Are You A Fast Typer On The Computer?


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I don't really think that I'm a fast typer, but I'm not a slow typer ethier. I do type a lot and I frequently pause to think about what I'm going to say next, so that accounts for a lot of my slowness.

I am just an average typer but I can't touch-type very well. Poor me! LOL. Well, some day I'll learn how.

I can do about 40 words per minute, I'm a quick thinker, so I don't sit at the computer all day typing one message. I'm pretty quick, counting that I only type with my middle fingers. XD

I type a bit faster while I'm singing. (46wpm)

I'm a fast typer. I'm the same as MSkitty89 and can type without looking :angry: . I don't know how I'm a fast typer though I've just always been able to type fast.

I type extremely fast without looking. I swear. I'm not bragging, because this is the topic we're talking about. If you don't believe me, ask Gotchi pal :(

I did this typing test a few days ago, and I did 70 words per minute and it says I'm at Expert level.

Here is the story how: One day, like when I was 6, I heard my mom saying to my sister, "Wow! You type really fast!" and then I was jealous. I only knew how to hunt and peck xD So, I hunted and pecked to type out the word, "cat" xD I showed my mom, and she said wow. Then, we ordered this typing instructor for kids. I learned from that, and now look how much I progressed!

I type extremely fast without looking. I swear. I'm not bragging.
Me too O3O I guess it is just practice, and going on so much xD And I don't keep on home row. I only type with my pointer finger, thumb on space bar, and pinkey for shift. Its a team!

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Great! I keep my fingers on the home row. I personally think it is faster that way.

I used to use Caps Lock to make uppercase letters, because I was lazy. Now, I am using the shift! Before, my hands were to small and it hurt to reach with my pinkie :(

Great! I keep my fingers on the home row. I personally think it is faster that way.
I used to use Caps Lock to make uppercase letters, because I was lazy. Now, I am using the shift! Before, my hands were to small and it hurt to reach with my pinkie :(
Ha ha, that used to be me, to. Then I hit a big growth spurt o.o Well, thats besides the point.

I guess so. I hated keyboarding class, but at least I don't type with one finger now. :(
I hated my keyboarding class, too. I took it my first year of junior high, 7th grade.


I type between 50-60 gwam (gross words per minute). But it depends on the mood I'm in. Like right now, I'm tired and not trying so I'm probably typing about 30 gwam.



I'm a very fast typer. I never took a typing class. I just use 2 fingers to type. My right hand index finger, and my left hand middle finger. And since I'm on the computer ALOT I've come to know where EVERYTHING is so I don't have to look at the keyboard anymore. I get about 75+ words per minute.


I type really fast. I hated when they tested us on our typing. It was evil!

But I think I'm clocking in about 80-91 wpm.


I am pretty fast. I don't know where I get it, maybe my Dad. I posted this sentance in around 5-6 seconds, is that fast?

Anyway, when I come home from school I always do my homework the day I get it. My Mum leaves me to it and leaves the computer room for a while. I get a lot of essays and stuff, and plan them so carefully before I type them on the computer. So... I hop on the computer and begin to type. When my Mum returns after around 10mins, my essay is completed, and it was no short one. :)

I think quite a few people are fast typers. Those 'rounded' keyboards seem easier for me, however I do not have one.

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