How long does TamaTown take to load?


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Eternal Mametchi Fan

Well-known member
Jan 22, 2012
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In an egg
... -_-

I started loading TamaTown at exactly 4:57PM. After twenty minutes, it got to 17% and got jammed. So I loaded it again. Ten minutes after that, I still see a blank pink and white screen without the percentage thing. :( Why does it take forever? Does it take this long on your computer?


Your computer is, no offence, a piece of near junk. How long HAVE you had that thing for?! Mine is supposed to be slow and it only takes five minutes or so to load TamaTown! Well actually, usually it doesn't load at all and displays the server is offline screen once Violetchi gets on the screen of the loading animation. Or maybe it's your server connection...Australia is probably pretty far from the USA, where the TamaTown server is.

My TamaTown takes about 1 Minuet to load up. I though that was slow! My PC is super new though and I use the fastest internet available in Wales. I guess that either that your PC is slow and old so thats why it doesn't load fast. Either upgrade it or buy a new pc. :)

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....? O________O

This computer is a piece of junk. O.O

Let's see... It's a Windows Vista... <_<

Maybe I'll try a public computer, but the library computers are pretty cheesy too.

Well at least you have got a pc. Wouldn't it just be awkward if you have to go to the library just to go onto TamaTown? Maybe you could save up for a new PC :L

If she's using the standard Internet browser, I'd Reccoment Google Chrome or Firefox and that kinda stuff.

Those browsers have a Fast Reputation.

I've got Mozilla FireFox...

Well, I guess this computer is kinda old.

One-minute videos take half an hour to load. <_<

TamaTown takes 2 hours to load.

And TamaTalk takes about five minutes to load in TamaTown123's profile. XD

The Vista computer...the one with the fast 3 GHz Processor, capable of running graphics-hungry games. right? Nothing wrong with the computer - it's simply the ISP's extrememly slow Internet speed that is the problem. A brand new computer won't help much, but a new ISP sure would.

I've got Mozilla FireFox...

Well, I guess this computer is kinda old.

One-minute videos take half an hour to load. <_<

TamaTown takes 2 hours to load.

And TamaTalk takes about five minutes to load in TamaTown123's profile. XD
XD Yours takes about......10 seconds? O.O

P.S: Im using IE but i dunno which version :p

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