I have a few issues with iron - so I really like my red meats, but I also keep in mind that just eating red meat alone will not solve my iron issues. I eat potato skins when I eat baked potatoes, and mushrooms too which are full of iron and help absorb the iron in meats. I like vegetarian foods, but humans are omnivores, we eat what is available to us. We're probably on the low side of the meat eating scales since we have a mouth full of good molars for intense chewing, but we also have the canines still.
I agree that most meat processing is terrible - especially in the USA. In other places like the UK, they have really cleaned up their act and placed a lot of restrictions and codes on their meat producers. Producing meat in large scales like in the US has impacted the enviroment terribly in areas, spreading diseases, causing zoonotic illnesses to become stronger than the antibiotics that are used to fight them, and also causing issues with algae in water ways killing natural species and wildlife. Also hormones used in animals that we eat trickle down to us through eating their flesh which can cause cancer or even the issues they are seeing with children becoming obese (growth hormones are generally used to beef the animals up faster) and reaching puberty earlier and earlier.
Personally, if I could raise or hunt my own meat, I would be happy as a clam

At least if I had an animal like a pig or cow I could give it a good life and make sure it is well looked after and treated well even when it's time came for the chop. I really actually appreciate the life the animal gives, so that I and my family can eat and stay healthy and strong.
I have no issue with vegetarians or vegans. I have them in my family.

I don't mind trying their food and making some dishes for them on occasion with them in mind, and like wise, they respect the fact that I still eat meat.
I DO however, have an issue with people trying to convert their carnivorous house pets to Vegan diets. Cats and dogs eat meat - they were designed that way and their bodies need those nutrients and can't digest vegetable matter effectively. Just as I would respect that "you" are a vegan, respect that an animal is not.