Contest: try 2 make funny new words!


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Well-known member
Oct 28, 2007
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ok, im having a contest,

try to make funny new words,

when we have at least 10 or so,

we'll have a vote off,

if you win you can put in your siggy that you are a proud winner of a contest held by moi!!!!

i'll see if maybe as a better prize i can put your word in the dictionary!!!!!!!


(i know we all hate rules, read anyway)

1. your word cant have a bad word involved

2. you can not use a funny word already made in the dictionary or is someone else's

3. I said MAYBE we can get the winner's word in the dictionary, i'm not making any promises!!!!! its just a maybe!!!!!!

4. you can only give one word

5. if you make up a word, search it before you post it to make sure it is not a real word already

6. numbers and those *^$!"":}] things (i forgot what they are called) can NOT be used in a word,

7. if you break ANY of the rules, you will be disqualified


try taking a bunch of different words and putting them together in some way, it can turn out very funny

try using the first tip in a forgein language (it might be even funnier!!)


My word is: Fizzlemynizzle

;) :lol: :D :lol: :D :lol: :furawatchi: :lol: :furawatchi: :lol: :furawatchi: :lol: :furawatchi: :lol: :furawatchi:

It..uh..means...*thinks and then comes back to computer*

It means to viciously burn a hot dog on purpose....i think..i dont really know and i made it up my self! :(

It is actually a combination of three words and it is SAID like this: Fizzle My Nizzle (just like you would as if it is three different words)

Its really weird and I only say it when i am at school and i am really hyper! :(

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