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  1. T


    I don't give it out And I never get on anyways. I use AIM instead. LOL
  2. T

    Club Penguin...

    They won't let you waer them again because if they did that to multiple people, people would become a member for a month buy a ton of stuff and then cancle it, just to wear it. Its worth a try though! Good Luck ^.^
  3. T

    Are You A Fast Typer On The Computer?

    Me too. And when someone makes me do it like that I am so slow :angry:
  4. T


    Help :angry: I am tryong to post videos on YT (YouTube) But they won't upload. I use windows movie maker. Has anyone else have this problem :) Do you have another program I can download and use :( Do you have a solution :P Thankies, TT1o1
  5. T

    My B'Day

    Happy early birthday!
  6. T


    It does that a whole lot, and I think admin. has tried to fix it, it's too technical. Sorry
  7. T

    where can u buy......... click on the product :ph34r:
  8. T


    Just drag the item, back of the roatator to the gallarey (where everything is) or the stage. EDIT: I see your problem is fixed! :ph34r:
  9. T


    Also it is important to get one that says, "invisible" or "goes on clear" That way it doesn't get on your clothes ^.^
  10. T


    Ummm.... There are a multitude of puberty topics, not just the previously mentained. I think this would be best if it was moved/closed(for a duplicate!) ~TT1o1~
  11. T

    My birthday

    I wanted to add this: Did you get any presents?
  12. T

    Alittle help?

    Good luck then! ;) :ph34r:
  13. T

    Post your background!

    Awww so cute! :) :ph34r:
  14. T

    What's on your Christmas list?

    Cool, I'll have to try that :o :)
  15. T

    What's on your Christmas list?

    yea, :furawatchi: :wacko:
  16. T

    My birthday

    Happy birthday to you, Locky! :furawatchi: :wacko:
  17. T

    What's on your Christmas list?

    Let me think, An iPod Nano, Books, and gift cards. My birthdays in November so it's the same list, lol. ~TT101~ :furawatchi:
  18. T

    How do you make your avvies?

    also a good place to look for them is piczo pros but you have to sign up first!
  19. T


    Wow that is an awesome way of saying what you did! :o :o You took the words out of my mouth!
  20. T

    ur real names

    I love that name, its my cousin :o