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  1. purpurn

    12 Days of Christmas Holiday Hatch - All V-Pet Welcome!

    OMIGOSH! Welcome everyone! :D @NintendNerd - the Card Commune looks really interesting! I'm glad you wrote a bit of back story on how you came to find it! :D I can't wait to see you start it up and share more about it on 12/12 @Sailor Rosette - Feel free to join with whatever pet you feel...
  2. purpurn

    "Made in Indonesia" real or fake?

    Thanks for your input! I just got one (a gen2) that actually says "Made in Indonesia" on the back of it - everything looks good. The board looks legit too. I think that they were made in Indonesia for the AU and UK. Indonesia is like right above the AU, so I guess that would make sense cost wise...
  3. purpurn

    12 Days of Christmas Holiday Hatch - All V-Pet Welcome!

    Hey everyone :D I am starting up a hatch open to everyone and all v-pet types! Tamagotchis are amazing, but there are so many other pets equal of praise and love :) And different pets remind me of advent calendars with them changing ever (or every other) day or so - so they are like mini...
  4. purpurn

    you know you're obsessed when...

    When you talk about them, the features of them, ones you recently saw for sale, etc. to someone else, even though you know they aren't listening XD When you start knitting the characters and thinking this is like the best thing ever!!! and no one on knitting sites knows what they are.... -Purn
  5. purpurn


    I have a few issues with iron - so I really like my red meats, but I also keep in mind that just eating red meat alone will not solve my iron issues. I eat potato skins when I eat baked potatoes, and mushrooms too which are full of iron and help absorb the iron in meats. I like vegetarian foods...
  6. purpurn

    P1 wont let me set time

    Just for the future and others who might read this - I would not recommend using nail polish remover to clean contacts and board for these things. Using rubbing alcohol is generally what you want to do to clean these sort of things up. Nail Polish remover is actually Acetone which can cause...
  7. purpurn

    What's your least favourite Tama?

    Wow! I like your thought out post about the ones you dislike :) Good examples! I don't really like the V1 connection - mostly cause it's like seemingly impossible for you to gain gotchi points on it. I mean, I don't like how the later ones just kinda give them to you left and right, but I...
  8. purpurn

    P1 wont let me set time

    Well, brand new batteries sometimes do have issues. I have gotten some brand new just bought fresh outta the packaging dead batteries before. And when you tried to reset it you hit the reset button instead of like just taking the batteries out and putting them back in? Both batteries have the...
  9. purpurn

    I need help with the Generation One Digivice

    Not to detract from this forum, but there is a digimon forum that I have been poking around a bit lately here. The merchandise area is where I've been asking questions and things lately - maybe you could ask about spare parts there? I know of another one that I haven't been able to get into - I...
  10. purpurn


    Being so happy or sad that you cry isn't necessarily a bad thing. Though, if you find that you are very flippant with your emotions, maybe you should talk to someone about it. I mean, teenagers always have very intense emotions - it's part of what is going on and changing with your body and...
  11. purpurn

    Tamagotchi VIBE - concept mockup

    I think what they mean is if you can buy multipacks of rechargeable batteries. I used to do this with my palm pilot (hand held organizer for youngins who don't know...) I would have one battery charging in a slot on the back of a USB connection stand while the other battery was in my pilot and...
  12. purpurn

    "Made in Indonesia" real or fake?

    See, I was just used to the American Market ones that should generally always say "Made in China". Are you in the UK or AU cause I saw another one with what looked like the English instructions from one of their type of packaging (the purpley type cover on the instructions - American ones had...
  13. purpurn

    "Made in Indonesia" real or fake?

    So, I am currently looking to improve my pet collection and while searching for Digimon, I came across some that have the Bandai copyright info on the back, but then say "Made in Indonesia". I have actually seen Tamagotchi with this same things going on the back of them too. Does anyone have...
  14. purpurn

    my tamagotchi is not hatching.

    Try placing brand new batteries into it and then pressing the reset button gently. Then try pressing a button and it should bring up the clock screen for you to change the time on. Sometimes old worn out batteries make vpets do weird things.... -Purn
  15. purpurn

    Strange/Funny times where your tamagotchi has beeped or evolved

    OMG your V4 is totally a survivor!! O_O; I was talking to an old friend on Skype and I was running my Oceangotchi at the time. He was totally taken aback at home much the thing beeped at me during our conversation. He was like kill it with fire!!! Then I told him how much they are worth and he...
  16. purpurn


    How did this get upvoted 3 times??? ^ Trolling on questions like this isn't helpful at all.... Anyway, to answer your question you are blushing because of physical reactions our bodies produce when we are with people who we like or find attractive. You relax and so do your muscles and blood...
  17. purpurn

    Giga Pets - Did they bug you as a child too?

    I can kinda relate to that. I really liked tamas more than Gigas and never bought another till recently. I actually have gotten a few different types and I am completely dumbfounded at how they managed to make them all so different that it's almost a pain in the butt to try and figure them out...
  18. purpurn

    What will the next tamagatchi be?

    Considering there is a cash payout and also inventor royalties later down the line - I believe they are looking for individuals ideas. If it were just a contest, then it probably wouldn't be an issue, but since there is money involved they probably wouldn't choose a large collective of people...
  19. purpurn


    LOL ^ This Banana thread makes me think of a Banana related song! :D -Purn
  20. purpurn

    Legalization of Marijauna

    I wasn't trying to attack you, just point out other things. And I feel ya in the mood disorder department - I got issues too ya know? I was speaking from experience X_X I was just pointing out the fact that saying that Cannabis "might" be a dangerous substance, isn't a really valid argument...