Tamagotchi V6 HELP!


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Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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Ok when your Tama leaves your baby do they get half the money because I get zero when they leave so I always buy expensive food the night when they're gonna leave so please help. Is it supposed to leave half the money. I'm soooooo annoyed especially when there are cool items in the Shop


Your V6 is a second-wave one - these second-wave V6s take all the money when they leave.

Only the first-wave V6 takes half.

To check what wave your V6 is, check the logo on top of the device - if it only says "Tamagotchi", then it is the first-wave. If it has "Tamagotchi" and also "Music Star", that means it is a second-wave one.

Oh that really sucks. My teen kikitchi almost died a couple of times because he had no money to buy food : (

I've got a wave two too, and my tip is to buy one or more of the boutiques/shops. That enables your baby, toddler, teen and adult characters to earn small amounts of mony for themselves, saving them from starvation. ;)

Yeah I try to get the cafe( it's glitchy because its always in the shop lol) but its soo much and as I said you don't get half the money which is kinda hard : /

You just gotta get an adult to the pro debut, practise alot with the band and take it to all the three concerts every night. (5pm, 6pm, 7pm.) Then you'll get loads of money every day, so just buy the shop before your tama leaves the baby. ;)

something else i do is to go to the AWAY icon and when it shows the option for the music shop press the a button and u can play games to work part time and gt gotchi points. only works a an adult though.

another tip is to buy a whole bunch of food before the parent leaves or like jokus said u can buy one of those shops when your adult is very affluent.

Yes, as ichiro.malfoy previously said, wave two's take all the money from the previous generation whereas, the 1st wave Music Stars only take half, I noticed this when my rock city Music star only received half of the parents money, and my dark electro blue Music star took all the money from it's parents, getting money on the 1st waves of music stars could be hard at time, as you needed to keep buying food, and in my opinion, that was a flaw with music star :( Hope I Helped :)

Huh. I didn't realize there were two waves of V6. They should have really changed the instructions for them. I can't even begin to think how many teenagers have come close to dying of starvation. That's why stockpiling food is a great idea. I always buy heaps of food to y and spare my Tama from a sad death. Another way to get money is to keep changing the clock to just before mail times, and if you're lucky, you might get some Gotchi Points from your parent of the King.

Like ichiro.malfoy said, your v6 is a second-wave one. What I do, is the day when the parents leave (when their awake) I buy as much food as I can keep, and so when the baby becomes a teen (where baby food fills the hearts only half way) I use the food I bought then :33 (I learned this the hard way XD)

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