The AwesomeSauce Hatch!


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Well-known member
Nov 10, 2011
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The Netherlands
Dont mind the title, we aren't actually hatching some kind of sauce, but we are hatching awesome little critters called Tamagotchi's!

I want this hatch to become a quite interesting and satisfying one, and I have set a standard for it. This standard must be met in order for you guys to participate, if you like it or not, these are the rules:

1) You may only run either a Tamagotchi Original (Angel, Morino, Ocean, p1, p2, Santa, Devil) or the single pet connections (which rules out the v5, and v6).

2) You must post atleast once in 2 days, preferably each day, and photos are allowed but not necessary!

3) No spamming, hating, raging, or whatever, the TamaTalk rules apply, and must be obeyed.

4) Most importantly, have fun, without this, it would be a bad and unsatisfying hatch. We don't want that do we?

I dont have a set date yet, any input on that is welcome, but I am kind of aiming at tuesday, please provide your input of you want a different date!


Shijimaru - Angel or P2

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Hi! If you'd like to organize a hatch, please specify the day and time of hatch (preferably well in advance so people have time to join if they'd like), as well as the type(s) of Tamagotchi to be hatched. Thanks!

OldSchoolTama, as much as I like to follow your rules. You might actually read that I am aiming to hatch at tuesday, but input is welcome, this leaves room for a wider range of dates to hatch.

Also I've set a standard set of rules, which also includes the Tamagotchi's that are allowed to hatch.

Now I am confused what point I haven't met, as you have addressed two, which both I've met. Please could you explain the reasoning of your post, and as such edit my post so that it might be clearer?

Ah, my mistake. It seems, based on the time stamps, that I was making my post (I do tend to have the habit of starting to write posts and leaving them as I tend to other things...I'm a huge multi-tasker) as you were editing yours to include the details I mentioned. Everything looks fine. :)

Just when I was clicking post, I imagined this would be the case, but anyway, thanks for keeping a close eye on the forums.

Just shows your doing your job here, so kudos for you ;)

Id be interested in joining with my angel, morino, or v4.5..i guess tuesday is a good day. Is that 5/22/1012 n e time early in the day?

Id be interested in joining with my angel, morino, or v4.5..i guess tuesday is a good day. Is that 5/22/1012 n e time early in the day?
You can hatch your Tamagotchi any time on that date, there's no set time, just a set date.

So you could make it as early, or as late as you would like to be honest :p

It seems I can't edit my first post anymore, and as such I'm bumping this topic with a list of participants, and some news:

Participants as of yet:


Shijimaru - Angel or P2 (can also be a Oceangotchi or Morino)


Aliciavz88 - Angel, Morino or v4.5


Eternal Mametchi Fan - Orange P2

We are still searching for more participants, and if you would like to join, please post here, and be ready to hatch Tuesday!


The set date is Tuesday, and you can hatch any time that day, so everyone can hatch essentially when it fits them.

I may possibly join if either my Angel or Morino has passed away by then. I'll let you know by tomorrow if I can join for deffinate. :)

I've hatched my angel, I can't post pictures though.

I hatched the uhhhm graveyard eggy, and pooof there's my little angel ghostlike critter called Obaketchi 2.

Right from the start it was a needy little fella, and I gave him some food and player with him, and gave him the name Sion.

He's currently asleep though, so can't post to much.

More tomorrow!

So i hatched my morino for this hatch.. this will be my second time running him, yay! I decided to hatch the white eggy..
Here he is bouncing up and down trying to get out. And then instantly when he was born, he started making this face
and then turning into this egg thing and then back again.
I guess they do this when they are starving, lol. And ofcoarse grubs love sleepy time
G-night all! Hope we get more participants :D

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I've hatched my Morino. I've decided to call him Ben. He's doing good at the moment and is currently still the babymotchi. The above images are the same as mine just I have the white case :)

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