Tamagotchi v4.5 log (:


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Well-known member
Jul 25, 2006
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On Monday, (March 21st), I decided to put a new battery in my old v4.5 and reset it :)

My fiance has been visiting here all week, so I haven't had time to start a new log.

But I took some pictures, and I think I can basically summarize my tama's life so far.

So, here we go.


Here is my tama, fully grown. Her name is Helga :D

Sorry about the poop.

She hatched into a female petetchi at around...12pm on Monday?

She evolved into a Kuribotchi later :kuribotchi:

And then into a Ura Young Violetchi :)

She's now a Ura Memetchi.

I suppose I shall post her stats.



Hunger: Full

Happiness: Full

Training - [------ ] :(

6 years old

81 pounds D:

Name: Helga

Gender: Girl

Generation 1

GP: 3540

She also works as a body builder ;)

And! I ordered a new v4.5 off of Amazon a couple days ago :)

It was shipped yesterday, and should be here sometime next week.

Looks like this:


I love peacock feathers. I'm really excited :)

I'll post unboxing pics, hatching pics, and baby pics once I get it in the mail!

Thanks for reading ANOTHER one of my logs.

I'll update again tomorrow. I have a mini road trip to take my fiance back to the airport.

So I'll be playing with her a lot.

Bye! ;)


Good morning :) Its 6am, and Helga is still sleeping.

This is pretty much a useless update but I decided to make it anyway.

During the trip in the car, I'm going to take some pics of old tamas, and write posts about why

or how those tamas are special.

A breif summary of my tamagotchi history :) Since I've had so so so so so many logs here.

I'll post that later today.

Its about time for me to go though, so I'll update later.

Bye :)

Okay, I took those pictures like I said :)

Here's my entire tamagotchi collection since I started, over 5 years ago:


Okay. These are my very first two tamagotchis ever.

The first one I got was the v2 on the left, and then about a week later I got the v3 on the right.

This is the only picture I have of them, but I feel lucky to have it at all.

5 years is a long time, haha.


The batteries in my v2 and v3 died, and so did my interest in tamagotchis for years.

My sophomore year in high school, I got this v4.5

This tamagotchi is important because since I got this one, I haven't lost my interest in tamagotchis for long.


This is, as you've seen, my only currently running tama.

This one is definitely the most special to me. My fiance and I met on Myspace over 3 years ago, and have

been maintaining a long-distance relationship ever since.

The first time he was ever able to come down to see me, I bought this one.

So, just kind of special:)


My v5. Nothing special to say about this one

I hate it, actually. Its the worst tamagotchi version, in my opinion.

I never played with it really.


This is the first v6 Music Star I ever bought. I loved it.

Music Star is probably my second favorite version of tamagotchi.


This is the second Music Star I ever got.

That one died, and I can't find it.

This is an old picture from my old log from last spring.

That's Howie and his family! One of my favorite tamas ever.


This is my only v4.

I didn't play with it much. I was losing my tama interest for a while around the time I bought this one.

I was for some reason obsessed with getting a v4.

And I got this one because it was all I could find.

I really hate the shell.


I got this one this October. My third Music Star.

I love the shell of this one, but nothing too special about it.


I got this one in October too.

I got it because I realllllllyyyyyy wanted the pink keyboard shell one,

but I could never find it.

So I got this because its as close as I could get to it.

Still pretty though.

Thats all for this post.

I'll post some pics of the unboxing of my new tama as soon as it comes.


So, :)

While I was in the car on the way home from the airport, the matchmaker came.



Its a girl.

Nuff said ;)

Forgot I bought a ticket to France a few days ago :)

So Helga got to take her baby.



:) BYE.

I'm unsure whether Helga will leave tonight or tomorrow night.

I'm pretty sure its tomorrow night.

But! Just in case, I think I should post some stats for you :)

They're kind of pathetic :/

Name: Helga

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

Hunger: Full

Happiness: Full

Training: [iIIIII ] (6/10)

Happiness points: 84

Gorgeous points: 94

Spiritual points: 74

7 years old

Weight: 89 lbs :eek:

GP: 14,980

Oh well ;P

I was kind of busy with my fiance this week, so I'll try to do better with Helga's baby :)

This was just a stats update.

I'll update you with info before school if there is any,

if not, after school :)

Bye guys:)

One more itty bitty post?

They just went to sleep.

Thought I'd post a pic of the pouch they stay in while I'm in class ;)

Just for kicks.


I got out some notebook paper and wrote down pretty much everything that happened with

Helga and her baby today. :)

Pretty uneventful, but I'll post it anyways.

8am - Woke up with fortune mail. Played Climb twice.

9:20am - Went to the bathroom before my second class to check on her;

One hunger heart down, fed them.

10:15am - Went to the bathroom before my third class to check on her;

Fine :)

11:05am - Went to the bathroom before my fourth class to check on her;

Fine :)

12pm - Went to the bathroom before my fifth class to check on her;

One hunger/happiness heart down. Fed one cherry meal and one muffin snack.

Got a letter from the king with a pineapple in it.

1:28pm - Checked and saw poop on the screen. Cleaned it.

Helga and her baby were sick. Took 1 dose to cure them.

Fed one scone and one ice cream cone.

3:36pm - Cleaned poop, and fed them a snack. Got fortune mail, and a letter from the King.

The letter had a chocolate heart present in it :)

3:40pm - Baby sized poop. Cleaned it.

That's all! I'll update later if something happens.

Bye ;D

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So, its the last night I have with Helga :'C

I thought I'd end it with one last picture, and one last update of stats.



Name: Helga

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

Hunger: Full

Happiness: Full

Training: 6/10

Happiness Points: 90

Gorgeous Points: 98

Spiritual Points: 90

Age: 7 years

Weight: 96lbs (oh my.)

GP: 2600

Well, that's it for Helga.

The tama I had the last week of my fiance's visiting:)

Pretty special, although me and Helga didn't have TOO much time to bond.

I'll still miss her D':

Bye, Helga!

So I made an itty bitty mistake.

I changed the time on my tama to 11:59pm at around 11pm,

because I was tired and didn't feel like waiting until midnight for Helga to really leave.

I took pics, then when I tried to change my clock back to 11:04pm today, I accidentally

changed it to 11:04am >.<

So now I have to take care of Helga's baby for a little bit.

Lost that sleep :/

Oh well. :p

I've only actually seen one tama leave before.

Howie. :')

So I took pics this time.


Ugh. Imma miss herrrrrr. Bye, Helga:)

Anyways. Now I have a baby to take care of.

I have named her Pixel. :)


She is very cute.


A little bit after I named her, she got sick.


But I fixed it.


She is sleeping now, so I'm going to go to bed too :)

I'll update tomorrow! Bye.


Quick update -

She just evolved into a cute little kuchitamatchi.

I'll do the hourly checking thing again tomorrow and update after school.

Bye for real this time! :)

Hello :)

Today has been a long day :/


8:15am - Still sleeping;

Since school starts at 8:30, I decided to pause her so she wouldn't

wake up needy without me to take care of her.

9:08am - Unpaused her;

She was fine. Played Tug-of-War once.

10:01am - One hunger heart down; Fed one scone.

Cleaned poop; Played Climb once.

11:06am - Once poop, cleaned. One hunger heart down, fed 1 sandwich.

Got fortune letter and letter from/visit from preschool teacher.

12:04am - One hunger heart/happy heart down. Fed 1 sushi and 1 tart.

Cleaned poop. Got a letter from the king that had makeup in it.

1:03pm - One hunger/happy heart down; Fed 1 bread and 1 french fries.

Got fortune letter and one regular letter.

Regular letter contained poop, infuriating Pixel, causing her to lose all

but 1 happy heart. Played Climb once to calm her down.

It worked :)

2:28pm - Cleaned poop; One hunger heart down, fed 1 cereal.

3:44pm - Got one fortune letter.

3:58pm - Cleaned poop. One hunger heart down, fed 1 BBQ.

Sorry this was a boring post :p I'll update when something happens.


So I'm on my blackberry right now. In the middle of cooking class right now, trying to make taco soup :p

So this update will be very quick.

But Pixel evolved! Into an adorable little UraYoung Memetchi :3

So yeah:) Pretty exciting.

Ill update with my list of daily activities after school.

Bye, guys! :)

Okay! Today has been very, very eventful!

I have some exciting news buuuut...

I'm going to make this post pretty boring ;)


8:15am - Changed the time to 8:59am, fed her, then corrected the time.

9:20am - Checked on her.

She evolved into a UraYoung Memetcni :)

She got a fortune letter.

10:15am - Cleaned poop.

She was crying. I praised her and cheered her up. :)

She got the letter from preschool, leaving preschool.

She got her letter from regular school, and went.

The teacher gave her a party hat.

She went, and won, and chose humor points. :)

11:06am - One happiness heart down, played man-hole once.

12:01pm - One hunger heart down. Fed 1 sushi.

1:14pm - Cleaned poop.

Got a time out for asking for attention when she didn't need it.

Fed her 1 sushi, 1 orange, and 1 pineapple.

Got a fortune letter.

3:00pm - Checked on her.

One hunger/happiness heart down.

Fed 1 corndog and 1 bread.

4:01pm - One hunger heart down, fed 1 cereal.

Cleaned poop.

Got one fortune letter.

4:08pm - She cried. I praised her.

That was more eventful than the other days, but not even the half of the things that have happened today ;)

Wait for my next post in a few ;D

Now for the news...


I took some pics of unboxing :)





I'll make another post with the hatching pics :)

So, as you can see, it was a girl, and I named her Polly :)

She got sick once.

And she has evolved into an adorable hitodetchi :hitodetchi:

I'll update if something happens!

Bye :)


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