V4 and v4.5 Log!


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Mametchi 4ever

Well-known member
Aug 27, 2006
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At Yankee Stadium admiring field.
This is a log of my v4.5 limited edition and my v4 blue waves. My blue waves is already on it's 7th generation. I had a log for it once- but the log dissapeared.

My v4.5 is brand new- I bought it today!!! Well, anyway, here's the current status:


Name: Icee

Type: Memetchi(I planed to get a mimitchi but.... -_- )

99 Lbs

Generation: 7

65 intelligent points

121 fashion points

82 social points

6 year

gender: Girl

point: 15060

Username: CHAI

MY V4.5:

It was a boy tsubutchi when I got it. It's now a tamatchi(I want it to be a matsuritchi)

Name: Chai

Type: Tamatchi

16 Block face points

19 snowflake points

2 knuckle points(that's what the thing looks like.)

0 years

16 lb

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Point: 2090

Finally, my v4 memetchi got married to a simasimatchi and now I got a boy baby... Right now both of my tamas are sleeping. But otherwise, my v4 is still the same.

My v4.5's points have changed, and yesterday I connected with my v4 and transfered a hat and a ball over to the v4.5. Anyway, the status:

Name: Chai

Type: Tamatchi

27 Block face points

23 snowflake points

10 knuckle points

0 years

12 lbs(it lost weight)

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Point: 750

OK MY V4 and v4.5 arfe awake now.. Memetchi ahsn't left the baby boy yet... And in the meantime, my v4.5 has improved a little.

Name: Chai

Type: Tamatchi

Training: 3

44 Block face points

24 snowflake points

10 knuckle points

0 years

17 lbs

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Point: 2310

YESS!! Guess what, readers! My v4.5 is a young mametchi! One step closer to getting matsuritchi! Only it's still 0 years :p

Name: Chai

Type: Ura Young Mametchi

Training: 3

48 Block face points

30 snowflake points

15 knuckle points

0 years

22 lbs

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Point: 790

My v4 Icee left last night, so that left last night, leaving the new baby boy with me.

Name: Doi

Type: Boy Tsubutchi

Training: 0

4 intelligence points

1 fashion points

0 social points

0 years

12 lbs

Gender: Boy

Generation: 8

Point: 16690

Another new update for v4: It became a puchitchi toddler while I was out shopping. It's practically still the same though. My v4.5 young mametchi almost has enough Passion points to become matsuritchi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

v4.5 info: Ok so far practically nothing happened. But now I'm gonna be able to get Matsuritchi!!!!!!! WOOT!

Name: Chai

Type: Ura Young Mametchi

Training: 6

52 Block face points

30 snowflake points

58 knuckle points

1 years

22 lbs

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Point: 865

V4 Info: Not much. Still puchitchi....

Name: Doi

Type: Puchitchi

Training: 2

11 intelligence points

3 fashion points

4 social points

0 years

33 lbs

Gender: Boy

Generation: 8

Point: 16285

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Anyway.... Guess what?My v4.5 became a Matsuritchi yesterday!!!!!! WOOT!

Name: Chai

Type: Matsuritchi

Training: FULL

64 Block face points

36 snowflake points

151 knuckle points

3 years

47 LBS lbs

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Point: 3175

My v4 is a Gourmetchi. Expected to become a Adult tonight.

Name: Doi

Type: Gourmetchi

Training: 8

16 intelligence points

19 fashion points

7 social points

2 years

92 lbs

Gender: Boy

Generation: 8

Point: 15575

Alright! My v4.5 Matsuritchi is now a 4 year old firemen!


Nothing changed. But he's a firefighter now...

Name: Chai

Type: Matsuritchi

Training: FULL

74 Block face points

36 snowflake points

161 knuckle points

4 years

57 LBS

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Point: 4125


It's a Togetchi adult now. Pretty nice If you ask me.

My v4 couldn't get a job. Tough to take care of two.

Name: Doi

Type: Togetchi

Training: FULL

24intelligence points

45 fashion points

7 social points

4 years

92 lbs

Gender: Boy

Generation: 8

Point: 17375

Anyway... V4.5 Ready to sleep. I'm going to have a girl, this time my aiming going for UraVioletchi.

Anyway, V4, I plan for Mametchi, but if that fails then Kutchipatchi.

So, this is what I'm going to aime for for both:


Name planning to name: Leaf

Type aiming for: UraVioletchi, if

Gender: Girl

Generation: 2


Name planning to name?: Choco

Tama aiming for: Mametchi, Kutchipatchi or At Least A SimaSimatchi.

Points Aiming For: Art Points, Flower POints...

Generation: 9

Gender: Boy


Nothing changed, pretty much.

Name: Leaf

Type: tsukkomitchi

Training: .FULL

25 Block face points

44 snowflake points

47 knuckle points

4 years

99 LBS

Gender: GIRL

Generation: 2

Point: 985


It's a Togetchi adult... AGGAAAAIINN!! GRR!

Name: Kiri

Type: Togetchi

Training: 7

26 intelligence points

18 fashion points

5 social points

3 years

99 lbs

Gender: Boy

Generation: 9

Point: 7120

Alrigth! The tama adults got married to each other!! Sweet fate! And they left las tnight! So, anyway, here's my aiming form:


Name: CAKE

Tama Planning to get: Mametchi



Tama Planning to get: UraMametchi

And, their current status:


Name: Choco

Training: 0

Gender: MALE

8 lbs

Age: 0 years

Humor Points: 2

Gorgeous Points: 17

Passion Points: 17

Generation: 3

Points?: 7615

Currently a..?: Tsubutchi boy


Name: Cake

Gender: MALE

Training: 0

11 lbs

Age: 0 years

Intelligent Points: 3

Fashion Points: 5

Flower Points: 2

Generation: 10(YEAAAHH!!)

Points?: 8780

Currently a..?: Tsubutchi boy

~Other tama news~

Good News. I might be able to go out and buy batteries, so I could ressurect my v3 or Tama Suku. If I do, I'll use this log for either.


Well, it's that ugly toddler with the mohawk.... *sighs* Fine, I'll get a Kucthipatchi..


Chances are, it might be in the mame family, since it's a tamatchi like it was before.


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