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  1. nizidafabie

    What's this Tamagotchi Board Game? 0.o

    I've seen it around in the Toyshops in Holland. Maybe it's the British version because you don't know about it? I havent Bought it though. I looks kinda cool.
  2. nizidafabie

    How long does TamaTown take to load?

    If she's using the standard Internet browser, I'd Reccoment Google Chrome or Firefox and that kinda stuff. Those browsers have a Fast Reputation.
  3. nizidafabie

    Tama texting

    To: Kuchipachi From: Lovelichi No I won't! You are! I'll marry Mamechi while You be in Jail. I'm Coming for you My lovely MAMECHI!! ♥♥♥♥
  4. nizidafabie

    Nizidafabies Tama Log!

    Nelis will be talking in green I will be talking in Red Hey world! I'm 1 Year old now! :D I'm going everywhere together with my Mommy Fabie! Because she hooked the keychain onto a necklace! Yay ^^ Yus that's what I did (>^.^)> How's it Hanging Nelis? Did you get enough sleep...
  5. nizidafabie


    I have one and i'd say to someone who wanna buy it: Don't buy, Its a waste of money, its superduper boring. Just save it for something else like Tamagotchi's! :D
  6. nizidafabie

    The AwesomeSauce Hatch!

    Sooo.. Is this still applying? I could like... Join with my V4?
  7. nizidafabie

    R.I.P Yano

    R.i.p. Yano, I was so busy without knowing i still had to look after you. School is so terrible! And you where a 2th Gen! I miss you so much! You where the best Tama Someone could ever wish for. You'll remain in my heart, R.i.p Yano.
  8. nizidafabie

    Tama photos in random fun places! JOIN ME!

    Omg I love this idea!! I think I'm gonna add some after i took them, Lol! My avatar does have a random picture, It's on my bed xD Lololo.. And i hope to upload some soon! YAYZ!
  9. nizidafabie

    Do Japanese DS games work on English DS consoles?

    Yes, It should work. The only ones that wouldn't work are the 3DS games because they are Region locked. as for the normal DS, it should work fine ;) P.s. Aren't there any English Tamagotchi games too? I've heard of them.
  10. nizidafabie

    Where do you keep your Tamas?

    I keep mine on the bookshelf next to my bed, comes in pretty handy when it wakes up at night. :D
  11. nizidafabie

    I can't connect to tamatown!

    If someone has the same problem as i had for the v4 Tamatown (the Error disconected) Visit here for the proper Tamatown: (european version)
  12. nizidafabie

    Nizidafabies Tama Log!

    LOL! So Sana Died too. But never mind, I will be raising Nelis for now. Nelis is still 0years old and he lives inside mah pink V4 thingie. he's Generation 1 and i wanna start a wwhole family with him. Like into generation 10 or something xD So yeah, I'm still busy with the keychain that i'm...
  13. nizidafabie

    Keychains for your Tamagotchi

    Oh really? Sorry i was kind of dead last months because my battery died ;A;
  14. nizidafabie

    Nizidafabies Tama Log!

    Soo yeah Sorry people i've been busy with school and such. Like you all know i always give my Tama's Japanese Anime names (Bob was just something i liked) So my New Tama Girl's name is Sana. D'aww she sleeps right now. So yeah.. Byebye!
  15. nizidafabie

    Nizidafabies Tama Log!

    My little bob died! *cries* :( But besides, I can start a new family and maybe finally get a Girl! Yeey! On deviant art, I submitted a few artworks, Any I thought you'd like to see them, so here are they: <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"...
  16. nizidafabie

    Nizidafabies Tama Log!

    My friend has left but, Here is another log! Yeey! My tama Yano grew from toddler to teen! Yes! I'm exited! Another year is coming! Lots of fireworks and cakes and oliebollen included. (It's a dutch cupcake kind of thing, Look on google and it will explain to you.) Fireworks is tradition in...
  17. nizidafabie

    Nizidafabies Tama Log!

    Bob has left! I'm taking care for my already grown Toddler Yano. Hes bouncing around in his little room. Yano: Hello everyone! nice to meet you! i'm Yano! I'll be talking in green from now on I'm so exited to use the phone to call my daddy! I love my daddy! ^^ My Mommy Fabie went icescating...
  18. nizidafabie

    Nizidafabies Tama Log!

    10:40 am: So.. Today, It's very early in the morning now, but couln't resist to tell you some news! I have my second generation! It's a boy, hurrayyy! I will update this post in the afternoon to tell you more things, what i did today ;) 20:26 PM : Yeey! My friend visited tday! She is...
  19. nizidafabie

    Tamagotchi House. (Pictures)

    Very good! I have read your blog and was exited to see this! ^^ Awwesom! I'm really going to make this! :D
  20. nizidafabie

    Tamagotchi v5 Computer Pack on Amazon...

    Hmm.. Do you have a link to the site or something? I don't know but it might be working normally, Because the people above me said so.