ZuZu's Gotchi Zoo


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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2011
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I'm right over there>_>
Man, I hope I can pull this off. I'm no good at this logging buisness see? :ph34r: but it's worth a try. :D

Hi, I'm ZuZu, the tama that interests me most is the IDL at the Mo, I really enjoy read other people's logs so I just thought Oh Whatever. give it a try! so here I am typing to Tamatalk about my little electronic eggs. I am on the sixth generation and still love the poor thing to death (I actually fell asleep holding it last night). Right now uhm... what should I name her... maybe Kiko. yeah Kiko is good. Kiko is the toddler Paletchi and is hopping around the pixelated screen. By the end of the day she should be a teen. She has been travelling to school with me as of today and she enjoys it, everyone wanted to play with her and help her lose weight, so I don't have to play games with her between classes. I just turn on the jumping game and all my friend do the work for me ;) they all think it's cool I have tamas, and one has been borrowing my V2 for two months and she plays with it on the weekends, I am so proud *sniff* she seems like a dedicated parent. I will refer TamaTalk to her tomorrow.

this was my intro, and I hope to have a interseting update tomorrow :lol:

this is probably a really boring intro but I promise tomorrow's log will interest you :p

Toodles!-ZuZu & Kiko


This morning I woke up at 8 AM so when I checked on Kiko she was already a Painaputchi. This generation I am starting to lean toward either melodytchi or chamametchi. both adorable, and I haven't gotten either yet. I took her outside to check on her fruit plant we buried yesterday and out popped a peach! we kept it awhile and decided to go to donut park, we found that the TamaMarche was still going on so we sold the peach along with a few other things. when KiKo returned home it was my turn to go on a trip, to school. <_< today Kiko didn't complain at all except when we watched parts of "The Odyssey" (movie version) she complained that it was too gory and yucky. :rolleyes: the only class she actually liked was PE because she wasn't stuffed in my coat pocket, KiKo claims it is stuffy and hot(I belive her). at Lunch I got a burger and Kiko got Fish'n Chips. after eating, she was admired and played with by my friends. :ichigotchi: we went to the park and played with some pets, but when Kiko begged me to let her take one home I said no, but it was hard to resist that adorable face! :babytchi: after school we went on to do homework, which was reading the odyssey. We both love Percy Jackson stuff so this was a treat. (Son of Neptune is awsome btw)and that takes us to now...

Weather forecast:

Well it will be raining this morning but it should clear out by twelve, giving us a nice cloud streaked afternoon. Tonight should be rainy and the persistent wet weather should continue tomorrow. back to you Mametchi...

Highlight of the Day:

I had no math class today and we watched a movie in literature! :chohimetchi:

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yo, TamaTalk.

todya is thursday and at AM6:59 I suspensfully watched the screen for the evolving animation. and Guess what KiKo turned into? Lavulitchi! argh! not that I don't like lavulitchi,it's just... I have gotten her twice before! so half of my tamas have been lavulitc is. -_- but I guess I can wait another generation for the first random destination (Henshin-jo) Today we checked on the sparkly plant we had buried. we got a tamamori-ri yeah, I can't read katakana. but it looks like a golden x-mas tree, so that's good I guess. when at school one of my friends was playing with Kiko all morning so I just got to hang back about caring for her :) friend accidentally got Kiko a happys stamp. heh. Today I forgot to turn her sound off so in Japanese she started screaming IT'S FRIDAY, FRIDAY, FUN, FUN, WHOOO! or,y'know, maybe she just beeped a few times.

Kiko: well It wasn't MY fault you set my clock to friday!

shush. and later on while eating lunch we played dressup and met GotchiMan at the park. we didn't run in to too many pets which was a pity, cuz I was willing to get her a pet today. when we went off to sixth period, Kiko was all decked out as a princess and all my buddies thought she was: "CUUUUTTTEEE" she is going to stay with me at least until Halloween so she's gonna get dressed up, though we don't know what as. if anybody reads this log (as if anyon would read my stinky log) they may make a suggestion. princess is a possibility... but a princess is kinda boring. I want an AWSOME costume for her. :D

kiko: maybe if I dress up as a princess I will meet a prince charming... :chohimetchi: :wub:


Kiko: Why you!...

Weather: Sunny all day! it should cool down around noon...

Highlight of the day: I went on TamaTalk. :nazotchi:


well I guess you guys deserve some pictures right? :blink:

so here they are...


^I gotta blue IDL that is really pretty but the silver on the side is getting worn <_<


and that's Kiko^

Kiko:that's me!


that's Kiko's plant as she poses with it. :wacko:


and this is her taking a bath (shhhh!)


that's all I can upload for now, or else Kiko'll kill me. heh.

in other news she got two other tamatomo stamps. and she was a good girl all day! :p

Weather: sunny until 5:oo where it'll get cloudy...

Highlight: ITSSA FRIDAY! :lol:

really quick morning update( I'll do another later)



Apparently Kiko thought it was the right time to decorate for halloween she must have carved it and put it there when I was sleeping.



it blinks every other frame! and if you can't see the screen that well... I will make a pixelated version on paint. and post it later! this is my first holiday with My IDL so it's really exciting :D

Edit: here is the pixelated version!


that took 3o minutes! phew! :wacko: more tonight.

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Today I started my V5(.5?) alongside my IDL. So far the eldest is a girl the middle child is a boy and the youngest is a girl. There I nothing much to report on Kiko today. She has had all her tamatomo stamps for a few days now, but she will still comment on my log. So far the babies have had their nap and sickness so I expect them to evolve soon. The eldest is Emmy, middle is Percy, and the youngest is Annie . oh wait, I have to feed them and clean their poo and play a game with them… -_- ; alrighty well let’s interview Kiko about her new siblings!

:ichigotchi: Kiko, what do you think about your new baby siblings?

Kiko :angry: : they’re so LOUD! Was I a loud baby?

:unsure: Well no… the IDL is pretty quiet.

Kiko :mellow: : … so they’ll be loud all their life?

:lol: Yeah. But it’s ok. It fills akward silences.



^_^ See?

Kiko :mellow: : actually I do.

B) Well we better go we have to go clean up some poos.

Kiko :huh: : we?, what do you mean w-

Kiko :ichigotchi: : I wanna take over the log todya!!!

;) You can't write kiko, your pixles are stuck in the screen.

Kiko -_- : well I can just TELL you what to write. and then-


Kiko: but-

NO. I'm not gonna let you take over.

we've been busy and it will get more busy still... so thats why we haven't updated in a while. but it's all good. Kiko and the triplets-

Emmy :angry: : we have NAMES you know!

-had a good time trick or treating on halloween.

Percy :rolleyes: : so your definition of "Fun" is getting buried by a massive amount of candy that pushed our buttons (literally) and is just out of reach?

:angry: *offended* well at least it smelled good in there! and you didn't walk for miles in flats.

Kiko:did you all see my costume? it was adorable, and it costed so much money and I matched with ZuZu's friend!

Annie :babytchi: : Kiko? I thought your dress was sooo pretty, but when I asked ZuZu for one she said I couldn't! ISSA NOT FAIR ZUBBY IS MEAN!

*gently* now Annie, remember? you can't dress your pixels it's not possible. plus I dressed your shell with kiko's fashion sense.

Percy -_- : you call that "fashion sense"?

Kiko: why you little teenage brat! I shou-

Ok, ok you guys! I can't update with you all argueing and yelling in the log! you know what? I'll just turn your sound off.

*turns off yelling tamas*

much better! now Emmy is a shellutchi, Percy is a akutotchi or something, and Annie is a chamametchi :wub:

kiko is going to reside with me till this weekend.

I bought the triplets a toy plane and a planetarium ^_^

Highlight: I somehow ended up not having to do my presentation on Artemis yet.

yo peeps, nothing has happended today... Kiko is still a lavulitchi, the triplets are still teens. soo.... yeah.... (akward turtleness!) today I met someone at school who has a slight intrest in tamas and has a small collection! I almost sqeald with delight, what was interesting is that he's a guy. but s'okay, I tend to hang out with dudes quite a bit especially during class. during Bio this guy that is my lab partner was being his weird self and he saw my tama(V5), he said: is that a tamagatchi?

Me: uh-hun

Dude: Lol (he didn't say L-O-L he said it as it is spelled, lol, like lolly pop :rolleyes: )

Can I play with it?

Me: No, Not during class

Dude:plz? c'mon! Plz?


Dude: fine.

*After class*

Me: you can play w/ it now

Dude: why would I want to play with a stupid tamagutchi?

ahh, Haters, you gotta love em.

and the guy who collects tamas is a nooby sort. but it's better than being alone in the world.

he was talking about a V10 I told him it doesn't exist. I asked him if he meant the IDL or something and he said "No" so I was a bit confused ah well, he will learn in time...

you kinda have to love noobs too.

in other news: I am prob gonna get a tama-go.

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iv'e been really sick the last couple of days :angry: so no updates. and when I was NOT sick I was too busy to post. well, I started my music star over the weekend and stopped my v5, I remember why I dislike it now, I don't like some of the characters. on monday my tamagotchi evolved into a mimitchi. which made me happy :blink: unfortunatley I don't think I passed the judges. I was iceskating and I saw my tama head off to the school by it self. she only has, maybe, 500 skill points each? lol I am a horrible mother, last generation my music star had 900 by the time she was an adult. I spent nearly all day trying to get to that point, but this time I just took care of her like a normal tama. at least I got the perfect care character. on my IDL; I finally got a boy x_x it took seven generations for that to happen. I paused him, and righ now he is a furusupatchi. more when i feel better, I have to go take a nap.

bye!-Amanda :mimitchi:

Nick (furusupatchi)


yay! I can reply to my topcis now! so I turned on my IDL and tabbed my music star, I tend to hop between those two. well Nick is still a Furusupatchi, we have had a lot of fun the last week, we went ice skating, Nick was at my concert (Violinist) and tomorrow I am going ice-skating with my mob of friends :D I doubt that most of my friends have ever seen ice (other than in cubes) much less skated on it :p I have been skating since first grade, I'm not really that good, but better than my cold prone friends. Nick will tag along in my pant's pocket. I will be mocked and laughed at endearingly from my friends no doubt. but s'ok it'll be fun. Nick is watchi Iron man two right now with my Brother ;)


loud, aren't they? boys. I'm glad to finally have a boy in the line of my iDL's history.

my brothers iDL is not really my brothers anymore -_- you may wonder why he has an iDL in the first place. well, here's the story. I was about to order a yellow iDL when my mom "conveniently" remembered that there was some money trouble for me. my dad cancelled the order at the last minute. when THAT issue was accounted for I went on e-bay to find that my yellow iDL had been sold! so I bought a blue one (I :wub: blue) two weeks later: two boxes arrive on my door step I got two iDLs! so one was passed on to my bro.

ok well it's nick's bedtime now- night!

I told you a normal update is coming! Nick turned into a teen at the ice rink today:


and I found my lost v4.5! so I started it up out of habit. :p meet Leo-> :kuribotchi: (Heros of Olympus reference) ahhh... this little guy is my newest addition. got him offa friend for free, the star looks like it met a vicious teething baby but other than that the shell and screen are fine.

Leo :angry: : excuse me?

:huh: well what happend to it then

Leo <_< : uhm, I was attacked by a pit bull!

Nick -_- : Snirck you didn't exist 'till this morning Leo, there's no way you can know what happened to your dented antenna.

Leo :babytchi: :... well, it looks hard core anyways.

Nick : Antenna are so 2006.

Leo: you calling me old!?

Nick : cool it little man, I meant no offense.

Leo : little man... well at least I don't look like an emo star.

Nick : Emo st- why you-!


Guys guys! fighting loses you an hour of Harry Potter or Rick Riordan's stuff, and you won't get to watch tonights movie.

Leo-Nick: NOOOO!!!

stop being Luke Skywalker and I'll pretend that you guys never fought.


good! now I better upload a pic of Nick or I can be lazy... and do it later tonight

done! night.

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Update time! ok, so I'm gonna try to use colors cuz I'm cool that way.




Yay, Imma in blue! still a BokuHoshitchi

And I am an er... sun flower head thingy... am I not awsome?

Oh, I just realized that BokuHoshitchi means: I am a star tamagotchi.

well, I am aren't I?

well ten I must be BokuSunfurawatchi

Bit lenghthly for a name though.

well then what am I called?

Obese sunflower head perhaps?

Pfft. like Bandai would do that.

wait a sec. you guys, I'm looking it up... you are a Kujakutchi Leo.

well what does THAT mean?

hey, my knowledge on the japanese language only goes so far.

It means-


cool it! you look like a fat yellow peacock in this picture Leo. Nick, please tell us what it means

NO. Mr. FatPeacock doesn't want to know.



well, it's akward silence time for the two teen tamas! :D now on to more loggy like stuffs.

I got pictures offa my DSi. it's the best for iDL pictures.


we planted pickled veggie seeds though I don't know how they pre-pickle seeds.

any ideas Nick?... Nick?

well I think they pickle the seeds then dry them, and sell them, can I resume the akward turtleness with that ugly retro connecction tama now?

thanks for those words of wisdom Nick.

now what else?...


here's Nick being adorable <3



So what did you guys think of Star wars 3 and 4?


Come on, you guys won't even smile about Senator Palpatine running like he was constipated?


OH MY GOD. Senator Palpatine is heka wierd!

that is how our future sith lord runs, like a girl.

Time to go, Nick and I are going to play halo reach on x-box live now.


They grow up so fast...

I never aknowledgded this but my log used to have five stars(whomever voted I thank)... but now I see it only has three? someone must've given my log a really low star count for that to have happened. whoever you are can you pm me so I can see how to improve my log?... I would like it to be as interestingas possible.

Quick! while she's occupied! oh wait... AAARRRGGHH!

Wh-what the Heck?! Nick! are you dieing?!


Shut it! I'm fine, I... I just evolved. -_-

ahh. kay, whoaa.... what ARE you?

hmm... let's look at ZuZu's iDL growth chart.


... searching...

Oh, I'm a Kuishinbotchi.

well who's the fat one now?!

leave it. we're here on a secret mission remember?

oh, yeh- wait what was the mission again?

to do the log. jeegums you're bright.

you iDL types have happy stamps right?


wanna do that while we log?


*Muttering* Kui-shin-bot-chi happ-y stamps....

AH HA! here's the first!

...(both) Overalls?

*Mockingly* well, overalls it is! Let's go shopping!


(shopkeeper) so you want these overalls?

erm. yes ma'm

well whaatever, that's 1500Gp

thanks, *runs home*

oh my goshness, that was hilarious. "yes, ma'm" ? and the LOOK she gave thoes ugly denim abominations.

shut, let's see if this works. goshness this is ugly.

*happy stampness*

actually thoes look more ugly than I thought they would.

Ok, I'm never wearing these again.

next is dumplings.

Dumplings? sounds good. let's go to the restraunt.


mmmm! dumpings!

*happy stampness*

I didn't know happiness could be bought, but now I do!

wanna order dessert?


over dessert

so what's the last happy stamp?

cloud candy, oh! I got one of those!

great so let's do it.



Sure! just hop on and see what happens!


awsome! this candy is good! I gotta bring you to parties!

guys, what's going on?


it was his idea!

ok, I'm turning off the log now.




YAAAY!! first fan mail! thanks Reptar! we're setting up to watch green lantern right now. but waiting so we're just watching futurama.

Lets just keep watching futuama instead!

But... but you guys LOVE superhero movies.

SHH! they're putting in mature content now!

<_< hmm...

lets talk about something else.

Like... like how my dinner was!

this was what went on at dinner.

*amused* you humans have to work so hard just to get a sustaining meal.

well you have to get ME to feed you, I can feed my-self.

well whatever.

<<<Later>>>(as I am peeling boiled eggs)


what what?



Y-you're peeling the outside of the tamago's shell off. *trembles*

this isn't a tamagotchi egg, this is a chicken egg JiDan. calm. caallllmmm.

oh, well, well, I knew that, I was- I was just playing along.






SHUSH! god, I'm trying to do lit. homework, go sing Lady Gaga in another room.

fine, what do you have for lit?

I have to read some of To Kill a Mockingbird.

Ohhh! read it to us!

allright whatevs.

"I lingerded between sleep and wakefulness untill I heard Jem murmur. 'Sleep, little three eyes?'"

what the heck does THAT mean? "Little three eyes"?

let's find out! I wanna use bing this time.


Uhm, it's from a German folk tale, but it's really long. it's kind of like cinderella. this lady had three kids. the first had one eye, like a cyclops, the second had two eyes like a normal person, and the third had three eyes. two eye's sisters and mom where mean to her, so she only got scraps to eat. one day, she was just hanging out with her pet goat when a wise woman came to her aid and told her how to get food. by singing to her goat a rhyme. her sisters suspected of her. so they sent little one eye to spy on her. but two eyes put her to sleep with a song. then, three eyes was sent to spy on her sister. two eyes tried to lull her to sleep, but she pretended. and saw what her sister could do. her family killed the goat. two eyes buried the goat 's heart-

Urgh, yuck. peacockboy.

-and it grew into a magical apple tree that had silver leaves and golden apples. only two eyes could get the fruit. one day a knight came by and said anyone who would get him a twig of the magic tree would get anything they want. two eyes got him the twig and she asked him to take her away. he did and they fell in love and got married.

-The End

oh... I get it now.

uhm hum. now can I finish?

sure but we're taking the computer.

Just-just leave, please.


Her highschool must be awful, I don 't have any homework at mine.

Wait till we go to school tomorrow, it's even worse.

got any ideas as to what we can do?

I know!!!!! we should plan a vacation!

a vacation we won't be on? -_-

who says we won't be on it?

err... you sure this is a good idea?

Yes! now where do you wanna go?

I've always wanted to go to hawaii.

hawaii? what about florida?

what's so good about florida?

do the words Harry Potter World mean anything to you? or what about Disney World.

thoes are in florida? O-O

yes but if you still wan-


What have the boys been doing to my computer?....
Whoa, what's going on that make you need to use all caps, 24 font, bold and underlining all at the same time?
*dangerous* Nick.... did you and leo buy.... air, line, tickets?
Ummm.... yes ma'm.
to Orlando Florida?
Ah, well, you see, Leo told me-
why are you yelling?
er, nevermind then! let's go Nick!
Ah, so so shall we continue the log?
yes, I want to start. I am still a horizonally challenged peacock-
you accept it now?
*glare* and Nick is still a candy addict.
Yes, yes. hey you have mail leo.
Whoa! did you get a howler?
Whoa! calm down. I've handled this plenty of times, now first-
who-? where-?
I'm the mail box smaticle, now first put down the letter, and let me handle the rest.
what'll you do it's not like-
that... that's gross.
so, do the mailboxes usually talk?
Aparently but mine never talked to me before.
that's because there was no reason to.
thanks for boosting my self esteem.
well, if you wanted to talk all you needed to do was ask, it's kind of obvious, me having a mouth and everything.
well that was interesting! let's leave. ZuZu is coming back to finish her homework and she doesn't seem happy.
well, my tamas got confiscated -__-

but one wasn't in the box at the time so he got left with me.

Aka: Leo.

Ugh, I turned into the most... most GIRLY dude tama.

Hey, Leo you got mail,


Hey boss, uh, you got mail from- whoaaaa! what happend to you? you got a glitch? cuz-

Just shut up and give me the mail.

Er, ok then.

Hey, Leo? I think that BanDai planned out your pixels all wrong, you're supposed to look like this:


not this:


I do look like a super cool myterious tuxedo guy, don't I?

(tuxedo guy?)Of course you do! BanDai just got you wrong.

yeah, they thought I was too hot for a kids toy so they prettied my up.

exactly! oh, you got more mail, Leo.

hey, boss, you look like a super cool tuxedo guy today!

don't I? now the mail...

hmm... the king sent me... money!

nice boss!

just call me Leo the tuxedo man! uhmmm... what's your name again?

well, I never got a name...

you need a name!!! and if you don't have a name whose is that? *Points to painted name on side*


er, my name's not steve. that was my previous owner's.

well it is your name now steve!

please don't post this it'll never go awa-!
