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  1. M

    V6 Button Help

    I tried it today, and guess what, it somewhat worked! ^_^ Thanks. ^_^
  2. M

    What is your Gotchi ID?

    MN0029 is mine. 29 is my favourite number. I don't know about the rest; they were just random. I considered many possibilities in my head! :)
  3. M

    *~♪ My Music Star Log ♪~*

    10/01/09 Entry #1 ♪♪♪ The Music Star Report-   An egg appears on the screen, surrounded by three present boxes. The egg has a music note on the top of its shell. It slowly bounces up and down, forming a tiny crack. Everybody waits. Suddenly, the shell opens and a little baby pops out...
  4. M

    *~♪ My Music Star Log ♪~*

    Sorry that I kept making repeat Tama logs!!!! I just couldn't find one that I liked!!!! Hopefully, I will keep this one. (I'd better. :) Otherwise I'll be sad with myself. :( ) EDIT: No posting, please! If you want to, send a PM with your comment and it will be mentioned in the Music Star...
  5. M

    Tips on Where NOT to take your tama!

    Umm.... here's one. (Grrr.) A few summers ago (I think it was my V1 and V2 summer, no other versions, well summer of 2004 or 2005 or something; WHATEVER) me and my sisters were going through a sort of "Tamagotchi Craze." Well, um.... we were playing with boxes in the backyard, and it started to...
  6. M

    Music Star

    You guys, too?! I thought it was just my Music Star. :( I sure hope that it doesn't cause any problems in the future! Anna Lee is my Tama's name and she would not like it very much if she got broken and had to be returned to the store! ;) :(
  7. M

    Music City

    I have a few questions, which are probably REALLY obvious, but I just got my V6/Music Star Tamagotchi yesterday and went onto Music City just now, today. Sooo.... 1. On the Help file thing for the site, it says, for making friends, "Click on another user's character and the Status Screen will...
  8. M

    Tips on Where NOT to take your tama!

    Ugh.... you're TOO right about that one. I get LOTS of motion sickness whenever I read/play DS in one of my parent's cars, and just.... UGH. I agree! But it doesn't happen in any of my friend's cars.... strange. <_<
  9. M

    Tamagotchi VS Parents

    My mom doesn't really care, but she calls them "stupidos." She hasn't taken them away in the past few months.... YET.... but then again, she couldn't care less, anyway.
  10. M

    TMGC+C ^_^

    *sigh* <_< I'm not. My parents don't even know about it yet.... I didn't even know about it yet until YESTERDAY. So yeah. :mellow:
  11. M

    Tama room ^^

    madi2: Old Tamagotchis rock. :gozarutchi: I have TWO of them. One my friend (lent) me, and the other I bought off eBay!!!! :gozarutchi: Also.... Cool idea! I didn't know that. :)
  12. M

    My Tama Dairy

    Dear Tama Diary, Sorry I have not been on lately! Well, anyway, I have 5 Tamagotchis "running" right now (my sunflowers blue V4 just went out of batteries! How sad :( ): 1996 P1: Green with Yellow Buttons and Screen Border Nickname: Tomathy Tomathy is currently a Tamatchi. Last night he...
  13. M

    My Tama Dairy

    Dear Tama Diary, This is my first entry! I'm so excited. I just recently got my P1 working again, and a P2 (the screen is messed up, but who cares?) was lent to me by a friend. I have two V4.5s running and two V4s. They are all very cute.... but most of them are not really care-taken adults...
  14. M

    The Three Loners & The Truth Within

    I just posted another chapter to The Three Loners! Be sure to check it out sometime! It should be on the Library board tomorrow, and then I will post the link to it here.
  15. M

    The Three Loners

    Well, sorry for the VERY long wait, but I was busy. Here it is! CHAPTER 1 – Buying Wiggy Two hours later, me and Mom went to the mall, which was near a cat breeder’s house as well, who we were going to visit this afternoon to get my kitten. Mom knew the guy, and he had a ton of cats. “Okay...
  16. M


    No, 'tis called Sunset. But Cruel Season and Sunrise.... are two totally different things!!! Oh, yeah, school started yesterday, but GUESS WHAT!!! That's when Eclipse came out AND MY MOM BOUGHT IT FOR ME WHILE I WAS AT SCHOOL! Hooray!!! But I still haven't finished it. :huh: OH, btw: Hey...
  17. M

    Kinz Means Family

    Oh, God. That's amazing! Will you write another story about Webkinz soon?
  18. M

    TamaTalk -- Early Stages

    Ahh! Help, that popup was really annoying. Anyway, I joined 2 years ago, but visited the site frequently a year before that so.... I remember those days!
  19. M

    Kinz Means Family

    Oh well, that's OK. Have you read my stories yet? (Both works in progress!)
  20. M

    The Three Loners & The Truth Within

    How is my new story, The Three Loners? How was The Truth Within? You can find the link to The Three Loners here: You can find the link to The Truth Within Prologue here: You...