Tama Art


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Dec 13, 2009
Reaction score
Have you done any Tama-related drawings or paintings? I recently did these failed drawings...

Mametchi and Violetchi. Violetchi is totally failed, I know.


Dazzilitchi, Memetchi and Chamametchi. Chamametchi got really messed up by the over-shading... :(


Himespetchi. My first try at this one, copied from my Princess Spacy's packaging.


Large drawing of Mametchi, sold to my mom for $3.


So, what have you done? :)

Wow, all your art is way better than mine. Today I drew Moriritchi (failed because I used a really dark yellow by accident. Moriritchi isn't supposed to be the same colour as Mametchi!), Lovelitchi (failed because the eyes look weird), Meloditchi (failed because the eyes look not only weird but utterly freakish), Mametchi (not so failed and quite cute) and Chamemtchi (definitely not failed and very cute). I'll post photos once I've filled up my page and drawn Himespetchi again. I love drawings Himespetchi.

This went to my mom for 7 pounds 50 pence (about $10):


I have no idea why I was running round the house getting my mom and dad to constantly bid 15p more than the other, but whatever. Also, my computer doesn't do pound signs, only dollar ones. Even though it's a British computer. :huh:

Anyway, my mom and dad think my drawings are amazing, which they're totally not. They don't like my ratings out of ten, if you can see them. Also, sorry about my backwards slashes. I always forget which way round they go, XD.

I don't have any Tama art to post, so I'll just comment. kuromametchifan123's Lovelitchi is very good; I rate it 10/10. Dazz's drawings are also very good; I rate them 9/10. Don't laugh; everyone has their opinions, and my opinion is that they are amazing. :) I don't see how you can call them "failed"; they just have a few minor errors; is that so bad? And @dazz, your slashes are not backwards. --> /

I don't have any Tama art to post, so I'll just comment. kuromametchifan123's Lovelitchi is very good; I rate it 10/10. Dazz's drawings are also very good; I rate them 9/10. Don't laugh; everyone has their opinions, and my opinion is that they are amazing. :) I don't see how you can call them "failed"; they just have a few minor errors; is that so bad? And @dazz, your slashes are not backwards. --> /
Well, thanks, but really my art it not that good. Kuromametchifan123 is probably 13 or something. I'm 10. My art is failed because the colouring is crude and the shapes are uneven.

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I think this is the most recent Tamagotchi art I've done:

Perhaps I should draw something new. :D

Oh, and the little Digimon in my signature was also drawn and animated by me.

LOL, I've just been trying to learn how to draw Perotchi by copying from the Internet. As if! All my drawings so far are failed. I've filled up 3 pages of my new sketchbook, but I won't post any photos until I draw something good. I'm trying to learn how to draw Detective Anpan, Perotchi, Moriritchi, Lovelin and Himespetchi and I am not doing well.

Here goes my latest failures... (Thanks to Eternal Mametchi Fan AKA Emfagotchi for having drawings by her I could learn from)


I've also filled up three pages of my scrap-book at school and there are some less failed ones in there. I'll take it home at the weekend and post photos of the pages, although there is A LOT of random stuff written by Fwoggy and me (we sit next to each other in class).



I copied these from a Tama video in the TamaTube section, but I have no intention of passing them off as my own. ;)


I did not copy these, they're my own drawings. I did them at about 2 AM so I apologise if they're not very good. :p


This is just a random one I did. :lol:

Dazzmina! Don't be so hard on yourself, your drawings are adorable! :) So are everyone else's, they're all so cute! I drew some more Tamas today, along with practicing my Japanese...




I drew Perotchi for the first time above, I'm not sure how good it is, her eyes came out kind of scary. :p


And, my first two times drawing Watawatatchi...


And, Meloditchi. I should have brought the shorts part of her overalls over some.

Dazzmina! Don't be so hard on yourself, your drawings are adorable! :) So are everyone else's, they're all so cute! I drew some more Tamas today, along with practicing my Japanese...




I drew Perotchi for the first time above, I'm not sure how good it is, her eyes came out kind of scary. :p


And, my first two times drawing Watawatatchi...


And, Meloditchi. I should have brought the shorts part of her overalls over some.
Wow, those are cute, way better than mine. I still have a long way to go...as always. I'm never done with anything, I always keep improving.

It's, uhm, about 10:30 PM here so I can't post photos of my new drawings (forgot to take any earlier). They're all just practice drawing Tamas standing sideways or running, with a lot of erasing and bad colouring.
