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If being sexually harassed and sexually assaulted are the same thing then I have two -There was this one time but i took care of him.........
i have been FREAKING SEXUALY ASSULTED by 8yr olds. when i was around 8 i was at my dad's friends house when their son who was my age pulled me into a closet and announced his love for me. how cute. except for the part where he tried to MAKE OUT with me HE ACTUALLY STUCK HIS STUPID TONGUE IN MY MOUTH which earned him a slap so hard he hit his head on the other side of the closet which of course made him cry but he didnt tell his mom cause if she learned what HE did he would be grounded for life. me being the wonderful person i am didnt tell his mom either but as a precaution i proceed to slap him however hard i feel like whenever he gets within 3ft of me. there have been many other times like that, but if i told you all of them it would take too long.
During Public Speaking X-Block, this cute but obnoxiously popular boy, Tyler, was sitting next to me and he said "I'm gonna touch your rack". I thought he meant my breasts at first but it turned out to be the rack under my desk. I still told the teacher and Tyler thinks we quote-unquote broke up, even though we were never going out.
Two weeks later, something else happened. But not with Tyler - this time another obnoxious popular boy named Justin. He always pretends he has a crush on me. In the lunch line, he was standing behind me, and I felt him playfully spank me (