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  1. R

    Very Creepy Clay Cartoon

  2. R

    Teens in TamaTalk?

    12...and 5/12. Lol.
  3. R

    Interesting (and possibly embarassing) Facts

    I have six stitches on my lip because almost all my bottom teeth punctured through it when I fell ice skating. I could see the inside of my lip. It looks like pulp from orange juice.
  4. R

    Who is your fictional boyfriend?

    YES! I luffs you! :3 Domo. Not a Cullen.
  5. R

    MySpace VS Facebook

    Neither. =Þ
  6. R

    What is your IQ?

    Haha! I am smarter than Barak Obama! >: o My IQ is 145. (normal adult) A genius such as Einstien would be 175+.
  7. R

    Snow [:

    ^ Come to Canada. We have plenty of it to go around!
  8. R

    Funny Moments at School

    We missed a lot of our health class talking about pregnancy cravings. but: Our health unit was on drugs. XD
  9. R

    Do you ever have dreams about tamatalk?

    I had a dream I went on TT. Exciting, eh?
  10. R

    Snow [:

    Yus! It has been snowing non-stop here in Ontario, Canada for days. ^^ No snow days though...yet.
  11. R


    ^ I wouldn't know, but friends have told me that.
  12. R


    Wow! I am so happy that you made it out of the crash alive. : D
  13. R

    Word Ping Pong (1000)

    456: Vomit. o.o
  14. R

    vending machine

    Out comes Chuck Norris Pops in Chuck Norris
  15. R

    Who Would Win In A Cage Match?

    Coke. Chuck Norris? or Sarah Palin?
  16. R

    Sailor Moon anyone?

    Awws! I miss Sailor Moon. ;_;
  17. R


    Thank gosh for my high school. When i'm there in two years, we get uniforms. Now people will be forced to look past the Abercrombie/Hollister clothes, and see the inside of a person.
  18. R

    How thin is too thin?

    Ugh! Me too! It annoys me to no end. I am 5 ft 1' and 77 lbs. People seriously ask me if I have an eating disorder. I do not. I eat more than my mom and sister. It's probably heridetary for me, as both my parents are slim, and trim. XD Are your parents the same way, Buddi?
  19. R

    Wat will u do in life?

    Please try not to use "txt tlk". Okay. In the future I plan to go to university and persue language. Specifically writing advertisements, or writing novels. Eventually I plan to settle down with a husband and a few kids, but only time will tell what's in the future for me.
  20. R

    Omg omg my poem

    Congradulations! Good luck with future poetry!