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  1. K

    do you think they r going to make a camp rock2?

    HSM= High School Musical CP= Camp Rock CP2+ Camp Rock 2 i chose YES YES...............
  2. K

    Contest: try 2 make funny new words!

    oh..............can a guide move this?!?!
  3. K

    Contest: try 2 make funny new words!

    ok, im having a contest, try to make funny new words, when we have at least 10 or so, we'll have a vote off, if you win you can put in your siggy that you are a proud winner of a contest held by moi!!!! i'll see if maybe as a better prize i can put your word in the dictionary!!!!!!! RULES...
  4. K

    CREEPER. Ballin'

    probably the name bob...xD it just sound werid!
  5. K

    Rides + Waterslides!

    i know, life guards at parks are such time i went to zoom floom (next story takes place in it also) and i was waiting at the bottom of the slide for my friends, where they have a small pool...then i see a little girl come out of a slide and did'nt know there was a pool there, and...
  6. K


    white tree frog?!?! awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh i pics of your pet here if you want......i cant im not allowed 2 oh, i forgot my pets REAL funny moment...... when she got stuck in my brothers pants :)
  7. K


    i made a recipie like that in the summer!!!! try mine too: marshmallows (5 is enough) microwave paper plate plastic fork put marshmallows on plate and microwave for 30 seconds no more of it will burn, no less or it wont be puffy! great show to watch getting all poofy amd looking like it...
  8. K

    Funny Moments at School

    ive got a few 4 2day: i told my friends about "party like a fruitfly" which i read about in an earlier post......when my dad came to pick me up , he could'nt stop singing it!!! xD also then my friend started doing "party like a chicken" and moving her head in a chickeny way 2 the beat XD also...
  9. K

    Wakey wakey!

    i wake up at like 11.........and 9 for my tamas in the summer...................i havent played with them in a while.....ill see what ill do.....................
  10. K

    Congradulations Jamie-Lynn Spears

    i kinda feel bad for the baby because as she's growing up she is probably going to accract a lot of public attention, and some of the parents might make there kid's stay away from her......unless they change or they disguise themselves and move soemwhere
  11. K

    Funny Moments at School

    school is almost ending so i guess their wont be much to keep this topic y dont you make one for funny SUMMER moments in july and make a new funny school moments in september unless noones first day is that exciting
  12. K

    Kid dies after immitating a cartoon.

    i think a lot less accidents would happen if the wasnt tv. heck, the whole WORLD we live in is affected by tv!!! if there wasnt tv kids wouldnt be into drugs sex and smoking. if there wasnt tv than plenty of kids woulld'nt have killed themselves by jumping off of boats and cruises to see...
  13. K

    Cheese vs. Tacos Vs. Pie

    two of you said pie but didnt vote in the poll....................please do so your vote counts
  14. K

    PETS! cnat always be so accurate on where you post things
  15. K

    Do you think my username is werid?

    oh i didnt know....sorry
  16. K

    3rd annual Worst Singer in History

    drew seely lip sings for him so you have to say drew seely not zac efron
  17. K

    Funny Moments at School

    oh and one time this girl in my class said that she had a dream that our hebrew teacher was yelling at her and when she asked y she was yelling in her dream the teacher yelled "DONT MAKE UP RUMORS THAT I KISSED YOUR SISTER!!!" the teacher in the dream heard that in real life.......xD
  18. K

    Funny Moments at School

    OH I GOT TONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but i will only list a few for now..... feel free 2 laugh One time for class i got paired up with a kid named jacob...he hated me so when i went to his desk i said "you are probably screaming inside...
  19. K

    -eats hand off-

    if you dont feel that a public school is right for you then try a private school....i go to one and its a lot easier than public school because • there are no police or guards outside all the time in case of a school shooting by a student cuase the students are tought to not believe in volience...