Tinkalila's Tamagotchi Log!


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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2011
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Hey everyone! This is my first tamagotchi log! I've had a blog on tinkatinka.weebly.com for a long time so I figured that having a log can't be much different than having a blog. Lol. I'll post tamagotchi tips, info about my tamagotchis, TamaGo templates and more on this log! Anyway, enjoy! Don't forget to come back soon!

My PhotoBucket page for Tamagotchis: photobucket.com/tinkatama

Info about my tamagotchis: I currently have 9 tamagotchis. I have 3 running. The running ones are 2 TamaGos and 1 iD L. (Sometimes my pictures come out way too big) Here's a picture of my iD L:


Awesome!!! On my iD L, I had a tamagotchi who looked kind of like a cactus (I forget the name) and it evolved into Violetchi!

Anyway, I found this website full of custom faceplates for the TamaGo. I might post some of them on here soon. If you can't wait, go to: lovelytamago.blogspot.com

Besides all that, I'm thinking about making a group hatching event for Janruary 3rd, for version 3 tamagotchis only... (It seems like a pretty oridinary date, but I thought it'd be cool, and maybe redundant, :rolleyes: to hatch V3's on the 3rd) PM me if you think you would participate in that. :)

I also found two people on YouTube who post the tamagotchi anime dubbed in English: Calztchi and Princessslashrr

I will probably post links to a few of those videos soon.

Oh yeah, HAPPY NEW YEAR! :newmametchi:

Nothing happened on either of my TamaGos today... except that their's been an exclamation point over the head of my tamagotchi on my green TamaGo for 2 days and I can't figure out what it wants... But there has been some changes with the Violetchi on my iD L. It turned brown and has a weird box shaped thing next to it with a white swirl on the top! I think these changes are only for New Year Day and will probably go away tomorrow. Here, take a look yourself:

Lol! I made a mistake! My Violetchi wasn't brown for the new year, it was brown because it was dirty and I hadn't given it a bath yet! :p

Anyway, I made that group hatching event, and you can go to it by clicking >>> HERE <<< or by going to:


What I'm doing right now: Tending to my 2 TamaGos who seem slightly neglected.

The tamagotchi on my green TamaGo evolved into Marotchi! I forget whether that is on the good or bad care side. No matter, though.

Hey! I hatched my Music Star tamagotchi yesterday and it's now a Kuchitamatchi. I'm hoping it will be Kuchipatchi as an adult. I named it Steve. Lol! My Class in school has this whole idea that the name Steve is interesting so I got a kick out of naming it Steve. Also, sadly, my Violetchi on my iD L ran away, so after about 1 minute a new egg appeared. A short time after it hatched, I had to get new interior for the entire house because the old interior was filthy! I'll be hatching my Version 3's later today. Sorry for the lack of pictures!

My group hatching event was a fail, probably because I made it the day before the hatch! I'll give much more notice next time. Anyway, I hatched my two V3's and they are both boys. The purple one is named Meep and the silver one is named Epic. Also, my blue TamaGo became a Marotchi just like my green one! Sadly, for some reason, none of my tamagotchis will connect! I wonder why. PM me if you know.

I decided to take the batteries out of both of my version threes. My iD L transformed into Gozarutchi! (Sorry I don't have time for long updates, I'm very busy)

Hey everyone! I just wanted to say thank you for getting this log 100 views!!! I'd say it's pretty amazing! Especially since I haven't been doing such interesting log posts lately. I'll try do post more pictures and post more often, ok? I don't have time to take any pictures right now, so I'll just get some off the internet this time.

My iD L evolved into Gozarutchi and ran away! :(

After it left, I reset my tamagotchi and currently have the same tamagotchi I got the first time around: That weird cactus one. XD

I also figured out that they've started calling Violetchi a different name... Furawatchi. Confuzzling!

I'll post again later... sorry for the lack of pictures, again!

My iD L quickly became an adult and evolved into Violetchi... **WAIT!** ...I mean Furawatchi. xD

My Music Star, Steve, has been doing well and formed a band today. It's called. Epical. xD Anyway, Steve insisted that I make this video to show you how wonderful he and his band are! I suggest you watch it, or Steve will be angry! :p It should come out as a video, but if it doesn't, just click the link to watch it instead!

Hey everyone! As most of you know, I'm still new to TamaTalk, so I'm not sure if writing in color here is the same as other BBCode forums. Well, I'll try it!

Testing!!! xD

More testing!

I wonder if it worked... well, I'll find out when I post this. :p

Anyway, today, I'll be telling you a little bit of how I came to know Tamagotchis.

So, I think I was pretty young, and everyone in my class had this awkward little thing with a black and gray screen and a tiny "antenna" sticking out of it. I asked what it was, and they answered with a one word reply: A Tamgotchi. (WAIT! That's 2 words, :D ) So, I decided to learn more about this "Tamagotchi" thing, and figured out all about it. I got one after a day or two (Thank you mommy! Lol.) and loved it! It was a V3. I still have that V3 today. I also happen to remember that I named my first tamagotchi on there Danny. It was a Kuchipatchi and died when it was 29. (Or went back to it's home planet xD) Anyway, only a month later, none of my classmates, continued to be interested in Tamagotchis. Of course, I kept on going. I collected most of the new versions in English, played on all those versions of Tama Town, and all of those other stuff. But to be honest, sometimes when the batteries ran out in my tamas, I didn't bother replacing them for a while because I had nobody to share my tamagotchi interests with. Sometimes my friends would start up theirs, but only for a little while. Now, not many people understand why I still love tamagotchis, but I bet since you're still reading this, even though it's pretty long in comparison to my other posts, you've been touched by my story and know what I mean and why I still love them.

Well, anyway, since that's pretty much the story, I am ending this post now. I might post again later today, but I'm not sure. :) Another time, maybe I'll tell you how I discovered TamaTalk. But that's another story for another day. After reading this for so long, I suggest you relax for a while and take a brake from the computer. Grab a snack, put your feet up, and return to the computer after about 10 minutes, ok? Bye for now!

Sorry, I only have very little time to type this! It's late! I just want to say I hatched my V4 and got a new egg on iD L because it ran away AGAIN.

Hey! Once again, it's late, I'm tired, and I'm too lazy to take any pictures, so you can just IMAGINE that there are pictures in this post. :p So, I've been pausing my tamagotchis way too much, and the only reason I don't pause my iD L is because I can't. Well, actually, I have found a way to "pause" the iD L, but I don't want to. Now, I suppose you're all wondering, "What? No, no, that's impossible! The iD L has no pause function!" and you would be correct. But my way of pausing the iD L is this:

When you go to the time screen, press A and C together, which will allow you to set the time and date, and don't do anything. Just leave it like that. The tamagotchi can't do anything because you haven't indicated the time yet. Simple. Also, you could just set the time to the middle of the night so that it sleeps while you're in school.

Well, I hope my pausing techniques were helpful, but anyway, I think there is ONE picture I wanted to show you. I got it from that rollercoaster game in Tama Town V5. Here it is:


Well, bye for now!

Hey! I decided to reset both of my Tama Gos for no particular reason. My green one is a boy and my blue one is a girl. I plan on connecting them until they marry, preferably as oldies. My V4, Eggy, seems to be doing pretty well. He's at the toddler stage. My music star, Steve the Gozarutchi, really hasn't changed, but I might as well tell you his stats:

Tone: 181

Rythm 133

Original: 232

Also, my iD L became a Violetchi... or Flowertchi... or Furwatchi... whatever! Here's the picture:


Aside from that, I just want to say I might do another log later today. Bye for now!

**I leave the computer**

**Eggy the V4 bounces over to the computer and starts typing**

Hai everywun! I is Eggy, teh V4. Sorrie I can't type good, I am onlee a todler. Aneeway, Tinkalila wanted to tel yoo all sumthin, but she thawt it wood be awkward. So, imma say it fore her. Shee wants YHU to rate this log five starz, and maybee click teh "Like" buton on a few of her posts. She sed if yhu do, she wil definitly chek out yhur tama log and "Like" yhur posts and rate yhur log five starz. She sed she's not desprit or aneething, she just wanted to know if enywon actuly readz her log. But, SHHH!!! If yoo see her, don't tell her I sed this! Bai bai!

**Clicks the post button**

**I walk over to the computer because I hear Eggy typing**

Eggy? What did I tell you about logging for me?

**Eggy is already back inside his tamagotchi**

Yes!!! Finally got to second generation on iD L. You have to take the adults to the matchmaker real quick. Violetchi got married to a dude in a hat. :p And, after a little while, my Tama Gos both evolved. My V4 hasn't changed much, and here's a video of my V6 music star:


Might post another log later today... byezz!

Just got 2 new apps for my iTouch! The first one is called Virtual Life. The characters are pretty cute, and it's somewhat entertaining, and worth getting since it's free. The second one is called Hatchi. I prefer Hatchi. It's somewhat like a Tamagotchi, but a very early version. I named my Hatchi pet Eggy! Since I will also be logging for my Hatchi and my V4 is also called Eggy, I will refer to my V4 as Eggy the V4, and I will refer to my Hatchi as Eggy the Hatchi.

Here's Eggy the Hatchi:


These are Eggy the Hatchi's stats:


I decide to let Eggy the Hatchi take a nap:


:) Adorable.

Hey everyone! I've noticed something. I've noticed that a lot of people have conversations with their tamagotchis during their log posts. So, I've decided to invite Eggy the V4 to do today's log with me!

Heyhey! What's up dudes and dudetts?

**Facepalm** I told you not to say that! <_<

Gosh, sorry. :rolleyes:

**Sigh** It's fine.

Well, what are you waiting for? Let's get this log going!

Oh, yeah... uh... actually, nothing's really happened with my tamas. :mimitchi:

So, I did all this for nothing?

You didn't do anything in the first place...

Ugh, whatever, bye. :angry:

Sorry for her attitude. She's been grumpy because I pause her so much. Bye for now!

Sorry I haven't posted for 2 days! I've been busy! I'll try to post more! I can't upload any pictures right now, but I will later! My iD L evolved into Spaceytchi! And, Eggy the Hatchi evolved into a Teenager. :)

Once again, I'm sorry for not posting! I'll try to make this post fun, to make up for it.

So Eggy the Hatchi evolved into a teen:


And then into an adult:


And earlier, my iD L evolved into Spacytchi!


Spaceytchi! I told you not to help me with today's post

But I make your log so much more awesome.

Oh, my log wasn't awesome before?

That's right!

Ok, bye everyone!

But we're not done!

Oh yes we are.

Once again, I apologize for the lack of updates! I will update more often so remember to check back here! Right now, I'm just not up for pictures and such, so I'll make this short and sweet:

My hatchi died, so I had to reset it and get a new one and name it Eggy again. But, I've decided to stop logging my Hatchi. Anyway, my iD L quickly became Spaceytchi AGAIN, got married to Lovelitchi, and there sat a baby girl, who I will now be logging for. Oh, I really should take my other tamas off pause...
