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  1. *Hayden*

    Last Post Wins

  2. *Hayden*

    Last Post Wins

  3. *Hayden*

    Total girl Tamagotchi Version three

    I think thats her haha
  4. *Hayden*

    Tamagotchi JP 2016 release speculations

    You guys often forget that it's Japan, and its unlikely that it will be in English... Releasing it in the West would be a waste of money, considering the TamaGo, Friends and Dream Town flopped despite their semi low prices.
  5. *Hayden*

    Last Post Wins

  6. *Hayden*

    Total girl Tamagotchi Version three

    Did you buy it from Toys R Us Australia? If so, its probably real.
  7. *Hayden*

    Long-Time Lurker, First Time Poster

  8. *Hayden*

    Last Post Wins

    Burds and bees
  9. *Hayden*

    Mod Break

  10. *Hayden*

    4U App Not Working on Galaxy S6

    If its a European model it will not work.
  11. *Hayden*

    Does anyone know..

    Yodobashi camera? Mainly 4U+'s now You may have luck with the P's in the electronic district (Akihabara)
  12. *Hayden*

    What price did you get your 4U or 4U+ for?

    I bought my 4U for about $48 USD on release I bought my 4U+ for about $$41 USD on release I think
  13. *Hayden*

    The 1-Letter Story

  14. *Hayden*

    How do I pause the tamagotchi?

    Again, too vague, what Tamagotchi is it?
  15. *Hayden*

    Tamagotchi 4U plus

    Probably not, only the core phones work (Galaxy line, Note line)
  16. *Hayden*

    Tamagotchi 4U plus

    S4 doesn't work and wont work, sorry :(
  17. *Hayden*

    Friends vs. P's

    P's is 100 times better
  18. *Hayden*

    Difference between Japanese and English Tamagotchis?

    A bit vague.. explain further?
  19. *Hayden*

    tamagotchi 4u download able character help!

    The 4U has 3 stages only School runs from 7am-5pm