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  1. T

    My V5 Log!

    Good news and Bad! Bad is that I have to wait until tomorrow for them to marry, good is they evolved into AWESOME characters! Mametchi~Male~Etsuko Cole Match Chantotchi~Female~Ella Mehadi Match Kuchipatchi~Male~Zack Hakoru Match Taylor's.................not so well. Hukugetchi~Male~Sam ...
  2. T

    My V5 Log!

    Wait.... Etsuko has a diary?! Well, it says Journal, but it sure looks like a diary inside! Let's read! 7/6/08 I'm excited, nervous, and shy all at the same time! :D :huh: :furawatchi: I'll get married to Toshi tomorrow, or whenever we're all adults. (which should be tomorrow) I...
  3. T

    My V5 Log!

    Their bonding is 70% and the are teens! Korokotchi~Male~Etsuko Cole Match Shelltchi~Female~Ella Mehadi Match Bakutchi~Male~Zack Hotaru Match Hopefully, in 2 days, I'll marry! Hmmmph. Why can't I marry. I'm the girl! Settle down. It's just because he's going to marry Toshi, Taylor's...
  4. T

    My V5 Log!

    They had two boys and one girl. There bonding is up to 40% and these are their names............... Mattaritchi~Male~Etsuko Cole Match Tororotchi~Female~Ella Mehadi Match Mousetchi~Male~Zack Hotaru Match Can't type anymore today. Happy 4th! (for those of you who are americans)
  5. T

    My V5 Log!

    7/2/08 I married to a............. I'm not sure what he was but he was handsome! I'm a Mamametchi and he's a Papapatchi. We have three kids, 2 boys and one girl. We haven't named them yet. But either one of my boys or my girl will marry with another tamagotchi on another v5. I'd like to see how...
  6. T

    My V5 Log!

    7/1/08 *gulp* :D I have an hour to look nice for the dating show. I'm so nervous yet so excited. I'll miss my brothers a lot, after all, they are so very nice to me now. Why do they have to leave when we finally don't bicker?! ;) Oh well. Signed, Izzie :P
  7. T

    My V5 Log!

    XD I had this brilliant idea. Let's read Izzie's diary! 6/30/08 :o I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight. I'm going on the dating show, and I have three tries to find a Mametchi or something cute. I will try three times if I can't find a Mametchi, but if the last one isn't I'll take...
  8. T

    My V5 Log!

    Wow! They are all adults and at 100% bonding! Jack~Furikotchi Izzie~Violetchi Shane~Nemutchi Yes! I am a Violetchi just as I planned! :puroperatchi: I'm not as I planned....... Me neither, but aren't I adorable?! (Both Shane and Jack turn around and see Izzie) :marumimitchi: You are...
  9. T

    My V5 Log!

    The family's now at 30% bonding and are teens! Jack~Bakutchi Izzie~Ichigotchi Shane~Mamekatchi Wow sis! You're really pretty sis! Awww! Thank you guys! Thank god! They've finally matured a little! :) No prob, Izzie. Yes, and I've decided I don't have to be so full of myself.
  10. T

    How fast do v5 grow?

    I've heard it takes 2 days for them to be teens, but I want to hear your experiences, just so I know what to expect.
  11. T

    My new V5s came in! Yippee!<3

    Ooo! My tamas want to meet the your tamas. Mine are still children. Mattaritchi~Male~Jack/son Belltchi~Female~Isabella/Izzie/Bella Mousetchi~Male~Shane Me! Hello! How are you? ;) Why are we here? *sigh* Shane, can you please stop being so negative? Well I can't help you taking us...
  12. T

    My V5 Log!

    I got their bonding to 20%! :( It doesn't seem like some immature embassels are bonding with me. Whatever, Izzie! ;) Can't we please get along? I bet you all will evolve soon! Really? I wanna grow to be a Kuchipatchi when I'm an adult! I'll be a Kizatchi! I'll be a pretty Violetchi and...
  13. T

    My V5 Log!

    Anyone like?
  14. T

    My new V5s came in! Yippee!<3

    I love this and I love to hear about what happens in the Kaia and Chia families! :mimitchi:
  15. T

    My V5 Log!

    Hello! I haven't been on here for that long, but oh well. :mimitchi: I got a new Tamagotchi V5, and I thought I would share them with all of ya! :P Ok, so currentlly they are children. (typical) One female and two males. Mattaritchi~Male~Jackson Belltchi~Female~Isabella...