My Tama won't grow! help!


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Jan 16, 2011
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I just bought my new Tama-go on Friday and woke her up at about 2:30. She grew into a toddler just fine, but it's now Sunday 10am and she hasn't changed still. It says she's not even a year old yet! Please help. I'm new to the Tama-go's but I've had a bunch of older ones. Here's her current stats:




Hungry 5

Happy 5

Train 14 (I have one more tick to go before she's fully trained)

Friendship 6


14920 points

Is it because she's a little pudgy? I've been doing the long jump alot and trying to bring her weight down a little.

Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I haven't been messing with the time or anything to try to speed up her growth. I want her to age normally.


Can you pause Tama-Gos? If so, have you paused it at all lately or changed the clock? Because that might be the reason. Just saying.
I pause it at night while it's asleep. That way in the morning when I get up it's not starving or pooed all over it's self. You think I'm losing time when i do that...? And when I said I woke it up on Friday, I mean that it hatched around 2:30 pm. I don't know if that matters.

I pause it at night while it's asleep. That way in the morning when I get up it's not starving or pooed all over it's self. You think I'm losing time when i do that...? And when I said I woke it up on Friday, I mean that it hatched around 2:30 pm. I don't know if that matters.
if you pause it it stuns the growth, the time it spent on pause dose not go into the overall time its been alive. as a result it also screws up the age counter

Instead of pausing, if you are going to sleep... set the time back a bit to match your own sleep time.

Example, if you are going to sleep at around 5am and you want to sleep 6 hour...

Set the Tama time to 1 am... they should wake at 7am (or 11am for you).

After that I just fix the time to normal.

I do this often because I sleep at odd hours. So far I have not had a problem.

Good Luck, let me/us know if it helps you?


Instead of pausing, if you are going to sleep... set the time back a bit to match your own sleep time.

Example, if you are going to sleep at around 5am and you want to sleep 6 hour...

Set the Tama time to 1 am... they should wake at 7am (or 11am for you).

After that I just fix the time to normal.

I do this often because I sleep at odd hours. So far I have not had a problem.

Good Luck, let me/us know if it helps you?

Super helpful!! ~Thanks~ I'll just set the time back so i can sleep!

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