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  1. K

    v4.5 picture!

    Very precious Tamagotchi. I am eagerly waiting for this one.
  2. K

    Tamagotchi Happy Meal Story found!

    Haha, I STILL have that same keychain on my car keys.
  3. K

    Music Fever

    I'm more interested in those Chu Tamas. They're very cute.
  4. K

    please tell me

    I go to bed around 12:00am just to get enough sleep. I can go to sleep whenever I want, but I prefer midnight.
  5. K

    do you have boyfriend/girlfriend?

    It feels the same as liking a boy. You like a person because they are nice, trustworthy, and honest, not because of what they have between their legs. That person just happens to be a girl. Sometimes, two girls date better because they understand one another better.
  6. K

    do you have boyfriend/girlfriend?

    Yes. I have a very sweet and handsome boyfriend. We've been best friends for three years, and we've dated for one year. When we finish college, we will begin living together. :angry:
  7. K

    Post a pic!

    My most recent picture in my knit cap.
  8. K

    Keep your Tama's away from the principal's drawer!

    In regards to the person who said that personal possessions should not be taken away: Yes, they ARE allowed to. Why? Because if they said, "Tamagotchis are allowed," then all during class, there would be non-stop beeping, and kids would not pay attention because they're playing with their Tamas...
  9. K

    Tamagotchi Desktop Characters!

    Scroll down the click the button that says "Free" at the bottom of the chart. On the next screen, wait for the timer to count down to being download. After that, find the box with the characters and enter them in the box below it. Then click "Download." Pick where you want to save it and you're...
  10. K

    My dummy Tama V4!

    If it's messed up, if you saved the receipt, definately return it. I would send a letter to Bandai anyway explaining your problem, but not a hate letter. If you let them now there are defective Tamas out there, they can work to fix the bug in later Tamas. If you don't write, they'll never know...
  11. K

    v4 Battery Life

    Yeah, I figured that going online would use up more battery than usual. I don't recall my newer Tama lasting more than a month. Thanks for the info.
  12. K

    v4 Battery Life

    I had a recent (but not v4) Tama and its battery life was extremely poor. A poor battery life will deter me from getting a v4. Anyone know how long it is?
  13. K

    Blast from the past

    Pretty nice. I have the old 90's Tamagotchi and a newer one, I know it's not v4 but it's pretty modern. Its battery life was very poor so I didn't bother with Tamas after that.
  14. K

    Blast from the past

    Hey guys, I liked the Tamagotchis back in the 90s, and it's good to see them back. I don't have a v4 yet but I'm thinking about one anyway. It's good to see people who like Tamas because folks my age don't really like them anymore. Any way I can contact an admin to change my username? I picked...