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  1. M

    Little siblings who are lazy with their Tamas....

    Right, so, my little sister started up a V4.5 and a V2 at around the same time I started up my Music Star and V4.5. Not a big deal, right? Well, all the V4.5s were originally mine, and she killed my V4.5! Today, I got home from school and it's a toddler and it was super sick and everything. I...
  2. M

    What is the best verion?

    Can you actually buy V5.5s, still, in stores? ;/
  3. M

    Can't get into TamaTown!

    No worries, I actually found all my information! ^.^; However, it has my Mom's email address. >.<; Is there any way I can change that? I'm not under 13 anymore, or anything, and I would really like it to be on one of MY email accounts....
  4. M

    Raising Spiritual Points?

    No, UraVioletchi is achieved by having the most Spiritual points, or whatever the bottom points are that you get by playing Manhole. That's how I got mine! ^.^;
  5. M

    Step by step, day by day....

    Honestly... what have I done on my V4.5 today? :huh: Hmm, not much, admittedly. However, I'll still come up with something, at the very least.... ^.^; **** Hey, y'alls! Well, I spent the evening looking through old family books. I also wonder when I'm going to get a job? I mean, it's been...
  6. M

    Step by step, day by day....

    Guess what!!! I have EQAOs in two days! Ahhhhhh! Anyways... I didn't take my Tamas to school today. ^.^; I had a test, and thought that I should focus on that, y'know? ;O But, I'm taking one tomorrow! ^.^; Possibly my V4.5, but, then, I'm not too sure.... :3 **** Today was rather uneventful...
  7. M

    Can't get into TamaTown!

    Then how can I get my account back?
  8. M

    Step by step, day by day....

    Hey hey hey! Kisa has grown! ;D **** Well... today, while my owner was studying, I grew into a UraVioletchi! Or should I call myself a UraFurawatchi? I really have no idea, since I've heard many different names for it! Ah, well; doesn't matter. **** And now... for a deviation from the...
  9. M

    Can't get into TamaTown!

    Well, I've forgotten both my User ID AND my password for Music City, so I attempted to get it back by typing in my email address. First try. Your email address has not been registered. Okay.... Well, that's strange, since I was pretty sure I joined with that one, but never mind; I'll simply...
  10. M

    Step by step, day by day....

    Guess what; I went to the store, bought some batteries, and put one in my Music Star! ^.^; So.... :3 ....For anyone interested, here is Sara Pet's diary entry for today! ;D **** I was just looking through my family tree books, where it lists all my previous family members and how successful...
  11. M

    Step by step, day by day....

    I just went to TamaTown for the first time! I must confess, I didn't really like it; there's nobody else who I can meet there, and the games are boring! I dunno, I've heard that TamaTown was really awesome and that you could have your own room, but apparently that's for different Tamas, which is...
  12. M

    My Tama won't grow! help!

    Can you pause Tama-Gos? If so, have you paused it at all lately or changed the clock? Because that might be the reason. Just saying.
  13. M

    How do I get more training points?

    Okay! So I am in no way new to the Tamagotchi scene but in the ages since I've played I have forgotten. So, how do I do it?
  14. M

    Step by step, day by day....

    Well, I woke up this morning at about 9, much to my owner's dissatisfaction. She had that chagrined look in her eyes when I finally got up. Hey, it's not my fault that I wake up almost 3 hours later than she usually does! Very frustrating. This morning, after some games and a quick snack, I...
  15. M

    Keep your tamagotchi from the teachers

    Good advice, actually, Alicefly! I just started one up today, and the only reason I'm taking it to school on Monday is for the rush I get when things I bring in that aren't allowed aren't caught and confiscated. XD Plus, with exams coming up soon... I really need to study! It'll probably just...
  16. M

    Step by step, day by day....

    Yo! I just put new batteries in my V4.5 today because my little sister and I decided to do a contest to see who could get the healthiest adult! Unfortunately, I didn't want to reset it just yet so I still have a teenager pet, while my sister has an adult (I think all the V4.5s in the house are...
  17. M

    Sneaking Your Tama Into School

    Well, I'm in high school, and I just recently started playing with mine again. :P Since a lot of people in high school bring their cell phones and simply play with them during class, I have some better ideas. ^.^; If you have a uniform (like I do), simply just put it between your knees! Do...
  18. M

    Tama Talk + Post Op

    "Tamagotchi surgeries" are very risky; I'm glad you figured out the problem, even if it was just a not-being-screwed-on-tight-enough issue. ^.^;
  19. M

    Tamagotchi v5

    Yes, well, maybe less people bought them? It's been 6 years since the big Tamagotchi boom, and the demand for toys has changed a lot since then. Tamagotchis just aren't so popular anymore; I never see people with them, these days. Even though they were fun 6 years ago, even I don't play with...
  20. M

    How do your tamas feel to you?

    I do see them as a pet; however, it's a pet inside a toy. ^.^; I have a cat and a hamster and lots of fish, and I don't really play with my Tamas anymore, now that I have real pets to look after. :angry: