Rides + Waterslides!


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Their pretty cool. Although there's a difference between fun thrill, and just plain terrifying, and way too many roller coasters that I've been on have crossed that line.

I'm not a big one for Waterparks. Wayyy too cold. -shivers-

Rides? Thrill rides? Reckless thrill rides? Oo, count me in. ^^;;

Wow this is ironic I just came back from vacation and we went to a waterpark hotel XD! I'm serious.... Now I went on a few waterslides lol but I almost drowned in one =(. OK lets get to the point lol. You know those waterslides with a bowl in the middle of them and you spin and drop through the hole? Well anyway my bro and I went on one it was fun all until the end when my bro fell off the floater and then I did ( I was sitting in front he was in the back ) and next thing I knew I was under water terrified! Then my bro saved me ^-^ I love him lol that lifegard did nothing I was like " What a B****! " she didn't even try to save me =,[ and I cried lol!
i know, life guards at parks are such well.......one time i went to zoom floom (next story takes place in it also) and i was waiting at the bottom of the slide for my friends, where they have a small pool...then i see a little girl come out of a slide and did'nt know there was a pool there, and she could'nt swim so there life guard WASNT EVEN FACING THE POOL!!!!!! it was like at the end of the park and there was like some sort of water fall so his back was towards the pool and was watching the water fall...such a........anyway i swam to the girl and got her out and told her to go back up the steps to where the slide starts........then my friends come down and we go back to the top, where a lady with a baby gives me a hug and says i saved her little girls life........i was like :) cause earlier i got in trouble so now this was covering it up!!! anyway when me and my friends went on the slide again and came back down i went to the lifeguard and said you "should'nt work at this park" or something like that and when he asked y? my friend covered my mouth and said "never mind!" the n we went back up the stairs...............

next story i went on a ride and it went like STRAIGHT DOWN!!!!!!! i went on it (of course) and got a huge wedgie..... then when i was almost at the end i opened my eyes and my shirt flapped in my face!!! (i was wearing a shirt so people would know what to do if i got lost cuase it got all the camp locations and stuff on it) then when i got of the ride, the camp director was clapping 4 me..... :D

i know, life guards at parks are such well.......one time i went to zoom floom (next story takes place in it also) and i was waiting at the bottom of the slide for my friends, where they have a small pool...then i see a little girl come out of a slide and did'nt know there was a pool there, and she could'nt swim so there life guard WASNT EVEN FACING THE POOL!!!!!! it was like at the end of the park and there was like some sort of water fall so his back was towards the pool and was watching the water fall...such a........anyway i swam to the girl and got her out and told her to go back up the steps to where the slide starts........then my friends come down and we go back to the top, where a lady with a baby gives me a hug and says i saved her little girls life........i was like :rolleyes: cause earlier i got in trouble so now this was covering it up!!! anyway when me and my friends went on the slide again and came back down i went to the lifeguard and said you "should'nt work at this park" or something like that and when he asked y? my friend covered my mouth and said "never mind!" the n we went back up the stairs...............
next story i went on a ride and it went like STRAIGHT DOWN!!!!!!! i went on it (of course) and got a huge wedgie..... then when i was almost at the end i opened my eyes and my shirt flapped in my face!!! (i was wearing a shirt so people would know what to do if i got lost cuase it got all the camp locations and stuff on it) then when i got of the ride, the camp director was clapping 4 me..... ^_^
Oh that's so sweet! Your a hero to tell you the truth I'm not the best swimmer either =( -.- Thank god my bro was there huh? And ouchie! A wedgie! I'm a girl but even I know that hurts... DX

At this fair, I went on rides with my friends. (The first time I went on a scary ride like that. I'm a chicken when it comes to rides that go upside down and that kind of things.)

1. Was when I went on this ride called Zero Gravity or something. (I saw that ride before but I was scared to go on.) And a lot of pressure went against my chest and it was scary. It was kind of hard to breathe. But I could breathe.

2. This other ride called Evolution was scary, but it was kind of fun. It goes upside down and that kind of things. And it went upside down for a couple of minutes. My feet kind of went off of the seat, but I was sitting at the side because there was this thing that blocks. but my friends feet were dangling off until she put she put them on this thing to put your feet on.

3. And this one was called Magnum, I think. It was fun, but scary at first. You start off slow and then go fast and your seat goes upside down and sometimes flips over.

=] It was awesome. I hope I go again soon.

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