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TamaTalk Angelgotchi
Sep 3, 2009
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im one of those people who cannot really control ones own emotions, like yesterday i was actuly happy enough to cry :eek:

im a very emotional kind of kid

in curiosity i was wondering if anyone else islike this too?

i'm quite the opposite to this, seeing as the only emotion i seem to feel to any intensity is 'tired'

i'm more of an introvert when it comes to my thoughts, haha

I usually keep everything all bottled up, even when I'm really happy. It kinda sucks because if I get a gift from someone, I'll really, really love it but I never really show it that much. I feel bad that I never freak out or anything when I get something, but on the inside I'm really flipping out. xD

As for my anger, if its something personal I NEVER tell anyone, but if I'm mad at someone I always get really mad at them and I don't forgive people easily. xD

Aaaaaaand for sadness, I usually keep everything bottled up, then say for example, someone makes me a TIIINY bit upset, and I just explode. Most of the time its not even what happened, its just everything thats made me upset. x.x

for me i express any of my emotions maybe a bit too strongly

it wouldn't matter where i am if i were to get very sad i would cry, i have at school once, when one of my friends got mad at me

also sometimes when im overly happy with more of a emotional moment i'll cry to :p

and if im angry i'll completely explode, which i yelled at some girl when she yelled at my girlfriend, now that random wishes she hadn't said anything.

for me i express any of my emotions maybe a bit too strongly

it wouldn't matter where i am if i were to get very sad i would cry, i have at school once, when one of my friends got mad at me

also sometimes when im overly happy with more of a emotional moment i'll cry to :p

and if im angry i'll completely explode, which i yelled at some girl when she yelled at my girlfriend, now that random wishes she hadn't said anything.
Being so happy or sad that you cry isn't necessarily a bad thing. Though, if you find that you are very flippant with your emotions, maybe you should talk to someone about it. I mean, teenagers always have very intense emotions - it's part of what is going on and changing with your body and brain during those years. I mean, each persons emotions are different, but it's good to check your emotions with yourself from time to time and make sure that you aren't being overly emotional. It's okay to be mad at people, but it's not generally okay to snap at them.


Being so happy or sad that you cry isn't necessarily a bad thing. Though, if you find that you are very flippant with your emotions, maybe you should talk to someone about it. I mean, teenagers always have very intense emotions - it's part of what is going on and changing with your body and brain during those years. I mean, each persons emotions are different, but it's good to check your emotions with yourself from time to time and make sure that you aren't being overly emotional. It's okay to be mad at people, but it's not generally okay to snap at them.


i know its not a bad thing, but no one will listen to me when i try to talk about it.

i know its not a bad thing, but no one will listen to me when i try to talk about it.
That's an interesting thing to say. And it might reveal a bit more about what you're really feeling :)

If you know that it is not a bad thing and that it's something that a lot of teenagers experience, why do need to talk about it (or feel that people have to listen to you if you want to talk about it)?

Maybe your peer group also experience these emotions but don't feel the need to analyse it?

Also, sad but true in many cases, some people are just not interested in endlessly discussing things that don't relate to them or don't interest them. I don't think it's meant to be cruel or unkind - it's just human nature - especially in teenagers. ;)

Also, sad but true in many cases, some people are just not interested in endlessly discussing things that don't relate to them or don't interest them. I don't think it's meant to be cruel or unkind - it's just human nature - especially in teenagers. ;)
yeah, i realized this.

i did actually find one person who is willing to discuss this with me though :)

When I'm sad, I cry my eyes out.

When I'm happy, I practically light up.

When I'm giddy, I can't stop giggling.

When I'm angry, I shout and scream.

When I'm afraid, I have pure fear in my eyes.

When I'm tired, I lazily flutter my eyelids.

When I'm nostalgic, I will daydream for hours, remembering happy moments.

I'm not crazy, just a very emotional person. As you can see, my emotions are always obvious. They're pure.

When I'm sad, I cry my eyes out.

When I'm happy, I practically light up.

When I'm giddy, I can't stop giggling.

When I'm angry, I shout and scream.

When I'm afraid, I have pure fear in my eyes.

When I'm tired, I lazily flutter my eyelids.

When I'm nostalgic, I will daydream for hours, remembering happy moments.

I'm not crazy, just a very emotional person. As you can see, my emotions are always obvious. They're pure.
well said :)

I'm also veeery emotional, and sensitive. It doesn't take much to rile me up, or make me happy either. I'm the youngest of my siblings by atleast a decade, and i had a very nurtured childhood, so i was naturally brought up to express what i'm feeling, when i'm feeling it, so people are a lil taken aback when i'd cry when i'm sad in public places, or get insulted easily, or bounce all over the place when i'm happy. My emotions are always pure, and VERY evident. I don't see the problem with being emotional... But other people make it seem like it's a crime to have them :(

I must be one of the weirdest people out there XD

In a normal day for me, I don't show any emotion except for happiness. Even if I'm upset about something, I bottle it up and hide myself away so that no one will notice. Even at home I act my happiest to make sure no one realises that something is bugging me or getting me down. I just bottle things up and wait until the night.

At night, I just let all my emotions flow. Yes it might sound a little weird but I feel safer letting my emotions go at night. That might be why I don't get much sleep. The reason being is because of music, music is the one thing that makes me emotion escape. With one song, I can be bawling my eyes out. It can be pretty ridiculous sometimes XD

But I guess everyone has their way of being emotional, and that's what makes us all human :D

I must be one of the weirdest people out there XD In a normal day for me, I don't show any emotion except for happiness. Even if I'm upset about something, I bottle it up and hide myself away so that no one will notice. Even at home I act my happiest to make sure no one realises that something is bugging me or getting me down. I just bottle things up and wait until the night. At night, I just let all my emotions flow. Yes it might sound a little weird but I feel safer letting my emotions go at night. That might be why I don't get much sleep. The reason being is because of music, music is the one thing that makes me emotion escape. With one song, I can be bawling my eyes out. It can be pretty ridiculous sometimes XD But I guess everyone has their way of being emotional, and that's what makes us all human :D

sometimes i am like this, it'll be night and i cannot stop letting the emotions flow.

I'm not extremely emotionally, but you can definately tell how I'm feeling, unless I'm trying to hide it. Because if I'm trying to hide it, then you wouldn't know how I'm feeling. But most of the times you're able to tell, if I'm happy I'll be happy, same for being sad, angry, annoyed, confused, or scared.

When I was younger, I was like this to a degree, especially being a teenager, but I considered it more like being really in tune with my emotions... they felt so strong and powerful to me!

But since being in the military, my emotions became "muted" or sort of pushed away and hidden, which started bothering me, like a crucial piece of me was missing. The tides of my emotions are what enabled me to write my poetry so effortlessly in the past and that had disappeared. Now that I am a "free" spirit again, slowly, my emotional essence is resurfacing, which makes me feel more human.

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I'm SUPER EMOTIONAL I cry and get mad but I can't control my emotions half of time .

In a normal day for me, I don't show any emotion except for happiness. Even if I'm upset about something, I bottle it up and hide myself away so that no one will notice. Even at home I act my happiest to make sure no one realises that something is bugging me or getting me down. I just bottle things up and wait until the night.
same when I'm super sad I'm all choked up and and teers are getting ready to flow down my face yet I'm still OK well kind of xD

When I get mad my face turns warm and red, and talk very nervously.

When I'm sad I just want to bawl my eyes out.

When I'm happy, I jump up and down and squeal like a baws fangirl.

I consider myself a bit weird when it comes to emotions.

I ball up my feelings a lot and later burst out... but depending on the situation I can seem emotionless or too emotional right then and there. I guess everything is a situation and how it makes me feel. You never really know how you'll feel sometimes till it actually happens...

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