Have you ever been like, sexually asaulted?


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There was this one time but i took care of him.........

i have been FREAKING SEXUALY ASSULTED by 8yr olds. when i was around 8 i was at my dad's friends house when their son who was my age pulled me into a closet and announced his love for me. how cute. except for the part where he tried to MAKE OUT with me HE ACTUALLY STUCK HIS STUPID TONGUE IN MY MOUTH which earned him a slap so hard he hit his head on the other side of the closet which of course made him cry but he didnt tell his mom cause if she learned what HE did he would be grounded for life. me being the wonderful person i am didnt tell his mom either but as a precaution i proceed to slap him however hard i feel like whenever he gets within 3ft of me. there have been many other times like that, but if i told you all of them it would take too long.
If being sexually harassed and sexually assaulted are the same thing then I have two -

During Public Speaking X-Block, this cute but obnoxiously popular boy, Tyler, was sitting next to me and he said "I'm gonna touch your rack". I thought he meant my breasts at first but it turned out to be the rack under my desk. I still told the teacher and Tyler thinks we quote-unquote broke up, even though we were never going out.

Two weeks later, something else happened. But not with Tyler - this time another obnoxious popular boy named Justin. He always pretends he has a crush on me. In the lunch line, he was standing behind me, and I felt him playfully spank me (o_O). I told the principal, and he got suspended for about 3 days, I think.

[SIZE=13pt]>.>"...Well what happened to me I wouldn't call it Sexually Assault...[/SIZE]


Back when I was a freaking foolish 11 year old, my step-cousin stayed at my house for about 2 weeks.

He was the same age as me, but much more of a pervert at the freaking time.

He kept on touching, and kissing me. And doing perverted things to me. But for some stupid, absurd reason, I did not stop him...!

I guess I was in such shock, I didn't know what to do.


I don't usually like to talk about it. Because pretty much everyone I've told they usually chuckle about it. (GAWD KNOWS WHY!)

But it's still a very maddening, annoying, saddening, thing for me to remember...>.>'

Thank goodness I've grown a little since then! > :eek:

Well...I wouldn't call this sexually assaulted, but...one time this perv asked me if I was a lesbian... :p I said no. He was lucky I didn't slap him across the face. :D

-Temari Nara

^ that's terrible. i pray for anyone who's been scarred like that, and pray that no more people have to deal with things like that. -_-

i haven't, but i was like 7 or something and these WAAAAY older guys in their car were starring at me and whistling at me. it was quite creepy.

I've never been raped, but I have been sexually harrassed. I think that everyone gets sexually harrassed at one point or another in their lives.

In 7th grade, I had to sit beside this kid named Dalton during German. All he did was talk about sex and try to "put moves" on me. He kept trying to touch me. Once he grabbed a piece of paper out of his pants and rubbed it on my face before I could push him away. One of the most frightening 6 weeks of my life.

This other kid, Mark, is obsessed with hugging me (more like smothering me). He comes up behind me in the hallway and grabs my waist. He's touched my butt and my bust before. He's been put in inschool suspension multiple times for sexual harrassment and on AIM he verbally sexually harrasses. But he's gotton better and I'm somewhat his friend.

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Short term:Yes but I don't want to say anything else.

I know a boy in my class who put stuff down his pants gives it to someone then says 'thats been down my trousers'.He also stole my friends ruler and did that but she let him keep it and I don't blame her.

i haven't, but i was like 7 or something and these WAAAAY older guys in their car were starring at me and whistling at me. it was quite creepy.
[SIZE=13pt] >_> What kind of patheitc old men...Whistle at a 7 year old. [/SIZE]

Like wtf? There so pathetic they need to hit on someone a quarter of there actually age...? D:

If you count some idiot trying to force his friend's hand on my hiney, then yes.

Otherwise I don't think so.

~_~ yes, i have. these stupid kids kept touching my bottom.

and then my boy friend's friend kept trying to throw paper balls into my shirt.

and then this girl grabbed my chest o_O

My sister has. The worst part, it was my cousin that did it. I was sleeping over, and in the morning my sis came over cause she is scared to be alone in the house. I was still asleep,when it happened. In the end, she got away from him and woke me up. If she hadn't though... it could have been worse.....

The bad part was that the night before, he confessed to me that he (the perverted freak) had convinced 2 YOUNG GIRLS (ages 6 and 8) to take off their clothes. i made him VOW to NEVER do anything of the sort again, with anyone until he (and that person) were 18, if SHE were willing. I hate him, and probably will for a while.

NOTE: All of us are 13.

this one guy touched this girls but,and he is in juvi now


all boys had to have a meeting about "how to act around girls"

Same thing happened in my school, exept some of the boys made a "game" to try and touch every girl's butt. I refused (dont worry)

This other kid, Mark, is obsessed with hugging me.
I've got a kid at my school named mark. Hes weird. He has a crush on me so he tells his friends that he does sick stuff to me. But he dosen't mean it. Still I stay away from him. He says im his girlfriend. But im NOT. I know soon hes going to ask me out. Gross. I hope no one has to deal with what im dealing with right now! He told me the story that he told his friends. I told my mom. I always tell my mom if something is wrong. And like I think when I was 6 or something? This like werido guy used to be my friend. But One time when I was at his house I think. He took me outside. And I was wearing a skirt. And he looked up my skirt!!! I ran inside. And called my mom to pick me up. Hes really gross. I told her what happened. I moved and never saw him again.

P.S. If anyone is sexually asaulted tell your mom or dad! Don't

just let it go. And maybye let it happen again.

I have been verbally but not physically.

In 5th grade this 4th grader walked up to me and said,

"You have big ****s!" and just walked away. I wanted to slap him, but I didn't. >.>;

There have been other occasions as well...

Yea like some boys in my class like to hug the girls and they were like assualting me. Omg. So theyre Hugs! And him and his friend kept hugging me and then they both hugged me from both sides because they wanted to bother me. So i was really mad because they wouldnt leave me alone and kept hugging me. I kicked one in the shins but they still kept coming. And they do this like every recess!!! And to my freind whos really pretty, they say stuff like nice legs or your pretty and they hug her too. So i me and my freinds hate them because they are huge troublemakers! so they had to stay inside from recess for one week and everyone was mad at him. BEST TIME OF MY LIFE1!!! YES!!! I sooo loved it!!! I got payback at them for all the times they were mean. They just hurtful things to me and other people. Ugh. And then in second grade i was a big wimp and i was afraid to tell the teacher even though i was a tattle tale. lol. but one of the same guys who keeps doing all this weird stuff. (keep in mind hes a sicko. he does things that are just really creepy and stalkerish) well in second grade he pinched the girls butts!!!! and one of the girls had a crush on him so she didnt tell on him and i was like what the heck!! why is he doing that!!!! and i tried kicking him reallly hard but i missed because he pinched me too!!!!! so yea the girl was actually enjoying it!!!! god!!!!it was sick. Boys in my school are not snobbish private school kids theyre like freaky gangster dudes!!! *shudders*

oh, this reminds me of when my friend was attacted by a bunch of guys this year, and they're HUGE. they sat on her chest, put their hands down her pants, and all that crap. she was in pain, but never bothered to tell anyone.

A boy in my class told a girl in my class that he wanted to put his hands down her pants. o.o

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