom teacher told us that it was his last day and on Monday we'd have a new teacher for the rest of the year. D:

* Naomi and I were going to get a sausage sizzle. The line was so long and we stood there for 15 minutes and didn't get anywhere. D:

* Naomi and I gave up and went to the canteen line which was a bit shorter. There was no hot food left. D:

* Naomi and I decided to go back to get a sausage. We queued up again and when we got to the front there was no sausages or drinks left. D:

* Our friend had a head-ache. D:

* Our friend got hit in the head and got sad. He has never been sad since we knew him. D:

* Natasha wasn't in school today. D:

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Are you kidding me? Squiddy (me) is lucky today!

And cool things happened.
omg sorry to get offtopic but i love boston, i used to live there when i was little but we moved cuz my parents thought it was too "busy" there. My parents had a thing for moving but i stayed in contact wit frnz sorry i got off topic but just a little comment there;) what kinds of cool things happened? pm plz ;)

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omg sorry to get offtopic but i love boston, i used to live there when i was little but we moved cuz my parents thought it was too "busy" there. My parents had a thing for moving but i stayed in contact wit frnz sorry i got off topic but just a little comment there;) what kinds of cool things happened? pm plz ;)

We did awesome stuff.

But the totally lucky part I am just going to keep a secret...because part of it is a secret. ^_^

Nothing else bad happened to me, really.

Killed my knee on the computer desk and rocked back and forth for nearly and hour, but that was completely my fault for being an idiot and leaning back in a spinning chair. Yeah. Fun.

It was a good day for me :mimitchi:

I was playing Animal Crossing and I caught the final fish I needed to complete the colllection - so I got the Golden Fishing Rod and finished the fish display in the Museum :lol:

Nothing bad happened. I don't believe in that kind of stuff. -_- It's really dumb to believe it because it doesn't seem logical at all. Not even realistic.

Nothing happened on that day except theres was fight between two lads and they got covered in nose blood.eww.

Yeah, after a 3 hour bus ride to a waterpark, it turned out the peeps there canceled our reservation. =/

We'll go back on Wednesday if it doesn't rain. -.-''

I woke up, stumbling outta bed.

Stubbed my left toe HARD on a steel hammer. Twas sore for 2 days atleast. And some skin peeled.

Hurt like crazy. Not really sore anymore.

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