Memetchi <3's Log


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memetchi <3

Well-known member
Mar 29, 2010
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My two Music Stars died two days ago, they were Dreamitchi and Dazzilitchi, and they were married, but I forgot about them and now, they died. So I have to start on the new generation. My tamagotchis hatched yesterday both of them were girls. I named the blue Tamagotchi Grace, and my black Tamagotchi Mary. They started out healthy :wub: . Well I'll just skip this part. Both of my Tamagotchi's turned to Tamatchi. I left them and the Teacher came without me answering, so now I get no toy. :mimitchi: Oh well, last night they both turned to Ringotchi. :eek: I wanted to have Chamametchi or Ichigotchi, but I was to lazy and didn't play any music games. Grace went to school and met up with my band members, which was Chamametchi named Lydia, and a Ichigotchi named Thu. :p very weird name for a girl. I named the band "Fruits" for some reason. ;) . Then Mary went to school and met Kikitchi, and Hinotamatchi. I named the band "AAAAAAAA". Well, tomorrow my Tamagotchi's will evolve to adults. I'll see you on Saturday!

Grace, 2 years old, 31 Ib, Girl,

Mary, 2 years old, 31 Ib, Girl

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Okay, my Tamagotchis have changed! ^_^ Both of them evolved to Sebieretchi. :) They both didn't get Pro Debut. :D :) :rolleyes: Oh well, I guess I have to play more Music games.

Sorry, I wasn't here on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. :D I went to church. Anyway, my Tamagotchi's are on paused, so I'm unpausing them now and let it grow so hopefully I'll meet the matchmaker. :p

Poor Mary, she died :D :eek: Oh well, Grace is still alive and healthy. :eek: I restarted my black tamagotchi, and I got a baby boy, I'm going to name him David, and he will play the harp. B) . I'm playing Music games with David, hopefully I'll get a good adult. :D That's just about it, so I'll see you people who are reading my logs tomorrow! Good night! B) :( :D :angry: :p


David, boy, 0 years old, 4 hungry hearts, 4 happy hearts Lb 5

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Today, David changed! :D He evolved to Kuchitamatchi. :p Oh well, he's very healthy ^_^ He went to Preschool and he ONLY played jump rope with Hitodetchi :hitodetchi: , and Tamatchi! They must be very competitive. :ph34r: Check out my log tomorrow when Grace gets married! :D


David,1 year old, 15lb :ph34r:

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Yay! :D Grace got Pro Debut! :ph34r: Today David went to preschool and he also versed a Kuribotchi! :hitodetchi: Today Grace is going to get married! :p :ph34r: :D I'll let you know when she's going to get married, good bye! ^_^

Sorry that I wasn't here yesterday. :( Yay! David evolved to an adult! He is now, Takarotchi. :p David didn't get Pro Debut. :p It's ALWAYS the last judge! -_- But yesterday, Grace got married to Mametchi! :wub: :D But I got a baby boy. I wanted a girl. :D Oh well, be sure to read my log on Saturday! It's about my new baby boys' Tamagotchi life, see ya! :D

Today is Grace's last day with her baby boy. :D So tonight I'm giving a farewell party for Grace and her family, she's going to have Lobster, Sushi, and for dessert Pudding. See ya tomorrow! :D

Grace left the baby boy now. :( I named him, Mame. :) He was left with 21000 points. He changed about 15 minutes ago into, Kuchitamatchi! :D See you tomorrow! :huh:

Hooray! Mame changed today! :D Arg, it's Nonopotchi again!!! :D I was hoping for Kikitchi or Hinotamatchi. :furawatchi: Mame went to school and met an Ichigotchi, and a Kikitchi. I named the band, A. David is still doing okay, so far no Pro Debut yet. Come back tomorrow to see what adult Mame evolved into, good bye! :(

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Yay! David got married! :wub: He married Makiko and got a baby girl! And more good news! David got Pro Debut! :D :D Mame evolved to Androtchi. :wacko: :p

His band mates turned to Mimitchi and Mametchi! :rolleyes: :D Come back tomorrow to see Angel's new life! ;)

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NOOOOO! David died. :ph34r: :( I got ANOTHER baby boy again. :unsure: Mame is still alive which is good. :wacko: Come back tomorrow to see what child Kirby evolves into! Good night! :lol: :)

I paused Kirby until Mame gets a baby girl and leaves. Nothing happened, I fed Mame a Steak 'bout an 2 hours ago. ;) :furawatchi:

YAY! :p Mame married, Maidtchi!! :eek: Today is Mame's last day, so say good bye to him! And hello to Peach. :eek:

Mame left last night. :( I watched the whole thing when Mame:mametchi: and Maidtchi left the girl. I named the girl Peach. ;) She evolved to Hitodetchi! :hitodetchi: I unpaused Kirby and he evolved into Kuchitamatchi. :p Come back tomorrow to see what Peach and Kirby evolve too! :mimitchi: :)

Hooray!!! They evolved too, Ringotchi and Nonopotchi. :p They both went to school, Peach met an Ichigotchi, :lol: and a Chamametchi. I named the band "Fruits". And for Kirby, all boys I named the band "Veggie". :D

YES! Peach evolved too, Sebieretchi. :p Oh well, her band mates turned too a Memetchi, and a Mimitchi. :mellow: She didn't get Pro Debut though. :(

Poor Kirby, he died. :( The egg hatched and I got another baby boy, this time I wasn't gonna play with it, after 1 hour Pit(baby boy) evolved to Kuribotchi! :( I was surprised! :eek: The Preschool Teacher came and I got a bear. :mellow: Pit versed a Hitodetchi, :p and a Kuchitamatchi.

Hooray!! Pit evolved too: Nonopotchi! :D Next time I'll get a boy, I'll name him Spam. :p Stats time!




Happy and hungry hearts: 2


Age: 1

Ib. 20

Happy and Hungry hearts: 2

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Pit died! :( I got a baby girl(finally) and I named her Samus. :blink: Peach got married yesterday and she left. :( I named the girl Zelda. :kusatchi: Zelda evolved to, Hitodetchi! :( Samus also evolved yesterday as Hitodetchi, and this morning she evolved to Ringotchi. :p That's it for today! :D
