Wat will u do in life?


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Well-known member
Dec 8, 2007
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Wat will u do in life? I will go 2 college, becum a billionair, live in a populated city in a hotle, and adopted a pair of nice cute kids! Idk about my job though, or being married... :( :blink: :blink:

Oh yeah and, am i rude, or noesy, or annoying? If so, say so, because idk......... :huh: :huh: :huh:

You're not being annoying! This is a neat topic to start.

For me, I'm definetly going to finish my education and go to college. Then I will pursue my dreams and become a singer and a writer (or a singer-song writer). I might pursue those dreams now. I already participate in choir activities in school and I am currently working on a book. I plan to get married, but not neccessarily immediately. I will wait for the right guy to come along, however long that may take. I would also like to have kids some day.

I don't really know what I want to do in life.

A few years ago, I came so close to making the Queensland Girls Team for cricket. I barely missed out. The past 2 years I have been playing in the 15 yrs age group, so I couldn't make it in then playing against people 2 years older than me. But next year I'll be the same age as them or older, so I'll have a better chance. I'm gonna try harder to get in the QLD team. Hopefully from there I'll go somewhere and possibly play for the Queensland Fire (The Open Women's Team) one day, but I doubt it :eek:

As for a job, anything to do with sports/science is fnie by me. A PE teacher, Physio, anything thats mostly sports.

I just want to have a good life, earn money, and continue doing the stuff I love.

Spelling come as cum is a pretty bad idea. I would stop.

I don't know what I'm doing in life.

No money for college, and searching for jobs right now is pretty much screwed.

Spelling come as cum is a pretty bad idea.
Agreed.. D8

I kinda snickered at it. [i'm a TROMBONIST! What can you say?!]


I wnat to develop a degree in music and related arts. I wanna be a director[Jazz,Concert,Orchestra,Marching,etc,.] or a famous musician. :3


Um.. Why would you like to live in a hotel...? If you want to be a billionare, you can ATLEAST buy a BIG house..

If it isn't obvious, many find "txt tlk" to be flat out annoying. I'd classify as one of the many.

Later on in life I would like to go to college and get a job.

I'm not completely sure. I'm planning on going to college and either being a teacher or an advertising copywriter. Unfortunately, both are low paying, but I guess that's alright. I can't really decide between the two right now.

Then I want to get married and start a family. :]

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"Don't boast about tomorrow for you don't know what a day will bring."

A photographer.

I'm gonna be a zoologist of some form. I will also go to college.

Go to uni, Get degrees in law and forensic science. Go to law school then to train as a foresic investigator specailising in death.

If that fails I'll be and engineer. And again if that fails I will be a telemarketer (I can. I asked the telemarketer more questions and tried to get them to buy a doll before they hung up on me!) I'm a good persuader and do telemarket people impersonations all the time.

Then I want to get married and children. And a dog.

I want to become a writer, actress or artist -_-

I will go to school for whichever one I choose ;)

I'll Probably Graduate from Highschool by the time I'm 20 ...or older [With the way things are now. I'll end up failing more grades due to lazy ness. I'm taking Grade 9 again, And I'm hardly doing any work as it is. So yeah] Plus after all that, I'd assume i'll Get married to a guy, have a kid or two. get a Job [i want to be a Prosecutor, Or a Person who Works at a Mourge. Or a Taxidermist]

Oh, also. I agree with Sweet Kandi

Spelling Come as "Cum" isn't a Good Idea.

Unless You want People thinking the Wrong thing.

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I thought a billionaire would buy a big mansion or something, not live in a hotel...and honestly, 'txt tlk' is kind of annoying, in my opinion...

I don't know. Before I get a job, of course, I'll be going to university. There are so many things I want to be. A scientist, a writer, a musician, an actress, a photographer...as illiey12 said, only time will tell. Interests change, of course.

I want to go to college =] (3 yrs more!) and the university.

I want to become an engineer and a computer programmer =D

When I was little I wanted to become an astronaut (lol?) and a pilot (maybe)

Since I was little I was interested in computer programming,machines,robots...etc (my dad is an engineer too) and when I was 4 yrs old I used power point,word,ms paint and I learned to type my name fast =]

And then, husband, kids and a Husky dog.

I want to go to UC after high school, then go to law school or something, then be a lawyer, then when I'm like 25 get married and have a kid and be rich. I dunno where I want to live though.

Please try not to use "txt tlk".


In the future I plan to go to university and persue language.

Specifically writing advertisements, or writing novels.

Eventually I plan to settle down with a husband and a few kids, but only time will tell what's in the future for me.

I would love to finish my education, have loads of friends and fun, get married and start a family and be an English + Drama teacher. Most of all, I'd love to be a fun-loving, Christian, pleasant woman with many friends and a husband, kids and job I love. :eek:

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