Have you done any Tama-related drawings or paintings? I recently did these failed drawings...
Mametchi and Violetchi. Violetchi is totally failed, I know.
Dazzilitchi, Memetchi and Chamametchi. Chamametchi got really messed up by the over-shading...
Himespetchi. My first try at this one, copied from my Princess Spacy's packaging.
Large drawing of Mametchi, sold to my mom for $3.
So, what have you done?
Mametchi and Violetchi. Violetchi is totally failed, I know.

Dazzilitchi, Memetchi and Chamametchi. Chamametchi got really messed up by the over-shading...

Himespetchi. My first try at this one, copied from my Princess Spacy's packaging.

Large drawing of Mametchi, sold to my mom for $3.

So, what have you done?